God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2881 Dying to fight back

Feng Yixiu knew that King Ping Ping was good at digging soil, so in order to prevent the other party from escaping, he naturally made adequate preparations.

Under the huge martial arts field, there are countless disillusionment magic lotuses buried, and as long as the king of equality dares to approach, it will explode in an instant.

Not only that, but there are also many budding disillusionment magic lotuses hanging above the nine-layered dilapidated cage, completely blocking the possibility of King Ping's wanting to escape.

In less than half a minute, a total of nearly 200 disillusionment magic lotuses detonated one after another, so that King Pingping, who was seriously injured, saw what it was like to have no way to the sky and no way to enter the earth.


King Ping Ping gasped heavily. He didn't know whether he was angry or the physical exhaustion was too great. He stared fiercely at Feng Yixiu above and roared:

"Feng Yixiu, don't push people too hard. If you push this king too hard, don't even think about going out alive!"

"King Ping Ping, are you threatening this monarch?" Feng Yixiu said lightly from a high place, with his hands behind his back.

"You can understand it this way, this king is also one of the top ten hell demon kings. If you dare to kill this king, even if the emperor can let you go, the rest of the hell demon kings will not let you go!" King Equality With a fierce look in his eyes, he said sharply.

"Oh? That's really great. I'm thinking about how to catch the other two hell demon kings in one go. Now it seems that just killing you is enough. In this way, I can't let you go. Now..." Feng Yixiu didn't show the slightest bit of fear, but instead showed an excited smile.

"This kid is crazy..."

King Ping Ping was also speechless with anger, and the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably, secretly slandering.

No matter what, he didn't think about Feng Yixiu's recourse. This time, it was just Feng Yixiu's trick. He was accidentally attacked and then his defense was broken. Otherwise, Feng Yixiu's strength could not help him. .

But looking at Feng Yixiu's incomparably serious appearance, it doesn't seem like he is bluffing, as if he is really sure to kill the other two hell demon kings.

"King Ping Ping, you can go on the road with peace of mind!" Feng Yixiu did not intend to give Ping Ping Wang a chance to rest. A fair contest is reserved for worthy opponents, and the sinful Ping Ping Wang is not included.


As soon as the words fell, the Queen of Thorns and the Star Dragon King launched a fierce offensive at the same time. The thunder and light above the sky were brilliant, and the thunderbolts fell down like rain.

The thunder element is one of the restraining attributes of the gold element. Like the powerful lightning-type ultimate monster like the Star Dragon King, even the king of equality can only temporarily avoid the edge.

With incomparably flexible positioning and super spiritual perception, King Ping Ping kept shuttle in the dense sea of ​​thunder, seemingly panicking, but in fact he did not suffer too much damage.


Immediately afterwards, the ruined vines entwined with thunder light broke through suddenly, like a fast thunder dragon, rushing towards the king of equality from all directions.

Different from the previous dark gold vines, there are a lot of disillusionment magic lotus entangled on each dilapidated vine, but King Equality has seen its power, and naturally he does not dare to confront it head-on.

I saw King Ping's huge body twisting and bending at an incredible angle. It seemed impossible to pass through the tiny gaps, but it became its life-saving straw, escaping the entanglement again and again like a smooth loach.


King Ping Ping didn't dare to stay under the low altitude anymore, even if he swung his wings to cover the sky, it turned into a black lightning and rushed towards Feng Yixiu above the sky.

This guy's movement speed is too fast. Whenever the great formation of the wind spirit condensed by the Queen of Thorns has not yet formed, it has already escaped from the encirclement and is constantly approaching Feng Yixiu at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, Feng Yixiu, who has Apocalypse's body protection, is so easy to approach. Whenever King Pingping gets a little closer, a powerful wave of pure white repulsion bursts out, sending him out with a violent earthquake.

At first, King Ping Ping was still very embarrassed, and every time he was knocked up by Apocalypse, it made him depressed, but after several attempts, he gradually got used to it.

Every time Apocalypse erupts, there will be a short interval, and this interval is getting longer and longer with the massive consumption of Feng Yixiu's spiritual power.

After King Ping Ping mastered this law, he began to charge again and again. The purpose was naturally to consume Feng Yixiu's physical and spiritual power, and to take the opportunity to find opportunities to get close to the opponent.

As long as there is a chance to get close, King Ping Ping is confident that he can end Feng Yixiu's life in an instant, and the war situation will be turned upside down.

"This guy has such a strong vitality..." Feng Yixiu was also a little surprised at King Ping's stamina, but he wasn't too flustered.

King Ping Ping is consuming his own spiritual and physical strength, and Feng Yixiu is not consuming the physical strength of the other party. The speed of King Ping Ping is nearly twice as slow as before.

It was another aggressive charge, but this time Apocalypse seemed to have not erupted in a strong repulsion wave for a long time. King Pingping was overjoyed when he saw this, he tried his last strength to accelerate suddenly, and shouted angrily: "Death!"

"It's almost time..."

Feng Yixiu stared coldly at Xuepen Dakou, who was getting closer and closer, still expressionless, but he was secretly snickering in his heart, the hands behind his back were constantly changing the sword art, which was exactly what motivated Wanyu. The method of sword formation.

In an instant, the entire martial arts field

A violent vibration suddenly occurred, and a looming sword formation began to slowly emerge.

However, this is far from over. The dark sword formations of one layer after another are still expanding outwards. A total of nine layers of dense sword formations have all appeared in an instant, and even the small half of the palace of equality has been shrouded in it.

"This... this is the Ten Thousand Prison Sword Formation?"

When King Ping Ping felt this shocking sword intent, his pupils suddenly began to shrink, and he subconsciously paused in the air for a while, his eyes were full of panic and disbelief, and he murmured to himself: "Impossible, absolutely impossible. , Feng Yixiu, this kid is only in the Battle Spirit Emperor Realm, how could he put up such a peerless sword formation!"

No wonder King Ping Ping was so shocked. It was precisely because he knew enough about Emperor Molong that he knew how terrifying this Ten Thousand Prisons Sword Array was, and it was absolutely impossible for non-seventh-order source warriors to comprehend.

No matter how strong this Feng Yixiu is, but in the War Spirit Emperor Realm, he has not yet broken through the seventh-order psychic power system source martial artist. In any case, it is impossible to control such a super-large sword formation.

Just when King Ping Ping was still immersed in the consternation of the Ten Thousand Prisons Sword Array, the pure white Apocalypse had quietly transformed into a dark Tian Dusky Star.

However, the gravitational fluctuations of Dusky Star have not completely erupted this day. Now the Star Saint Dragon King can briefly suppress the fluctuations of Dusky Star, allowing it to explode with stronger power at the most suitable time.


The Heaven Slaughtering Demon Ape used all its strength to strike the Dusky Star with a terrifying force, and the terrifying burst of power turned the Dusky Star into a black lightning bolt.

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