God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2882 Ten Thousand Swords Unite


Before King Ping Ping had completely recovered, that black and unsustainable Tian Duanxing went down its throat and sank into its belly.

By the time King Pingping reacted, it was too late. The attack of the Heavenly Slaughtering Demon Ape was too ruthless, and it smashed Tianduxing into its stomach in one fell swoop.

"Tian Dusky Star Burst!"

Feng Yixiu showed a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, and the gravitational fluctuations that Dusky Star had suppressed for a long time that day began to explode in an instant.

With the eruption of Tian Dusky Star, King Ping Ping felt that his internal organs began to distort and shrink violently, and the unimaginable pain caused it to keep rolling on the spot.

The gravitational fluctuations of Tian Dusky Star are too terrifying, and they are firmly absorbed in its body, and no matter how hard the King of Pingyi tries, he cannot spit it out.


Even if it was swallowed by King Ping Ping, the violent gravitational fluctuations erupted by Tian Dusky Star were still very astonishing. I saw that the entire martial arts field began to vibrate violently, and countless boulders were swept up by the gravitational fluctuations. high altitude.

Countless boulders smashed heavily towards the king of equality in midair from all directions, and hundreds of ninth-layered disillusionment magic lotuses were also attracted to the past.

However, within tens of seconds, a star with a diameter of more than 10,000 meters appeared in the sky above the martial arts arena. This terrifying scene also made everyone in the Palace of Ping Ping drop their jaws, and they all raised their heads to look towards A giant star floating in mid-air.

"Hoo ho ho..."

However, it didn't take long for the huge Shaky Sky Star to vibrate violently, countless rubble began to fall continuously, and bursts of dull roars continued to leak from the cracks in the meteorite.

After all, it is a legendary World of Warcraft. Even if it is reduced to such a level, it still possesses an unparalleled explosive power, and it is impossible to completely suppress it by just relying on Hanyu Tianxing.

Feng Yixiu seemed to have anticipated this scene for a long time, and the sword in his hand never stopped, and said coldly: "Since you are so eager to come out to find death, then I will help you!"


As soon as the voice fell, the nine-layered disillusionment magic lotus buried in the shaking sky star bloomed at the same time, and the incomparably dazzling nine-color brilliance made the scorching sun above the sky lose its color.

The deafening sound of the explosion lasted for more than ten seconds before it slowly stopped. The huge Shaanyu Tianxing had already disappeared under such violent explosions, and only a huge black shadow could be seen in the smoke and dust in the sky. Fall slowly.

However, it can be seen that King Ping Ping has not completely died, and its incomplete wings that cover the sky are still shaking slightly...

"Wanjian Style Sword Prison!"

I saw Feng Yixiu suddenly pull his sword out of its sheath, and a shocking sword intent instantly resonated with the sword formation of the Ten Thousand Hells, which was as shocking as the roar of a group of dragons.

In the pitch-black sword formation, the first thing that rushed out was a golden dragon sword that exuded an amazing dragon breath in the very center, and then the nine demon swords of prison that exuded different breaths also rushed out of the sword formation.

These ten demon swords of prison are the top ten strongest sword soul leaders that Feng Yixiu has conquered from the Wanbing Tomb. They are either the golden dragon king who leads the ancient dragon clan, or the elf king who leads the ancient elves. It's not the ancient strongman who can defeat a hundred with one.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

After the ten magic swords appeared, the rest of the ten thousand swords began to quickly rush out of the pitch-black sword formation, rushing towards the slowly falling King Pingping with an overwhelming momentum.

The speed of the Demon Sword of Prison is incomparably astonishing. Don’t forget that there is a Dusky Star in the belly of King Ping Ping that continuously emits gravitational fluctuations. The speed of tens of thousands of Demon Swords is even higher under the guidance of gravitational fluctuations. With a qualitative leap, it is like a meteor piercing through time and space.

For a time, the sea between heaven and earth turned into a sea of ​​swords, and the ancient sword energy filled every corner of the palace of equality. Everyone seemed to forget that they were still fighting bloody battles, and just stared blankly at the tide of swords flying in the sky. .

Tens of thousands of Demon Swords of Prison launched an offensive at the same time, and the overwhelming sword energy was intertwined, like a splendid reverse meteor shower. The scene was indescribable. In the shadow of swords and swords.

As the so-called quantitative change can lead to qualitative change, a demon sword of prison can't help a king of equality with copper skin and iron bones. A hundred swords can be regarded as nothing, and a thousand swords can only pose a certain threat, but now there are 10,000 swords!

Not to mention the King of Equality in a state of serious injury, even if it was in its prime, it would not dare to underestimate it. Its proud black and gold armor began to fall apart under the baptism of the sword tide, and its countless sword feet were also destroyed. All of them were cut off, and the dark green demon blood spilled on the ground like a fountain.

However, the hundred-footed worm is dead and not stiff. Whether Wang Rao has reached such a situation, he is still breathing a sigh of relief. The only two giant jaws that remain are closed together, as if he wants to kill Feng Yixiu in the distance. of.

"All swords are united!"

Feng Yixiu snorted softly, and immediately took out the Tianyuan Hades Sword in his hand, and the long sword exuded bursts of sword sounds, as if the Dragon King was giving orders.

The tens of thousands of Demon Swords of Prison no longer attack King Equal, but turned into a river of swords and continued to gather towards the dark sword above.

I saw a super-large magic sword that seemed to be able to reach the Jiuzhongtian slowly taking shape, and it was impossible to explore the length of this sword, because the half of the sword body had already submerged into the clouds.


Feng Yixiu used it to refer to the sword, and that seemingly relaxed and freehand finger, but it contained soul-stirring killing intent and sword energy.

At the same time, the Heavenly Demon Sword suspended above Feng Yixiu's head swayed down at the same time, and its speed was astounding, and everyone could only

Seeing a pitch-black sword qi descending from the sky like a moat, nothing could stop the sword's edge.


A sword fell, and the Heavenly Demon Sword instantly disintegrated, and tens of thousands of sword souls submerged into the Heavenly Abyss Pluto Sword again, and then the long sword turned into a black streamer and disappeared into the wind and repaired the scabbard around his waist.

After the magic sword was sheathed, the heaven and earth began to change at the same time, the clouds above the sky began to split, and a ravine appeared in the martial arts field below the ground.

Between the heavens and the earth, the giant body of King Ping Ping, like a mountain, suddenly appeared an invisible blood line, and then the dark green demon blood exploded in all directions.

With the dissipation of Dusky Star, I saw King Ping's huge head and body began to fall rapidly, but Feng Yixiu would not let it fall into the abyss, after all, Feng Yixiu was counting on using its Warcraft crystal core!

Therefore, before the King of Equality fell into the abyss, the Queen of Thorns had already made a move. Countless tenacious vines grew on the edge of the abyss, and they were intertwined into a large net almost in the blink of an eye, catching the falling debris very accurately. corpse.

After the King of Equality fell to the ground, he struggled a little, but it didn't take long for there to be no movement at all, and the fire of life gradually began to go out.

One of the demon kings of hell who used to be all-powerful, the king of equality has finally fallen completely...

"It's finally over..." Feng Yixiu sighed deeply, his tense nerves were completely relaxed, and the dual exhaustion of body and soul hit like a tide.

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