God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2883 dead but not stiff

This battle wind and repair seems to be easy, but in fact, he has tried his best, and his spiritual power and spiritual power have been exhausted.

If the sword just didn't kill the king of equality, I am afraid that the only person who died can be him...

"The King of Equality is a metallic magical beast, and it happens to be a metallic legendary crystal core that I don't have. This is really sleepy and someone gave a pillow..."

While speaking, Feng Yixiu couldn't wait to fly down, ready to take out the crystal core of the beast hidden in King Ping's body.

However, when Feng Yixiu was less than 100 meters away from the ground, a scene that he did not expect happened, the body of King Pingping, who should have died, actually began to move.

I saw the small half of King Ping's body suddenly jumped up, a bloody mouth slammed towards Feng Yixiu, and a pair of sharp jaws could not wait to tear him to pieces.

Feng Yixiu was also taken aback by this incredible scene. The King of Ping Ping had clearly lost his vitality. Obviously, he was dead and could no longer die. He never thought that he was still struggling.

Unprepared, Feng Yixiu subconsciously wanted to urge the Millennium Ring to escape, but helplessly found that his spiritual power was not enough.


Feng Yixiu cursed in his heart, and he could only quickly raise the long sword in his hand to block him, but this kind of defense was obviously not very effective.

The bite force of the giant jaws of King Pingping is too strong, even the Heaven Slaughtering Demon Ape with an inextinguishable demon body cannot resist it head-on, let alone Feng Yixiu, who is only flesh and blood.

"Nine Layers Extreme Penetration!"

Just when Feng Yixiu was at a loss, a phoenix ming seemed to come from nine days away, penetrating the void, and an arrow emitting a dazzling fire light accurately hit the eyes of King Ping Ping with incredible speed.

The nine-layered annihilation arrow penetrated the entire head of the King of Equality, and the violent Suzaku holy flame instantly ignited the entire head, and the terrifying force flew it out, and it was firmly fixed on the stone wall far away. above.

"Brother Feng, are you alright?" Shen Ruyu hurried over and immediately supported Feng Yixiu, who was shaky, and asked softly.

"Fortunately, you came in time, there is nothing serious..." Feng Yixiu was still a little frightened, and forced a wry smile.

"Don't approach the Zerg monster for half an hour after the death of the Zerg monster. This is common knowledge in the war spirit world, not to mention that King Ping Ping is not an ordinary Zerg monster. Brother Feng, why did you make such a low-level mistake?" Shen Ruyu frowned slightly and snapped. questioned.

Feng Yixiu touched his nose in embarrassment and whispered, "I'm sorry, I was careless for a while, and I will never make such a mistake next time."

"Do you dare to have a next time?" Shen Ruyu said with a serious face.

"Miss Jade, the Lord is also eager to find evolutionary materials for the Nine-Tailed Empress, so I can't help but be a little anxious. Please don't blame him anymore..." The Queen of Thorns also came over and explained softly.

"Since it's for Sister Jiu'er, I'll forgive you this time, but you can't be so reckless in the future." Shen Ruyu's frowning brows slightly stretched, and she nodded lightly.

"Understood... it's still my Yu'er who is considerate." Feng Yixiu smiled and said softly.

"By the way... You just said that you want to find evolutionary materials for Sister Jiu'er. I don't know how far it has progressed?" Shen Ruyu asked curiously.

"It's almost half done, but I'll have to wait until the relics of the mountains and seas are opened again, I'm afraid it can be completely completed." Feng Yixiu said truthfully without any concealment.

"I remember that you have a lot of legendary Warcraft crystal cores, and now you have killed King Ping Ping, but you are still less than half completed?" Shen Ruyu's pupils suddenly enlarged and she said with a look of astonishment.

"Legendary realm is not a trivial matter. If you want to evolve, you must choose the best evolution route. Jiu'er's best evolution route is Samsara Tianhu. If you add Jiu Sin Fox's soul-type monster crystal core, you need to choose the best evolution route. Ten legendary Warcraft crystal cores with different elements are not so easy to get together." Feng Yixiu smiled bitterly and said lightly.

"My God! This is too difficult!" Shen Ruyu was also taken aback by what Feng Yixiu said, and she didn't recover for a long time, "No wonder Brother Feng didn't let Sister Jiu'er come to Huaxia, If she knew that you took such a risk for him, she would definitely not agree."

"So this matter, you must keep it a secret for me!" Feng Yixiu said condensedly.

"Hmm... I'll keep it a secret for you, but this isn't your business alone. Don't forget that you're not alone. If you need any help, feel free to tell me. Brother Han Xiao and I are all alone. I can help." Shen Ruyu nodded heavily and said loudly.

Feng Yixiu nodded gratified and continued: "By the way... How is the progress of this battle? Is everything going well?"

"For some reason, the Palace of Ping Ping seems to be preparing for the celebration, resulting in a very loose defense. Coupled with the addition of the ninth sequence group, it is estimated that it will not be long before the curtain falls." Shen Ruyu stroked her chin and whispered slowly, as if Remembering something, he added: "Grandpa Zhou, and all the hostages who were held in the dungeon were rescued."

"That's good..." Feng Yixiu smiled and nodded, softly speaking.

"Brother Feng, you look very tired. Leave other things alone, or take a good rest first." Shen Ruyu looked at Feng Yixiu's pale face, and couldn't help feeling a little distressed, and immediately helped him to a cool place Sit down.

The top ten hell demon kings are all legendary monsters. After all, Shen Ruyu has also had the experience of fighting legendary monsters, and naturally knows its horror.

Although Feng Yixiu didn't mention the process of this battle, Shen Ruyu used her toes to think about how dangerous it was. He was fighting a legendary monster by himself!

Even if Feng Yixiu succeeded in a sneak attack, he gained a lot of advantages, but it is still as difficult as going to the sky to kill him completely, but Feng Yixiu really did it.

"Clang clang clang..."

The most important battle has come to an end, but the huge battle on the main battlefield is still going on, and the voices of soldiers crossing each other are coming one after another. At first, when King Pingping had not yet fallen, the two sides were still evenly matched, but with the death of King Pingping, the hundreds of thousands of Heavenly Fierce Legions had lost their hearts of resistance and fell into a complete disadvantage.

The battle for the Palace of Equality lasted for about an hour, and the result was self-evident. The Central China Base completely destroyed the entire Palace of Equality at a very small cost.

Zhong Limei, Shentu Yijian and the others also rushed to the martial arts field where Feng Yixiu was located for the first time. When they saw the corpse as huge as a mountain, they couldn't help feeling fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Even in the face of an immobile corpse, they could still feel the overwhelming strength of the other party. It was hard to imagine that Feng Yixiu could kill such an unparalleled monster by himself.

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