God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2884 The clearer is self-cleaning

"Report to Mr. Feng, the Ping Ping Palace has been cleaned up, please instruct!" Shen Tu Yijian respectfully saluted and said loudly.

Feng Yixiu slowly opened his eyes, the long rest made his pale complexion ruddy, he smiled and nodded and said: "It's hard for you, but I don't know if I remembered that this gentleman brought Yu'er to you. your order?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Feng, your subordinates have deliberately let go of some of the remnants of the Palace of Equality!" Shen Tu Yijian smiled and nodded. He wanted to ask the reason, but he hesitated for a while and still didn't speak.

"You must be a little curious, why is this gentleman doing this?" Feng Yixiu got up slowly with the help of Shen Ruyu, and explained softly: "Although the crisis in our central China base has been temporarily lifted, there are still many places. It is still in dire straits, and this is just to do it once and for all.”

"My subordinates are stupid, and I still don't quite understand the intention of the superior..." Shen Tu Yijian frowned slightly and muttered in a low voice.

"This gentleman can let go of these blood spirit masters in the Palace of Equality, in order to let them go and report to the other two hell demon kings. As far as I know, the ten hell demon kings are connected with each other. If they know that King Ping Ping died in the hands of this monarch, and he will definitely not let it go." Feng Yixiu explained.

Hearing this, Shentu Yijian and Zhong Limei also looked at each other, and their expressions became extremely solemn.

They understood Feng Yixiu's intentions, but they couldn't understand it at all. They had only heard of the disaster, but they had never seen anyone who took the initiative to set himself on fire.

Just one king of equality has caused heavy losses to the Central China Base. It is hard to imagine what a terrifying sight it will be once the two Demon Kings of Hell join hands. I am afraid that the Central China Base will really be ruined.

"I know that you are a little worried, but I also ask you to believe that this move can temporarily relieve the crisis in China, and hundreds of millions of people in China can save their lives." Feng Yixiu said with heavy eyes and a serious face.

"The seven marshals have said that as long as you return, all matters big and small in China will be decided by you, and I will also fully cooperate with Chief Feng!" Shen Tu Yijian echoed loudly.

Feng Yixiu nodded with satisfaction and said softly, "It's not advisable to stay here for a long time. Now that the battle is over, let's go back to the underground shelter first and then have a long-term plan."

"As ordered!"

Shentu Yijian and Zhong Limei's waists were straight, they turned around abruptly and retreated.

Now the Palace of Equality has been completely destroyed, and the crisis at the Central China Base has basically been lifted, but those buildings that have collapsed are difficult to rebuild in a short period of time.

Even if the people of Central China can cheer up in a short period of time, there is no guarantee that the war will not spread to the Central China base during these special times.

Hundreds of thousands of Central China troops protected the rescued 100,000 hostages in the center, and proceeded to the underground shelter in an orderly manner.

Those idle monsters scattered all over the central China base did not dare to take action against such a huge army, and they avoided them far away without waiting for them to approach.

After more than an hour, the mighty Central China Legion returned to the underground shelter, along with the rescued hostages.

Perhaps it was because King Pingping liked tender flesh and blood. Most of the hostages captured by the Palace of Pingping were still underage.

There is no need to say how important a young child is to a family. Every kidnapped child means a broken family. I don’t know that many parents wash their faces in tears all day long, looking forward to their children. To be able to come back alive one day.

Therefore, not long after these hostages returned to the underground shelter, the Huazhong Refuge, which was like a pool of stagnant water, instantly boiled, and almost all the parents who had lost their children rushed to the hall like crazy to claim their missing children.

For a time, the entire underground shelter was filled with cries of joy, and moving scenes of family reunion could be seen everywhere. Even people who had not lost their loved ones were touched by this scene.

Feng Yixiu looked at this warm scene, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly, before waiting for everyone to react, he turned around slowly, and said softly: "I am waiting for you in Conference Room No. 1."

"Sir Feng, most of them have misunderstood you, aren't you ready to explain it?" Zhong Limei asked anxiously when Feng Yixiu was about to leave.

"There's no need for this, I believe that the pure are pure, the turbid is pure, and justice is at ease in the hearts of the people. Besides, this is not for anyone's gratitude..." Feng Yixiu didn't look back, just waved his hand casually, In an instant, he disappeared in place.

"The realm of Lord Feng is really not something that ordinary people like us can understand." Shen Tu Yijian was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses and said to himself.

"Master Feng has a large number, and he doesn't care about those false names, but we can't be ignorant and let him continue to be criticized for no reason..." Zhong Limei clenched his fists, and then walked to the center of Hall 1, and said loudly: "Everyone, The reason why we were able to win the tough battle today and rescue all the hostages that were taken away is entirely due to the humiliation and burden of the monarch Feng to sneak into the palace of the king of equality, regardless of the danger, and killed the evil king of equality alone, if you still have conscience, please do so in the future. Don't talk about the wind monarch behind your back!"

In an instant, tens of thousands of people in Hall 1 fell silent, and everyone's eyes were filled with self-blame and remorse.

Even many people can't wait to slap themselves. They should suspect Chinese heroes because of some rumors. It really shouldn't be.

Facts speak louder than words, and Feng Yixiu's good deeds will soon spread throughout China.

Open, all the rumors will be self-defeating.

Perhaps the voice of doubt will never disappear, but as long as people who believe in Feng Yixiu become the mainstream, those people with dirty minds will never dare to publicly slander Feng Yixiu, otherwise they will inevitably become the target of verbal criticism.

When Zhong Limei saw everyone's reaction, she nodded with satisfaction, and then walked quickly towards the conference room No. 1.

As soon as the door of the conference room was opened, Feng Yixiu, Shen Ruyu and others, and the sequence leader Bing Li were already seated.

"I'm sorry, I've just been delayed in dealing with some things, making you wait for a long time..." Zhong Limei hurriedly sat in his own seat and said softly.

"Now that the news of King Ping's death has been released, it is estimated that there will be retaliation from the two major hell demon kings in the near future. We need to discuss a feasible combat plan. In fact, I already have some ideas, but this is not the case. What you can do alone requires your full cooperation." Feng Yixiu didn't say anything, just straight to the point.

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