God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2885 Sky Void Star

"Sir Feng, please tell me, I will fully cooperate!" Zhong Limei said with a serious face.

"I'll tell you the general plan first, and then let's discuss the details..." Feng Yixiu stood up slowly, and said solemnly, "When the battle for the King's Palace was just now, everyone must have seen it before. Apocalypse and Tian Duan Xing, but you may not have seen Tian Xuxing.”


Zhong Limei and Shentu Yijian were also puzzled and whispered.

Shen Ruyu, Han Xiao and others have seen the power of Tianxuxing with their own eyes. As for Bingli Sequence Chief, they have also heard about it, and immediately guessed the plan that Feng Yixiu said.

"The so-called Tianxingxing is formed by the fusion of Tianduxing and Apocalypse, a destructive force that can make everything into nothingness. You can understand it as a nuclear weapon that existed before the Great Wilderness Era..." Feng Seeing that the two of them were confused, Yixiu explained patiently.

"We can probably understand what Chief Feng said, but it is said that nuclear weapons have great side effects. I don't know about this Tianxingxing..." Zhong Limei nodded thoughtfully, feeling a little worried in his heart.

People in this era have not really seen nuclear weapons. In order to prevent the recurrence of the tragedy of hundreds of years, all relevant information has been completely destroyed.

"Please rest assured, although the destructive power of Tianxuxing is powerful, it does not leave any radiation, and naturally it will not cause large-scale mutation and evolution of Warcraft." Feng Yixiu smiled and shook his head, and then the conversation started. Turning around, he said condensedly: "But having said that, it is precisely because the destructive power of Tianxuxing is too terrifying, even I can't control it..."

"A power that cannot be completely controlled, doesn't that mean that it may also hurt oneself?" Bing Li sequence long frowned, and suddenly caught the core of the problem.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Feng Yixiu nodded helplessly, and said softly, "Yes, the False Star can indeed devour me, so I can't use it unless necessary, if I have to use it. You have to be cautious too.”

"Is this too risky..." Bing Li Sequence Chief stroked his chin and muttered.

"I don't deny that there are risks, but some risks are worth taking. Now the situation in China is in jeopardy. Every time we delay, tens of thousands of Chinese people die. We can't delay it any longer." face earnestly.

"I don't know how confident the wind sequence leader is?" Bing Li asked.

Feng Yixiu pondered for a long time, and said solemnly: "If everything goes well, I have a 70% certainty that I will succeed and be able to retreat!"


"Naturally take it seriously, I won't make fun of my own life!" Feng Yixiu said with firmness and determination.

"Since I'm 70% sure, I don't have any opinion." Bing Li Sequence Chief nodded lightly, and was the first to stand up.

"Then we don't have any opinion, we must fully cooperate with Chief Feng!" Minister Zhong and Minister Shentu also echoed.

"Since everyone has no opinion, let's discuss the detailed plan..."

While speaking, Feng Yixiu slowly spread out his palm and put the balance watch he took out on his wrist. After some manipulations, a three-dimensional map of China was projected.

Although Huaxia's communication base station is basically damaged and cannot achieve normal communication functions, other functions can still be used normally, such as holographic projection and data search.

Feng Yixiu first fixed his eyes on the North China base, and said solemnly: "Now the King of Five Senses is attacking the North China headquarters, trying to win the core holy talisman. As for where the other hell demon king is, I don't know, I don't know. Do any of you know?"

"The other Hell Demon King is Biancheng King, and it is now leading his troops to attack White Tiger City." Bing Li Sequence Chief responded.

"White Tiger City..."

At the end of Dongfang Xia, when he heard the news, his body trembled, and his expression became a little dignified.

The city owner of White Tiger City was her mother Dongfang Yun, and when she heard such bad news, Dongfang Xia was naturally anxious.

Bing Li also noticed Dongfang Xia's nervousness, and immediately reassured him: "Miss Dongfang, don't worry too much, the first sequence Chang Duanmu Chen and the second sequence Chang Tantai Mingyue have already gone to support Baihu City, so it shouldn't be in a short time. There is a possibility of being lost.”

Hearing this, Dongfang Xia Mo nodded silently, and the restless little hand gradually put down the table.

Duanmuchen's strength is naturally trustworthy. With his help in guarding the White Tiger City, even the Demon King of Hell would never take too much advantage.

"This operation needs to try to make the two major hell devils arrive at the Central China Base at the same time. White Tiger City is a little farther away from the Central China Base. I am afraid that colleagues from the Holy See will need to help hold the King of Five Senses for a while, and try to ensure that the two can arrive at the same time. "Feng Yixiu frowned slightly and said softly.

"Let me handle this matter. I will secretly gather several sequence leaders who are responsible for guarding the central China base, and then ambush on the only way for the King of Five Senses to go to the central China base. Try to hold on for some time." Bing Li sequence The long stood up and took the initiative to take the most difficult task.

"Then it's hard work, Sister Bingli, but remember, don't force it, everything must be safety first!" Feng Yixiu nodded lightly, not forgetting to instruct.

"I wonder what we can do?" Zhong Limei asked anxiously.

"Minister Zhong doesn't have to worry, naturally there are more important things for you to accomplish." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, and then continued: "The power of Tianxingxing will increase with the swallowed object.

The magnitude of fluctuations and the devouring of the two legendary monsters at the same time will cause destructive power, even this gentleman cannot predict, so to be on the safe side, everyone in the entire Central China Base needs to complete the transfer in advance. "

The underground shelter is not absolutely safe. Although Feng Yixiu will try his best to release Tian Xuxing in the sky, the opponent may not cooperate, and he must consider all possibilities.

Once Tianxuxing is detonated at a low altitude, it will inevitably involve the entire underground shelter. Even if it is lucky not to be involved in the underground shelter, the entire Central China base may not have any survival materials, and they will not be able to hold on for long.

"It's still Mr. Feng who is thoughtful, but there are tens of millions of people in the entire Central China Refuge. Even if the migration can be completed in a short period of time, where can it be migrated?" Doubt in mind.

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