God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2886 Migration Plan

"Yeah! It may be possible to distribute tens of millions of people to refuges such as South China and East China. Even if they are willing to accept it, it will be too crowded. Besides, such a large-scale migration may cause unnecessary Doubt, on the contrary, will ruin our plan." Minister Shentu also nodded in agreement.

Without waiting for Feng Yixiu to speak, Shen Ruyu, who had not spoken for a long time, said indifferently: "The compatriots in the Central China Base can temporarily move to the Shura Empire, and now the Shura Empire is considered to be huge and rich, not to mention that it can accommodate tens of millions of people. Even if everyone in the entire Huaxia completes the migration, there will be no problem."

In just a few short years, the rapidly developing Shura Empire's land area is no less than that of Huaxia, but its population base is less than half that of Huaxia.

With the current abundant resources and area of ​​the Shura Empire, even if everyone in China was moved here, it would not be crowded. On the contrary, it would promote the development of the Shura Empire, and the existence of the Shura Barrier could protect the safety of everyone to the greatest extent. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"That's right, what Yu'er said is exactly what this gentleman thinks. In fact, it's not just about transferring the compatriots from the Central China Base. I have also made plans to transfer all the staff of the seven bases." Feng Yixiu smiled at Shen Ruyu. He smiled and said softly.

"But wouldn't this be too troublesome for Lord Feng..." Zhong Limei hesitated.

Zhong Limei and Shentu Yijian are naturally willing to move the people of Central China to the Shura Empire, but he also knows that this is not a trivial matter, and it is very likely that it will cause a lot of burden to the Shura Empire.

After all, one more person means one more mouth, even if the Asura Empire, the richest in the world, bears the expenses of the two empires at the same time, it is quite a laborious thing.

"The family doesn't speak two words. The Shura Empire and Huaxia have always been close to each other. Now that Huaxia has encountered such a catastrophe, I, as a child of Huaxia, naturally cannot stand by and watch."

"But..." Zhong Limei still didn't dare to make a decision lightly, after all, this matter is really too big.

Not to mention that the seven marshals have not yet returned, even after they have returned, I am afraid that it will take a lot of discussion to make a decision on this matter.

Feng Yixiu's performance was extremely strong, and he didn't give the other party any chance to refuse, and said condensedly: "Didn't you say that before the return of the Seven Great Marshals, I have full authority to decide the affairs of China? Proposal!"

"As ordered!"

Shentu Yijian and Zhong Limei saw Feng Yixiu's attitude so firm, and their momentum immediately weakened, and nodded in agreement.

This matter is naturally beneficial to Huaxia without any harm. Once all the Chinese people have completed the transfer, then the fierce people will not be able to use this as a threat, and the seven marshals will no longer need to be restrained.

It's just that the Shura Empire may also be involved in the vortex of right and wrong, and it may even be retaliated by the fierce people, so they will be so hesitant.

"I know what you think in your heart, but at this time, no one can be alone. Only by working together to overcome the catastrophe can there be a chance of life..." Feng Yixiu said with a faint gaze, word by word.

"What the monarch Feng said is very true, but I waited for it to be superficial." Zhong Limei bowed slightly and said softly.

"Most of the teleportation formations are damaged now, and you two need to send someone to complete the repair immediately, and at the same time drive away all the magical beasts in Central China, so as not to leak the rumors when the migration is completed." Feng Yixiu looked serious. command.

With the demise of the Palace of Ping Ping, the idle monsters in Central China are also unfavorable, and the strength of the Central China headquarters can completely drive them out.

At this time, the teleportation formation project between Huaxia and the Shura Empire also has a role to play, and these teleportation formations can be used to help transfer the Chinese people to the Shura Empire.

In this way, tens of millions of compatriots in the Central China Base can be transferred to the safe Shura Empire without being aware of it.

As for whether the people at the Central China Base are willing to do this, of course there is no need to doubt it, no one will like these dark days.

Now the prosperous Central China base has become a wasteland. Even if they have the intention to rebuild their homes, I am afraid they can not do it in a short time, and there is no guarantee that they will be destroyed next time. blow, so the Shura Empire is the best place for them.

"This matter is a huge project. We only have less than three days. We must complete the transfer of all personnel before that!" Feng Yixiu touched the tip of his nose and said softly.

"Yes, this subordinate will take care of it!"

Zhong Limei and Shentu Yijian excitedly pushed the door and walked out, and without the slightest delay, they led the large army to the outside world to disperse the beast tide.

Feng Yixiu looked at Han Xiao and Dongfang Xiamo again, and said with a smile: "Big Brother Han Xiao, the Shura Empire doesn't know about this yet, I'm afraid you need to go and explain it together."

"No problem, this matter is covered by me!" Han Xiao didn't say anything, he pushed open the door and left, Dongfang Xia Mo immediately followed after seeing this.

"Time is urgent, then I'll go ahead!"

Seeing that everyone started to act, the Bing Li sequence immediately prepared to go to the South China base and other places for help.

Her task is to try to slow down the pace of the Five Senses King, so that the two Hell Demon Kings can reach the Central China Base at the same time as possible.

"Brother Feng, are you sure you are 70% sure about this action?" Shen Ruyu asked after there were only two people left in the conference room.

"If it's just me, I'm afraid I won't even be 50% sure, but isn't it Yu'er you?" Feng Yixiu smiled and said softly.

"This time, you still have a conscience. I thought you were going to abandon me again and act alone!" Shen Ruyu smiled charmingly and whispered.

"I don't know the strength of the King Biancheng and the King of Five Senses, and we don't know which of them will come first. We must plan for the worst!" Feng Yixiu said solemnly.

"The two of us may not be the opponents of the Hell Demon King, but it's not a problem to delay for a while, but I don't know how Brother Feng is going to get out?" Shen Ruyu frowned slightly and asked curiously.

"Naturally, I use the teleportation formation to escape. I am going to let Han Xiao and Xia Mo meet us in advance. Once the Sky Void Star is detonated, we can escape immediately." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said lightly.

"If all goes well, then we can get two more legendary Warcraft crystal cores, and Jiu'er sister has taken a big step forward from the legendary evolution!" Shen Ruyu seemed to have thought of something and said excitedly.

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