God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2888 absolute strength

It didn't take long for Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu to appear above a hidden teleportation formation, dozens of kilometers away, and the deafening digging movement could still be heard.

The two looked at the location where the sound came from, and saw that the sky was densely covered with demon clouds, countless flying sand and rocks were thrown into the sky, and the ground was shaking violently.

Even if it is dozens of kilometers away, Feng Yixiu can still clearly feel the suffocating pressure, but this is not the first time he has faced the devil of hell alone, but he is not too afraid, and said softly: " Yu’er, that should be King Bian Cheng, don’t fight hard, try to delay the time as much as possible…”

Shen Ruyu took a deep breath and suppressed the tension in his heart, but nodded silently, and two splendid spirit summoning circles quickly emerged around him.

"Battle Spirit Fusion·Astrology Holy Dragon Phoenix!"

The Star Saint Dragon King and the Glazed Fire Phoenix began to rapidly merge, and a battle spirit with an even more astonishing breath appeared in mid-air, releasing a huge pressure without restraint.

Sure enough, the movement of the giant beast that was dozens of kilometers away suddenly stopped, and the shaking like a landslide and ground fissure also stopped slowly. I saw a dark green giant scorpion drilled out from the depths of the ground.

Even if it is dozens of kilometers away, it is no wonder that Feng Yixiu still feels the strong sense of oppression from the other party. Its body length is similar to that of King Ping Ping, almost reaching a length of more than 4,000 meters.

However, in terms of size and quality, this giant scorpion is still much larger, like a steel castle that can be moved.

Although King Bian Cheng is not as flexible as King Ping Ping, his attack method is more domineering. A pair of powerful and powerful pincers rattled, and the towering peaks blocking the road were as fragile as a piece of tofu in front of the giant pincers. , it turned into powder with a little pinch.

The most terrifying thing is the highly poisonous tail thorn hanging high behind it. Under the sunlight, it exudes a dark green cold light, which makes people shudder.

Facing such a powerful King Bian Cheng, Feng Yixiu's expression also became a little serious. Once caught by the giant pincer, or hit by the flexible stinger, I am afraid that ten lives will not be enough. .


I saw Feng Yixiu immediately unfolded the Qiongqi magic wings, and immediately flew to the back of the astrological holy dragon and phoenix with Shen Ruyu.

After the fusion of the battle spirits, both Apocalypse and Dusky Star have a qualitative leap in their power. Even if they lose to King Bian Cheng, they can at least protect them from fatal injuries.


King Bian's movement speed is extremely exaggerated, and the distance of tens of kilometers is just a flick of a finger for him, and the double pliers that open their teeth and claws seem to be ready to cut the wind into pieces.

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu had already formed a wordless tacit understanding. The two did not need to communicate too much. One after another demon cards rushed out of the first demon collection and turned into streams of light and disappeared into the stars of the holy dragon and phoenix. in vivo.

I saw a full seven Dusky Stars flew out of the star field, and shot towards King Bian Cheng in the distance at an extremely fast speed, and merged into a larger Dusky Star on the way.

"Super Thunder Fire Star!"

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu let out an angry shout at the same time, and a terrifying gravitational fluctuation burst out instantly, absorbing all the flying sand and stone in the path.

In just a few seconds, a super-large thunderfire star with a diameter of more than 10,000 meters was completely formed.

"It's just bluffing, this king is not afraid!"

King Bian Cheng didn't mean to stop at all, on the contrary, he quickened his pace, the scorpion tail behind him was like a long bow that charged power.

Not waiting for the star to fall, Bian Cheng Wang took the initiative to jump up, the long-charged scorpion-tailed stinger slammed out, and the speed was like a meteor chasing the moon, and only a series of dark green afterimages could be seen.


The two powerful forces collided violently. I thought it would be an evenly matched scene, but I never thought that the super-large Thunder Fire Star, which seemed to be larger, collapsed in an instant, like a gorgeous firework blooming.


Seeing this, Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu couldn't help twitching their throats, looking at King Bian Cheng, who was only a few kilometers away from them, with an unprecedented dignified expression.

They didn't expect to be able to stop King Bian Cheng just by relying on the super-large Thunder Fire Star, but they never imagined that they would be defeated in an instant.

"Did King Ping Ping really die in the hands of a brat like you?" King Bian Cheng looked at the person in front of him suspiciously, as if some could not believe that King Ping Ping, who was similar in strength to her, actually died in Feng Yixiu hand.

However, Feng Yixiu was a little surprised. The voice of this King Biancheng was like a middle-aged woman, and it could be judged that she was one of the few females among the top ten hell demon kings.

Feng Yixiu smiled noncommittally, and said lightly: "It's not just him, you will die in the hands of this gentleman today..."

"Hahaha... I don't know where your kid got the confidence. You just used despicable means to sneak up on King Ping Ping. Don't you really think that you have the strength to rival this king?" King Biancheng was extremely angry. Laughing back, Youlu's eyes revealed an icy and biting killing intent.

"I think I'm not your opponent, but do you really dare to kill me?" Feng Yixiu asked back with his hands behind his back.

"Don't think that you are the nephew of Lord Emperor, you can have nothing to fear. Don't forget that Lord Emperor is still in the ruins of mountains and seas. As long as you die, it is done. As for how you die, no one will care.

No matter how angry you are, it will only be a few words of admonition! " King Bian Cheng sneered and said lightly.

"You ten hell demon kings are really united!" The corner of Feng Yixiu's mouth rose slightly, and all the ultimate battle spirits surrounded him, and said condensedly: "But you are the hell demon king who wants to kill this gentleman. , I'm afraid it's still not enough, right?"

While speaking, a dark black sword formation that had been prepared gradually began to appear, and a Demon Sword of Prison exuding violent sword energy slowly rose from the sword formation.

During these three days, Feng Yixiu was naturally not idle. He had already set up a large-scale Ten Thousand Prison Sword Formation no less than before.

It didn't take a moment for the entire 10,000 demon swords of the prison to appear, and the tide of swords like the ocean was constantly surrounding the astrological holy dragon and phoenix, and the sound of tens of thousands of swords was deafening.

"Myriad Prisons Sword Formation... You have some skills!" When King Biancheng saw the familiar sword formation, he felt a burst of astonishment, but it didn't last long, and said coldly, "But only by virtue of These, I'm afraid I can't stop this king!"

"Crazy Sand Field!"

Just hearing a roar resounding through the heavens and the earth, more than a dozen large sandstorm tornadoes spread out in all directions, turning into a gray world of yellow sand within a radius of dozens of kilometers.

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