God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2889 life and death escape

In the gray world, King Bian Cheng's huge body like a mountain gradually became blurred, and finally completely disappeared from sight.

Feng Yixiu immediately opened his eyes of thunder and lightning, but this field of mad sand is a little weird. Those seemingly ordinary sands can actually block the spread of thought power by a large margin.

Even if he tried his best, Feng Yixiu could only explore a distance of about 3,000 meters nearby, and he couldn't detect it in a further range.

"Quick, lift off immediately!" Feng Yixiu noticed the abnormal noise below and ordered.


The astrological holy dragon and phoenix burst out with a violent roar, slightly shaking the turbid yellow sand around it, and then slammed its wings and swung straight up.

However, before flying into the sky, a super-large dust tornado with a height of several thousand meters suddenly appeared, and the terrifying strong wind forcibly dragged the astrology holy dragon and phoenix towards the ground.

Suddenly, an ominous premonition came to mind, Feng Yixiu saw a dark green cold glow in the vast yellow sand, and was approaching him at an incredible speed.

"Thunderfire Apocalypse Explosion!"

Feng Yixiu shouted angrily, and an Apocalypse star emitting a dazzling fire broke away from the star field, and the terrifying repulsion fluctuations mixed with the violent thunder and fire elements burst out.


The sound of an explosion resounding through the heavens and the earth was only heard, and the violent storm tornado spread instantly under the furious energy.

The talents regained their vision temporarily, and even though they saw King Bian Cheng's sharp poisonous tail stabbing towards this side, the speed seemed a little slow under the influence of the repulsive force.

I saw King Bian Cheng's barbed worm feet clinging to the ground, and the ground beneath his feet was already fragmented, showing what kind of terrifying power he was enduring at the moment.

Even the power of Thunder Fire Apocalypse can only slow down its speed, but cannot blast it out, and it can even continue to launch an offensive against Apocalypse's repulsion fluctuations.

Feng Yixiu watched helplessly as King Bian Cheng used his flexible scorpion tail to roll up Apocalypse in mid-air, forcibly dragging it towards the bottom.

King Bian Cheng's powerful giant pincers tightly clamped the Apocalypse Star, which was still exuding strong repulsion fluctuations, and immediately began to gradually increase the force on the giant pincers.


Apocalypse gradually began to appear under the oppression of the giant force, and the dazzling light of thunder and fire was spreading frantically.

However, this violent light of thunder and fire seemed to be unable to cause much damage to King Bian Cheng, except to make King Bian Cheng's movements stiff.

After all, King Bian Cheng is a legendary monster with both earth and poison elements, and the element of thunder and fire alone cannot have much influence on it.


With a deafening explosion, Leihuo Apocalypse was forcibly crushed by King Bian Cheng.

King Bian Cheng roared towards Feng Yixiu in midair as if he was showing off, and a dull loud sound erupted between the opening and closing of the powerful giant tongs.


When Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu saw this terrifying scene, they couldn't help but glance at each other and swallowed their saliva to hide their nervousness.

Since it was not known whether it was King Biancheng or King of Wuguan, Feng Yixiu could not prepare in advance. Facing King Biancheng, who was no weaker than King Pingping, he was naturally at a disadvantage in a hasty battle. .

"Feng Yixiu, are you capable of this?" King Bian Cheng stared at Feng Yixiu in the air, and said lightly.

"It seems a little too early for you to be proud, and the outcome is still unknown..." Feng Yixiu frowned and said condescendingly.

"Hahaha... Up to now, you still have such unrealistic illusions. This king advises you to capture it as soon as possible. Otherwise, once the Five Senses King arrives, it may not be so easy for you to die!" King Biancheng laughed loudly in Yangtian for a long time and said loudly.

"King of the five senses..." Feng Yixiu pretended to show a touch of fear, and then turned his head slightly and whispered: "Yu'er, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's retreat first."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

As soon as the voice fell, Feng Yixiu didn't hesitate, and the tens of thousands of prison magic swords surrounding him poured down like a waterfall.

Since he didn't know who his opponent was, this time Feng Yixiu did not integrate the power of specific elements into the Demon Sword of Prison, so his power was slightly inferior.

"Clang clang clang..."

Countless Demon Swords of Prison attacked King Bian Cheng from all directions, like a swarm of bees attacking a giant elephant, which could cause a lot of damage, but it was far from fatal.

The defensive power of this King Biancheng is similar to that of King Ping Ping. If he does not break the defense in advance, even using Wan Jian Guiyi will not be able to cause a fatal blow to it. It is better to use the continuous offensive to hold it back. opponent's footsteps.

King Biancheng simply ignored the attack of the sword tide that surrounded his body, endured the severe pain and chased in the direction of Feng Yixiu's escape.

"Beat the universe with a stick!"

But before King Bian Cheng took two steps out, a pitch-black giant pillar covering the sky smashed towards it.

Also left behind is Shen Ruyu's second battle spirit Xiaoyao, which has also transformed into the form of Beiming Xuankun at this moment. Its body shape can be said to be unique among the ultimate battle spirits, but compared to the legendary monsters But there is no advantage.


King Bian Cheng did not flinch in the slightest. He raised his huge double pliers and directly resisted this heavy blow. The terrifying force exploded.

The ground within a few kilometers of the order was instantly burst.

The Heaven Slaughtering Demon Ape couldn't bear such a terrifying force at all, and the whole person was blasted out directly.

Beiming Xuankun tried to use his own body to catch the Sky Slaughtering Demon Ape that flew out backwards, but he didn't realize that it was also taken away several kilometers away because of its huge size.

On the other hand, King Bian Cheng's reaction was quite calm, he just took three steps back and completely stabilized his body, but the expression he looked at the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape was full of doubts.

The attack just now used all its power, and the Heaven Slaughtering Demon Ape was nothing but an ultimate battle spirit, so there was no reason to block his attack.

"You can't stop this king, get out!" King Biancheng was furious, the compound eyes above his head were full of murderous intent, and the magic lines on his body exuded a dazzling light.

"If you want to hurt the Lord, you have to pass our level first!"

The Heaven Slaughtering Demon Ape didn't flinch even though he knew he was defeated. He touched the bloodstain on the corner of his mouth with a dignified expression, and a blue legendary demon card flew out from the Holy Spirit Collection floating beside him.

The Beiming Xuankun on the side is also not to be outdone. It does not even have a legendary monster card, but it also has a lot of water-based epic monster cards.

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