God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2893 barren land

When the Five Senses King saw King Bian Cheng suddenly disappear in front of his eyes, the whole person fell into a state of sluggishness, and he had no idea what was going on.

It only noticed that King Bian Cheng seemed to speak before he disappeared, but he couldn't hear the slightest sound at all, as if all the sound waves were also swallowed up by the mysterious void barrier.

When Tianxuxing devoured the Divine Origin Crystal Core in Najie, the speed of expansion was already astonishingly fast, but it had not yet reached an appalling level, it was just several times faster than the movement of King Bian Cheng. .

But after swallowing King Bian Cheng, who was a legendary monster, the speed of the spread was incredible. The King of Five Senses didn't even react from a stupefied state and was instantly swallowed up.

If someone can overlook the Central China Base from a high altitude, they can be surprised to find that all objects are disappearing quickly, whether it is a high-rise building or a towering giant tree, as if there is an invisible giant beast madly devouring everything.

The strangest thing is that there are no energy fluctuations and sounds, and it is impossible to observe the existence of the expanding celestial star through the eyes. Everything happens silently.

However, in a few seconds, almost half of the Central China base was completely swallowed up, and then the frantic expansion rate began to become slower and slower.

It's just that no one has seen all this, because everyone in the entire Central China base has completed the transfer ahead of time, but several bases around Central China can clearly see what happened.

South China Base, above the 10,000-meter altitude.

Feng Yixiu, Shen Ruyu and the others were looking towards the Central China Base. When they saw the scene of the ruined high-rise buildings being swallowed up, their eyes couldn't hide their shock.

Although everyone has never really seen the scene of a nuclear explosion, it is expected that it can't be more spectacular than the scene where Tianxingxing devours everything.

The expansion process of Tianxuxing lasted for about half an hour before it completely stopped. To be precise, it was rapidly weakened after swallowing the two legendary monsters.

However, as long as Tianxuxing continued to spread, Feng Yixiu and the others still did not dare to approach it rashly. Otherwise, if they were swept away, they would probably follow in the footsteps of King Biancheng and King Wuguan.

"Third brother, the virtual star is too terrifying today, no wonder you don't use it much on weekdays..." Han Xiao looked down at a barren and dead place in the distance, and said with a serious face.

"This time it's a last resort, otherwise I don't plan to use Tianxuxing, and it's better to use it sparingly in the future." Feng Yixiu nodded thoughtfully and muttered.

The use of Tianxuxing this time can be said to have achieved brilliant results, but it has also paid a great price. Three-fifths of the huge central China base has been swallowed up, turning into a lifeless dead silence. land.

Although the Central China Base has been in ruins due to the devastation of the celestial crowd, the relics of civilization can still be seen on the whole, but now everything has turned into nothingness, which makes people feel a sense of desolation.

"Brother Feng, Tianxuxing seems to have disappeared. Let's take a look. After all, this is your first time using Tianxuxing on a large scale. Maybe you will find something special." Shen Ruyu looked at the person beside her. , said softly.

Feng Yixiu nodded lightly and said solemnly: "Yu'er is right, theoretically it should be impossible to have a Warcraft crystal nucleus and a Warcraft crystal nucleus, but after all, it's just my conjecture, and seeing is believing. good!"

As soon as the voice fell, the four quickly flew towards the Central China base. Since the teleportation circle in Central China was also swallowed up, they naturally could no longer teleport.

But the closer they got to that dead place, the heavier everyone's mood became.

I just looked down at everything from a height of 10,000 meters. I can't feel the sense of desolation and silence from such a long distance. Once I get into it, I understand the horror.

The four stopped in front of a cliff, and Feng Yixiu did not step into it recklessly, but pushed a boulder not far away into the cliff, and was completely relieved after finding that the boulder was unobstructed.

No wonder Feng Yixiu was too cautious, but the power of the virtual star was too terrifying, and there was a danger of death if he was not careful.

"It seems that Tianxuxing has completely disappeared..." Feng Yixiu touched his nose and took the lead in waving his wings and stepping into the barren land.

Shen Ruyu, Han Xiao and others also immediately followed Feng Yixiu's pace and stepped into this strange and barren land together.

At this moment, the air in the barren land is still extremely thin, and there is no fluctuation of life in all directions, not even any aura of spiritual energy. The quietness makes people feel a little scary.

The barren land is like a huge meteor crater, showing a complete circle as a whole. The smooth cliff at the edge is only a few meters deep, but as everyone goes deeper into it, the depth of the cliff becomes more and more amazing. The core area almost an astonishing kilometer.

This level can no longer be called a cliff, it should be called an abyss, but this level of depth is not worth mentioning compared to the scope of damage caused by Tianxingxing.

It should be because the energy contained in the earth is not high, Sky False Star can indeed devour all things, but it will chase objects with high energy, such as high-level life forms and spiritual crystals...

Since there was no reference around, Feng Yixiu couldn't find the exact location where the False Star appeared. He could only roughly judge the starting place of the False Star's spread by relying on the depth of the abyss below.

"This should be the core position of Tianxuxing's eruption, everyone.

Look for it separately, and if you find anything, you can let me know in the way of spiritual sharing. "

Even if the location of Tianxuxing's explosion was basically determined, it was still extremely large. In order to save time to the greatest extent, Feng Yixiu asked everyone to go to find it separately.

Hearing this, everyone spread out in different directions to look for possible abnormal situations.

Even Feng Yixiu didn't hold out much hope. After all, he didn't think that after being swallowed by Tianxu Xing, he would still be able to leave behind the monster crystal core and the monster card.

Because the crystal core of the beast and the magic card also contain huge energy, there is no reason not to swallow them together with the characteristics of Tianxingxing.

But after all, this is Feng Yixiu's first large-scale use of Sky Void Star, there may be unexpected situations, and he is not willing to waste this golden opportunity.

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