God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2894 the core of the void

An hour later, Feng Yixiu still had nothing to gain, and the surroundings were still dead, but the extremely quiet environment made him lose his patience.

"It seems that I'm thinking too much..." Feng Yixiu sighed helplessly and muttered to himself.

"Brother Feng, there is a situation here, come over here!"

Just when Feng Yixiu was about to give up, a slightly urgent voice of divine sense sounded in Feng Yixiu's mind, and it was Shen Ruyu who was communicating with him.

"Okay, I'll be right over here!"

Feng Yixiu's eyes lit up. After he first informed Dongfang Xia Mo and Han Xiao of the news, he immediately rushed towards Shen Ruyu's position.

It didn't take long for Feng Yixiu to see Shen Ruyu with a dignified expression, and not far in front of her there was an extremely strange pitch-black star core.

This jet-black star core was suspended in mid-air, and it seemed that it did not exude a trace of aura and fluctuations.

Just a glance, Feng Yixiu was attracted by this seemingly ordinary black star core, the blood in the body began to surge, and the two sun marks on the chest and back could not be seen.

"Brother Feng, what are you doing, come here quickly!" Seeing that Feng Yixiu didn't move, Shen Ruyu urged softly.

"it is good……"

Only then did Feng Yixiu come back to his senses. He waved his wings gently and came to Shen Ruyu's side, observed it up close, and whispered, "What the hell is this?"

"I thought it was a Warcraft crystal core, but I found that it couldn't be touched at all, as if it was an illusory bubble." Shen Ruyu frowned and muttered softly.

"I can't touch it? It's so evil..."

Feng Yixiu's eyes lit up, and he subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch the jet-black star core suspended in mid-air, and then something happened that he couldn't understand.

I saw Feng Yixiu's palm penetrated through the jet-black star core, and it didn't even feel any touch, as if the star core was an illusion.

"This is really weird, what exactly is this..." Feng Yixiu was also at a loss, staring at the strange star core in front of him, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"Brother Feng, this thing was created after the Tianxuxing exploded. It must have an inseparable and close connection with the Tianxuxing. It should be a good thing." Shen Ruyu said seriously.

"That's right, but this thing can only be seen and can't be touched, so I'm very helpless..." Feng Yixiu gave a bitter smile and sighed.

While speaking, Han Xiao and Dongfang Xia Mo also came to hear the news. When they saw the unique jet-black star core, their expressions were also extremely wonderful.

The two also tried each other to see if they could touch this weird jet-black star core, but there was still no miracle, and they couldn't touch it.

"This is really strange, this thing can be concluded that it is not a Warcraft crystal nucleus, but what is it?" Dongfang Xia frowned and muttered to himself.

After Feng Yixiu pondered for a long time, he said with a serious face: "Tianxuxing devoured two legendary monsters, and almost half of the material of the Central China Base. Do you think that these energy and materials will disappear out of thin air?"

Shen Ruyu seemed to be inspired, her pupils shrank suddenly, and said condensedly, "Brother Feng, do you mean that all the energy and matter have been transformed into this strange star core?"

"This is just my inference, but the matter and energy should not disappear out of thin air, and the appearance of this jet-black star nucleus also verifies my conjecture, but the existence form of this star nucleus is not something we can understand, it seems to be a medium There is a mysterious balance between energy and matter..." Feng Yixiu caressed his chin and said in a straight voice.

"There are such mysterious existences in this world. The size of the world is truly amazing." Shen Ruyu nodded ignorantly and agreed.

Feng Yixiu frowned slightly, and muttered to himself: "There is an old saying that Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things. The so-called Tao is emptiness, and it is also the origin of all things..."

"You all made me confused, what exactly is this?" Han Xiao scratched his head and whispered.

"It can't be said, it's wrong to say it. We have little ability, and we can't find out why, so you think I'm talking nonsense." Feng Yixiu smiled and shook his head, then whispered: "Since this star The core is derived from the sky star, so we might as well call it the core of the void."

"Although I don't know what you are talking about, I can hear that the core of the void must be a great thing. It's a pity that it can only be seen and can't be touched. No matter how powerful this thing is, it doesn't seem to be of any use, right?" Dongfang Xia sighed helplessly.

"This is not necessarily, I will try again..."

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, the sun mark on the back of his chest began to emit light at the same time, his hands were wrapped around a wisp of emptiness, and then he cautiously approached such a strange star core.

His parents once told him that the power of the void can destroy all things or create all things. At first Feng Yixiu was dubious about these words, but seeing this strange void core today, he seems to have thought of some possibility. .

This void core should contain unimaginable energy. After all, it has swallowed two legendary monsters and most of the central China base.

Just when everyone thought that Feng Yixiu's palm would penetrate the core of the void again, a strange scene happened. I saw that his palm actually touched the core of the void and held it firmly in the void. in the palm of your hand.

It's just that the core of the void does not have any

The quality of He, Feng Yixiu just put his palms together slightly to control it in the palm of his hand, he first tried to store it in the ring, but it failed.

The storage ring can only store matter, but there is no way to store this magical existence between matter and energy.

Feng Yixiu pondered for a while, and then took out the Kunpeng Baoyu. This Kunpeng Baoyu is connected to Feng Yixiu's inner space, and it may be possible to store such a strange core of void.

As expected, the core of the void disappeared in Feng Yixiu's palm in an instant, and it could indeed be stored in Feng Yixiu's inner space.

"My God! Third brother, this is too amazing, how did you do it..." Han Xiao asked curiously when he saw this scene.

"I'm not too sure, but I can only store it now. I don't know the exact method of use, and I can't mobilize the huge power contained in it." Feng Yixiu smiled and shook his head, said lightly.

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