God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2895 the beginning of all things

"Third brother, this is not the first time you have used Tianxuxing, why didn't you find anything similar last time?" Dongfang Xia Mo frowned and muttered softly.

"Maybe it also appeared last time, but the energy swallowed was too little to form a core of void visible to the naked eye." Shen Ruyu pondered for a while and guessed.

"It makes sense. This time, it devoured two legendary monsters and almost half of the Central China base, so that a void crystal nucleus that was only the size of a glass bead was formed. It was normal that it was not found last time." Dongfang Late Xia nodded in agreement.

Feng Yixiu has used Sky Void Star only a handful of times. The first time he used it was just for testing, he just swallowed some rocks. The energy contained in it was very small, so naturally he could not form the core of the void visible to the naked eye.

Another time was to threaten the Holy See of war. That time, there was a lot of noise, and the entire warship was swallowed up, but compared to this time, it was still insignificant.

Perhaps it was indeed the formation of the core of the void like dust, but at that time Feng Yixiu was in a state of tense confrontation, and naturally he could not find such insignificant existences.

"You guys discussed it for a long time, but what's the use of this thing?" Han Xiao asked curiously.

"Everything in the universe is derived from the void. In theory, it should be possible to create an equivalent of everything in the universe with this void crystal nucleus. Unfortunately, I haven't completely mastered the true way of the void, so I can't do it." Feng Yi Xiu explained patiently.

Void is the beginning of all things, and all the materials in the universe are evolved from the void, such as soil, water waves, flames, thunder that can be seen everywhere...

Even the extremely mysterious time and space are derived from the void, but the process of evolution is extremely complicated, and its difficulty is by no means conceivable by the current Feng Yixiu. It is almost the same as pursuing the origin of the Tao.

"Creating all things... Isn't that something that can only be done by the God of Creation!" Han Xiao widened his eyes and said with a look of horror.

"The realm of the gods is not something we can discuss without permission, let alone the creation god who is above the gods. It's better not to think too much." Feng Yixiu smiled and shook his head and said softly.

"Brother Feng is right, we are not even the Holy Spirit King now, so don't be too ambitious, step by step is what we should do now." Shen Ruyu said solemnly.

"I understand the truth, but it's a pity that these treasures can't be used..." Han Xiao murmured.

"It's not a pity, we were able to find the core of the void, it's already beyond expectations, it's better than nothing." Feng Yixiu smiled and shook his head, as if he had remembered something, and said softly: "About the accidental discovery of the core of the void, it's better not to publicize it everywhere, and please keep it a secret for me."

"Third brother, rest assured, eldest brother knows this matter, and naturally he will not let the fifth person know about it..." Han Xiao nodded thoughtfully, and then asked: "Third brother, now the three three The Demon King of Hell is dead, what are your plans in the future?"

"Now that the three major hell demon kings are dead, and Emperor Molong has not returned from the remains of mountains and seas, the entire Heavenly Fierce Crowd can be described as a group of dragons without a leader. This is the best time for us to kill them all at once." Feng Yixiu's eyes were dim and he said solemnly.

"I think so too. The celestial gangs have destroyed the Chinese civilization to such a devastated state. How can we let them go so easily? Now is a good opportunity to beat the underdogs. We must make them pay the price!" Han Xiaoshuang He clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes burst into flames of blood.

"Even if the three major hell demon kings die, and there are no legendary monsters in the Heavenly Fierce Congregation for the time being, they are still a behemoth, with large and small bases scattered all over China, and it is definitely not something that the four of us can handle. We have to take a long-term plan..." Feng Yixiu stroked his chin lightly, and then said condensedly: "Let's go back to the South China base first, let them send people to spread the news of the death of the three major hell demon kings, and then let the seven bases and the four holy cities. Send a representative to the North China base."

After all, Feng Yixiu did not stay in the dead place for a long time, but rushed towards the South China base at the fastest speed.

The hundreds of thousands of troops from the Central China headquarters were temporarily transferred to the South China base, where Zhong Limei, Shentu Yijian and others also gathered.

After Feng Yixiu returned to the South China base, an emergency meeting was held immediately, and the elites in South China and Central China were led to the remaining seven headquarters to spread the news of the death of the three major hell demons, and at the same time, let the representatives of all parties go to the North China base to hold a meeting. Meeting.


Three days later, the North China headquarters conference hall.

Because the bishop in white personally guarded the North China Base, the North China Base was one of the few existences among the seven headquarters that had not completely fallen.

When Feng Yixiu arrived at the North China Conference Hall, the forces of all parties were basically in place, balancing the Holy See's bishop in white and the ten sequence chiefs, representatives of the seven headquarters, and the four holy cities.

However, if you look closely, you can find that Xuanwu City did not send anyone to participate in this important meeting, or even sent any agents to participate.

Xuanwu City is within the territory of the North China Base. Han Wu also participated in the defense of the North China Base. During the period, he was not seriously injured. There should be no reason to be absent, but he refused to participate in the conference because of his illness.

Everyone is well aware of the real reason why Han Wu refused to participate in the conference, so no one would mention such unpleasant things at this time.

In the huge conference hall, everyone has already taken their seats, and everyone has an undisguised smile on their faces. They have not seen each other for a long time.


Since the opening of the mountain and sea ruins and the large-scale invasion of the celestial masses, we in China can be said to be in dire straits. We never imagined that the wind monarch would come back, but the situation would be reversed within a week. Incredible..."

"Who said it wasn't! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it if I beat him to death. It's such a relief that the three great devil kings of hell died like this!"

"Minister Zhong, you have done a great job this time. If you hadn't gone to Dajiangshan to invite Lord Huifeng, I'm afraid we wouldn't have the chance to sit here and hold this conference."

"Minister Li is very polite. The person who really turned the tide is the monarch Feng. I just tried my best, it's really not worth mentioning..."

Just as everyone was chatting without a word, the door of the North China conference room opened abruptly, and a man dressed in white strode in.

Feng Yixiu was dressed in a refreshing white coat, and his tall and straight posture was eye-catching. There was no trace of wind and frost on his face, but his eyes were like the stars and the sea, which made people completely unpredictable. Every move made people feel like a spring breeze, vaguely. It exudes an air of superiority.

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