God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2897 He Fa Tong Yan

"With such a large-scale operation, it is inevitable that hundreds of millions of innocent people will be affected. Therefore, before the operation, it is necessary to transfer all the people of China to the Shura Empire for refuge. I am worried that the fierce people will jump over the wall, and this matter needs to balance the Holy See. My colleagues help, I don't know if it is convenient?" Feng Yixiu stroked his chin lightly and said solemnly.

For such a large-scale transfer of personnel, a large teleportation circle must be used, but most of the teleportation circles in Huaxia have been destroyed. It is too difficult to repair during the melee. You can borrow the teleportation circle of the Holy See first.

Don't forget that a large number of teleportation circles have already been established between the Holy See and the Shura Empire, just to deal with unexpected needs, but they played an important role at this time.

"Marshal Feng, the Holy See of Balance and Huaxia are of the same spirit. As the saying goes, both prosperity and loss are all lost. China's affairs are naturally our affairs. You can just issue an order, and you don't need to worry about other things." The bishop in white smiled slightly. , said softly.

Feng Yixiu nodded lightly and said, "I will set up a temporary headquarters over the central China base, so that you can timely feedback the battle situation on the front line, and be sure to destroy all strongholds in the shortest possible time!"

The emergency combat meeting in North China lasted for half an hour. Feng Yixiu conducted a summary and analysis based on the intelligence of the seven major headquarters and the four holy cities, and immediately formulated the most appropriate combat plan in a very short period of time.

The millions of troops in the Huaxia headquarters are divided into four major divisions of Fenglin and Volcano. The vast majority of them are the soldiers of the fire department, accounting for about 50% of the total, followed by the warriors of the mountain, with a proportion of about 20%. , and the members of the Wind Department and the Forest Department are the smallest, accounting for 15% respectively.

The four major departments of Fenglin and Volcano each perform their own duties. Although there are not many people in the wind department, most of them are elites. Their responsibilities are mostly to collect intelligence and perform special tasks. The forest department is mostly a researcher, mainly responsible for technical support and logistical support. The fire department is the department with the largest number of people, and it is best at attacking the frontal battlefield. The mountain department is responsible for guarding the gate of the country and preventing monsters from outside the territory and monsters in the wilderness from invading the Chinese territory.

According to the characteristics of the four major departments, Feng Yixiu first let the wind department act as a vanguard to inquire about information, and then let the fire department carry large troops to sweep, the forest department was responsible for treating wounded soldiers and providing logistical support, and the mountain department began to build damage. The city defense, to prevent the remnants of the evil people from escaping.

In this way, a fairly complete closed loop has been formed, with the four major headquarters performing their own duties, and with the strong assistance of the ten major sequence leaders of the Holy See, the daily battle situation can be described as a thousand miles.

Feng Yixiu, as the deputy grand marshal, sits on the No. 0 serial battleship, and there are good news from all directions almost every day.

However, in more than 20 days, many large-scale strongholds in China, such as the Biancheng Palace and the Wuguan Palace, as well as the hidden four evil beasts and magic palaces, were also eradicated one by one. As for those entrenched in dark corners everywhere Small bases are even more numerous.

The scale of this battle can be described as epic. The army of nearly one million celestial fiends was almost wiped out, and thousands of strongholds, large and small, were also uprooted. It was undoubtedly an overwhelming victory.

"Reporting to the Grand Marshal, all the northwest bases have been searched, the last three small blood spirit strongholds have also been surrendered, and all the blood spirit altars have been destroyed!" A stern-faced vanguard saluted respectfully and said loudly.

"Understood, step back!" Feng Yixiu never turned around, looking into the distance through the glass window, not knowing what he was thinking, he just nodded slightly.

"Yes!" The vanguard turned around neatly and immediately left the command room.

"Huh... The northwest base with the most complicated situation has also been swept up, and this battle should come to an end." Feng Yixiu let out a sigh of relief, and the fatigue and pressure accumulated for a long time were also relieved at this moment, but his expression Still extremely dignified.

"Feng Xiaoyou, Huaxia has won a great victory in this battle. You have made great achievements again, but why do you still look gloomy?" Suddenly, a white figure suddenly appeared in Feng Yixiu's place. Beside him is Bishop Tantai Boyun.

The current bishop in white seems to be a little different from before January. His hair color is still snow white, but the wrinkles on his face have disappeared, and his posture is not the same as before, but it is full of infinite. vitality.

Although the bishop in white did not exude any spiritual power fluctuations, Feng Yixiu instantly sensed the huge change in the other party and turned around. : "Congratulations, Bishop, you have finally completed the breakthrough and become the real Supreme Holy Spirit King!"

"Hahaha... This is also thanks to Xiaoyou Feng's Holy Spirit's plan, otherwise this old man would not be able to break through the holy realm so smoothly." Tantai Boyun patted Feng Yixiu on the shoulder with a smile and said loudly.

"It's just a little effort, even if there is no Holy Spirit plan of the younger generation, you will become the Supreme Holy Spirit King sooner or later." Feng Yixiu smiled and shook his head, without any intention of taking credit.

"This can't be said. Without your help, even if this old man can become the Supreme Holy Spirit King, I am afraid that the quality of this evolution will not reach the current level. Besides, this legendary Warcraft crystal core and Holy Spirit plan are not. What you provided, the old man owes you a lot!" The bishop in white stroked his beard lightly and muttered, "If there is any use for the old man, Feng Xiaoyou must not be polite."

Now Feng Yixiu has a total of two legendary warcraft crystal cores of the water system, one is the magical beast crystal core of the sea-covered devil ape king, and the other is the magical beast crystal core of the eight-headed snake.

It just so happened that the battle spirit of the white-clothed bishop was also of the water attribute, so Feng Yixiu gave the magic beast crystal core that covered the sea-covering ape king to the white-clothed bishop to help him break through the Holy Spirit King Realm as soon as possible.

As for the other, more precious crystal core of the water-based legendary monster of the Eight-Girls Orochi, Feng Yixiu naturally wanted to leave it to Hu Jiu'er, and he couldn't move it no matter what.

"The bishop is serious, the junior helped you to become the supreme Holy Spirit King, but to repay your help over the years, I have not thought of anything in return." Feng Yixiu slightly cupped his hands and said softly.

"You are good everywhere, but you are too considerate of others, but sometimes doing this will make friends who really want to help you feel chills..." The bishop in white put his hands behind his back, and his face was a little resentful.

Feng Yixiu was stunned for a long time, and then he said: "The younger generation has been taught, but I actually have some concerns. Seeing that the ruins of the mountains and seas are about to open, if Emperor Molong learns of the fate of the Heavenly Fierce Crowd, I am afraid that the thunder will be outraged. , I'm afraid it's time..."

"You don't have to worry about Feng Xiaoyou. Since the old man has received your favor, even if he sacrifices his life for this, China's affairs will definitely be taken care of to the end!" The bishop in white looked awe-inspiring, as if he had done everything. Prepare.

"I don't say thank you for your kindness, this kindness will be remembered by the younger generation." Feng Yixiu bowed slightly, but the brows that had just stretched out slightly wrinkled, "But as far as I know, I will accompany Emperor Molong into the ruins of mountains and seas. There are also three major hell demon kings, and the strength gap between the two sides is still huge..."

"The last time the ruins of the mountains and seas were opened, Marshal Gu had already broken through to become the fake Holy Spirit King. If the old man guessed right, he should have also broken through to the Holy Spirit King Realm this time. The two of us may not be the opponents of the three major hell demon kings together, but A desperate fight is enough to make the other party jealous, so it shouldn't be a big problem." The bishop in white whispered softly.

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