God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2898 Above the Moon

"Then please, Lord Bishop!" Feng Yixiu clasped his fists slightly and smiled.

"The monarch Feng is polite..." The bishop in white shook his head with a smile, looked into the distance, and said softly: "But this is probably only an expedient measure. With the gradual opening of the ruins of the gods, it is only time for Emperor Molong to break through the seal. That's all, if it really comes to that time, I am afraid that the old man will be powerless, and I am afraid that I will only be able to rely on you young juniors."

"Is Emperor Molong really so powerful?" Feng Yixiu frowned slightly and said condensedly.

"You should know this better than this old man, right?" The bishop in white murmured with a faint gaze.

"That's right..." Feng Yixiu was stunned for a while, and recalled the feeling when the black dragon's curse seal was loosened. Just a pure aura of destruction was enough to cause the world to shake, and it was hard to imagine the strength of Emperor Molong. How terrifying.

"But you don't have to worry too much. Now all the relics of the gods have been opened. With Xiaoyou Feng's strength and talent, you should be able to break through to the Holy Spirit King in a short time. At that time, you may not have the power to fight." The bishop in white patted Feng Yixiu's back and smiled.

"Master Bishop, this junior has always had a problem in his heart, but he just doesn't know what to say..." Feng Yixiu pondered for a long time and said with a serious face.

"Feng Xiaoyou, but it doesn't matter. If the old man knows, he will know everything and say everything." The bishop in white responded without hesitation.

"When this junior was exploring the ruins of the Sea God, he accidentally learned about the doomsday purge, but he didn't know the inside story. I wonder if the bishop can reveal something?" Feng Yixiu stared at the bishop and asked.

Both the Holy See of Equilibrium and the Holy See of War are affiliated to the Black and White God Palace, and Feng Yixiu also deduced that the Pope of the Black God Palace is the guide of the Eternal God Realm. The bishop in white should have been in contact with the Pope. Less secrets he doesn't know.


The bishop's eyes were a little dodgy, as if he was afraid, and he did not answer Feng Yixiu's question directly.

The cause and effect involved in this matter are really too great, and the bishop in white does not dare to easily reveal the secret.

Feng Yixiu was also very thoughtful, and even when he noticed the strangeness of the bishop in white, he said, "Junior is just asking casually. If it is inconvenient for the bishop, you should treat me as not saying it."

"Thank you Xiaoyou Feng for understanding, the old man is not unwilling to disclose it, but there is a god who raises his head three feet, and easily revealing the secret will be punished by the gods." The bishop in white also breathed a sigh of relief and said softly.

"The younger generation knows the benefits, but it seems that the so-called gods seem to be too ruthless. The Earth Star has hundreds of millions of living beings, and a doomsday cleaning will destroy everything. Wouldn't all our efforts for it also be in vain. "Feng Yixiu frowned and muttered to himself.

"But once you ascend to the upper realm, you will become a member of the gods, and you will naturally be able to escape the apocalypse. What does everything in the mortal world have to do with you?" The bishop in white stroked his beard and said solemnly.

"Having said that, the younger generation also understands this truth, but he is still a little unwilling. It is often said in the books that the gods are too forgetful, and the gods will not care about the life and death of mortals. Only in this way can the fairness of heaven be demonstrated." Feng Yixiu's eyes were extremely deep and faint. Revealing a feeling of sympathy and compassion, "The younger generation knows that he is only a mortal world, and he may not be able to prevent the doomsday cleansing from happening, but he still wants to give it a try, just as the world knows that the end of life is death, but still enjoy the process, And that's the greatness of life, and I want to defend that ordinary greatness."

The bishop in white also seemed to be touched by Feng Yixiu's words, his lips trembled slightly, and after a long time he said: "Feng Xiaoyou, it is not easy for you to have this heart, but this matter is far more complicated than you imagined. It involves too much cause and effect, I can't reveal too much, I can only tell you that the doomsday cleaning can be avoided, but it is more difficult than flying to the upper realm."

"Is this true?" Feng Yixiu's eyes lit up and asked.

"Naturally take it seriously, but this old man can only reveal so much. After you are qualified to go to the Black and White Shrine, you will naturally find out." The bishop in white nodded earnestly and said softly.

"Black and White Shrine..."

Feng Yixiu touched his chin with a puzzled face, and immediately asked, "I don't know where this Black and White Divine Palace is, and how can this junior get the qualification to go there."

It was not the first time for Feng Yixiu to hear about the Black and White Shrine, but he had never really seen it before, not even the related graphic materials. It was too mysterious.

This is really too unusual, unless the Black and White Divine Palace does not exist on the earth star at all, there is no reason why no one has really seen its true face of Mount Lu.

The bishop in white shook his head with a smile, raised his head abruptly, and looked at the bright moon that was about to take off, and said softly, "This black and white shrine is far away in the sky, right in front of you!"

"Far from the horizon, close in front of you..." Feng Yixiu was still at a loss, subconsciously following the eyes of the bishop in white, the bright white waning moon came into view, and a bold idea suddenly appeared in his heart. , the pupils could not help shrinking, and exclaimed: "Could it be that the Black and White Shrine is there..."


But before Feng Yixiu could say anything, the bishop in white made a gesture of silence, and said softly, "The old man didn't tell you, and your wild thoughts have nothing to do with the old man."

"Understood..." Feng Yixiu nodded his head like garlic, and agreed.

At this moment, Feng Yixiu couldn't help feeling a chill on his back. He never thought that the mysterious black and white shrine was actually on the moon. No wonder no one had ever seen the real black and white shrine.

Since learning about this, Feng Yixiu's eyes on the moon have become extremely complicated. It feels like there is a huge eye staring at his every move.

"As for how to get to the Black and White Shrine, it is estimated that you will know soon." The bishop in white put his hands behind his back and said softly.

"Master Bishop means that the Black and White Shrine is about to open?" Feng Yixiu also understood, and then muttered to himself, "But what are the conditions for going to the Black and White Shrine..."

"It's not a secret, it's okay to tell you. Anyone who can be invited to the Black and White Shrine can be said to have half footed into the gate of the God's Domain. There are two methods. One is to break through the Holy Spirit. The second is to obtain thousands of beliefs, and both of them can obtain invitations to the sacred realm."

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