God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2907 Messenger of God

On the other hand, the amount of invitation functions of the Black and White Shrine obtained by Huaxia is very large, and there is no surprise that the bishop in white and Marshal Gu are the Holy Spirit King.

As Emperor Shura, Feng Yixiu also saved China and the Sun and Moon Empire. Naturally, he has a huge blessing of faith. Even if he does not reach the Holy Spirit King Realm, he will receive an invitation from the Black and White Shrine.

Because Han Xiao, Dongfang Xia Mo, and Shen Ruyu inherited the inheritance of the Four Sacred Beasts, all the temples dedicated to the Four Sacred Beasts in China will be transferred to them, so they also received invitations from the Black and White Shrine.

In addition to these people, the seven marshals and the Lord of the Holy City have almost all obtained the qualifications to go to the Black and White Shrine. As the guardians of the seven bases and the four holy cities, they have been conscientious and accumulated a lot of beliefs over the years. Force support.

However, the deans of the Four Great Holy Courts were not so lucky, and none of them were qualified to go to the Black and White Shrine.

This is also something that can't be helped. The scope of the Holy Court's influence is too small, and there is no good way to obtain a large amount of the power of faith.

"Your Majesty, why do we only have five invitations, do you despise me and wait?" Emperor Molong frowned and asked.

"The Black and White Shrine has always been the most fair, and there is no contempt. There are two ways to get the invitation letter from the Black and White Shrine. One is to break through the realm of the Holy Spirit King or the legendary Warcraft, and the other is to reach the tens of millions of previous beliefs. Blessing." The Pope did not have any mood swings, "You Heavenly Fierce Congregation should have obtained four invitation letters, but unfortunately none of them have been sealed yet, and there is no clone to replace them."


After Feng Qianjue learned the reason, she stared at the opposite Feng Yixiu with stern eyes, her fists turned white involuntarily, "Feng Yixiu, these are all good things you did!"

"You're right, this is indeed a good thing..." Feng Yixiu said lightly with the corners of his mouth rising slightly.

"Hmph... Don't think it's okay to get an invitation letter, this dead person has no chance to go to the Black God Shrine!" Feng Qianjue said coldly.

"Feng Qianjue, this seat advises you not to do this." His Majesty the Pope glanced at Feng Qianjue and said straightly.

"Your Majesty, if you guessed correctly, the Black and White Divine Palace should not be able to interfere in the lower realms, right?" Feng Qianjue raised her brows slightly and asked softly.

It can be inferred from His Majesty's stay in the moonlight that he could not easily set foot on Earth Star, otherwise what they would see would not be the phantom of light, but His Majesty the Pope himself.

"It is true that this seat cannot easily intervene in your disputes, but anyone who receives an invitation from the Black and White Shrine will be protected by this seat within seven days. If anyone dares to do it in private, this seat will take back his The invitation letter, you will never be able to set foot in the Black and White Shrine..." The bishop in white seemed to see Feng Qianjue's careful thinking, and reminded him indifferently.

"Feng Qianjue, your wishful thinking is about to fail." Feng Yixiu smiled and said solemnly.

"Don't be too complacent, seven days later will be your death!" Feng Qianjue sneered and said sternly.

Feng Yixiu ignored Feng Qianjue's verbal threat, but turned his eyes to the sky and said condensedly, "Your Majesty, I don't know how to go to the Black and White Shrine in seven days?"

"Seven days later, when the moon is full, put a trace of spiritual sense into the invitation letter, and you can send it to the Black and White Shrine." The figure of the Pope gradually began to become illusory, "As for what you can get in the Black and White Shrine. What kind of opportunity depends on your strength..."

After saying that, the white light group completely disappeared, and the terrifying coercion also disappeared, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

This is just a shadow of the Pope's crown, and he has such a terrifying sense of oppression. It can be seen that his strength is far beyond the transcendent existence that people can understand, at least the Holy Spirit King can't achieve this level.

"You are lucky this time, but this only delays your death..." The Black Dragon Demon Sword in the hands of Emperor Molong gradually dissipated, and some turned around and said lightly, "Let's go!"

A red space gear behind the King of Wheels suddenly magnified thousands of times, including the entire group of Heavenly Ominous People. After a strong spatial fluctuation, they all disappeared in place like a teleportation.

"Huh... I finally sent these evil spirits away!" The bishop in white sighed and muttered.

"Thanks to His Holiness the Pope for appearing in time this time, otherwise our victory will probably be less than 30%..." Gu Yuan frowned and said condensedly.

"In that case, His Holiness the Pope seems to be helping us." He rubbed his chin heavily and muttered softly.

"The node that appears under the crown of the Pope is when the gate of the mountain and sea ruins is completely closed. Perhaps this is a coincidence." The white-clothed bishop shook his head and said lightly.

"There are more than one beams of gods emanating from the moon just now. It can be seen that it is not only the Chinese people who received the invitation letter from the Black and White Shrine. This time it should be within the scope of the whole world." Feng Yixiu looked at the recovery. A normal moon, talking to itself.

"His Holiness the Pope has just said that only those with great strength and a large number of believers can go to the Black and White Shrine. Although this condition is very harsh, if it is placed on a global scale, there should still be many people who meet the conditions. Yes." Gu Yuan said with a serious face.

"His Majesty the Pope also refused to say why he went to the Black and White Shrine, otherwise we can prepare in advance..." Shen Shen said with some annoyance.

"No matter what the purpose of calling us to the Black and White Shrine is, it is always right to improve our strength as much as possible. These seven days may not be long, but they are not too long.

Short, let's make good use of it. Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and continued: "Now the world tree of the Shura Empire has broken through to the origin world tree, and the fastest speed of cultivation has reached a hundred times terrifying, which may allow the seniors to gain something. "

"But we still have to protect China. After all, the invitation letter from the Black and White Shrine can only protect us, and those innocent people of China are not among them." Marshal Murong said hesitantly.

"Marshal Murong doesn't know, all the people of Huaxia have been transferred to the Shura Empire by the monarch Feng, otherwise we would not be able to clear all the strongholds of the Tianxingzhong without any scruples." The bishop in white said with a smile.

Hearing this, the seven marshals and several patriarchs all turned their attention to Feng Yixiu, without concealing the admiration and admiration in their eyes.

"Good boy, I didn't see you wrong!" Gu Yuan patted Feng Yixiu on the shoulder and said excitedly.

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