God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2908 China Conference

"This time, thanks to the help of the monarch Feng, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!" Mu Qingyi, the Marshal of the Northeast Base, paced over.

"We thought that the wind monarch could solve the danger of China, but we never thought that this method would be so overbearing. In one fell swoop, all the strongholds of the Heavenly Fierce Congregation in China, together with the three major hell demon kings, were destroyed together. It's really a big deal!" Marshal Murong couldn't help but give a thumbs up, not stingy in praise.

"Hahaha... You don't know how arrogant Emperor Molong is in the ruins of mountains and seas, but when you think of his angry look just now, it's really fun!" Marshal Huadong gave a hearty laugh and said loudly.


Feng Yixiu listened to everyone's compliments, and seemed a little embarrassed, and waved his hands again and again: "You marshals have been awarded, the junior is a member of China, and it is my pride to have the opportunity to make a contribution to the motherland. ."

"With the protection of His Majesty the Pope, the Heavenly Fierce Congregation does not dare to take any other actions for the time being. This Marshal proposes to convene the Huaxia General Assembly immediately to discuss matters related to going to the Black and White Shrine." Marshal Gu, as the head of the Seven Great Marshals, still has With a strong appeal, the rest of the people all agreed.

Half an hour later, the North China Conference Hall.

This time, Marshal Gu personally convened the Huaxia Conference, and he also pointed out that the four principals and the four principals must all be in place, and those who are absent will be severely punished.

After so many orders and five requests, the reluctant Xuanwu City Lord Han Wu rushed over, but he still arrived more than ten minutes late.

As soon as they entered the North China Conference Hall, almost everyone's eyes turned to Han Wu, who was long overdue. If his eyes could kill, he would have died hundreds of times.


Han Wu, who was still pretending to be calm, subconsciously twitched his throat and walked cautiously to the end of the white jade square table. It was clearly a warm and jade-like seat, but he felt as uncomfortable as sitting on pins and needles.

"City Lord Han Wu, you are such a big arrogant that you have so many of us waiting for you..." Marshal Ye Ming glanced at Han Wu and asked.

"Marshal Ye, you can't say that. I am also afraid that Xuanwu City will be attacked, so I have been sticking to the city-state. It is inevitable that some information will be blocked."

"It's ridiculous... Now all the celestial beings in the whole of China have been wiped out. Which city are you guarding, I'm afraid it's fake to guard Xuanwu City, but it's true if you don't obey the Grand Marshal's orders!" Luo Xingyun's injury has not yet been completely After recovering, he was also furious, gritted his teeth and cursed angrily.

There are also hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers in Xuanwu City, but not a single soldier was mobilized in the operation of destroying the strongholds of the heavenly fierce.

If it was Feng Yixiu's usual temperament, he would have given Han Wu a little color, but thinking that the other party is Han Xiao's father after all, he still did not choose to tear his face.

"Marshal Luo, don't slander good people. The Xuanwu holy talisman is of great importance, and there is absolutely no room for failure. Is it a mistake to be cautious?" Han Wu put his hands around his chest, pretending to be calm.

"Okay... You can be forgiven for not doing your best to suppress the Heavenly Fierce Crowd, but now all the strongholds of the Heavenly Fierce Crowd in China have been eradicated. Why didn't you come forward to meet the seven marshals?" He stood up and accused.


"Don't quibble, this marshal knows that there is a festival between you and Marshal Feng, I thought that Huaxia was facing a catastrophe, you should be able to put the overall situation first and abandon your previous suspicions, but I didn't think that you were eating the past and not changing, and didn't care about Huaxia at all. The safety of hundreds of millions of people!" Marshal Gu, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly burst out with astonishing coercion, and forcibly pressed down Han Wu, who stood up, "Han Wu, you are so disappointing... "

"He... he's just a hairy boy, what qualifications does he have to be the Grand Marshal?" Han Wu was shocked by the powerful aura emanating from the Holy Spirit King, and he murmured tremblingly after a long time.

"The hairy boy in your mouth, when he was in danger of being ordered, endured humiliation to save the hundreds of millions of Chinese people in dire straits, annihilated the three major hell demon kings and most of the forces of the celestial beings in one fell swoop, and what did you do as the lord of Xuanwu... ..." Gu Yuan's temper has always been stable, probably because he was angry, and his tone became extremely sharp, "He is not qualified, are you qualified?"


Han Wu blushed, silently bowed his head and stopped talking.

"Strange, why don't you have the slightest divine aura..." Ren Tianze, who was sitting beside Han Wu, stared at the other party with a puzzled expression, gently sniffed the tip of his nose, and muttered softly.

"Why are you so close? What a sacred aura, inexplicable!" Han Wu pushed Ren Tianze away with a displeased expression on his face.

"Han Wu, do you have an invitation letter from the Black and White Shrine?" Ren Tianze asked.

"What invitation letter, I don't know what you are talking about..." Han Wu shook his head, he obviously did not have the qualifications to set foot in the sacred realm.

"Tsk tsk tsk... How unpopular you are!" Ren Tianze's eyes were full of pity and seven points of ridicule.

"Ren Tianze, what nonsense are you talking about, this seat in Xuanwu City is full of promises, how can it be unpopular!" Han Wu slapped his hands on the table in anger and roared.

"Then how do you explain that almost all the current city lords of the four holy cities have received invitations, even the acting city lord of Qinglong City, Sylvia, who is a demon beast, has received invitations, but you are the only one who has not. Isn't it enough to explain the problem?" Ren Tianze said word by word, neither anxious nor annoyed.

"The invitation letter of this black and white shrine was personally issued by the Pope, whether it is someone with extraordinary strength or a huge believer, you can get it, but you are the only one among the four city masters who did not receive an invitation letter. ." Marshal Murong was worried that Han Wu could not understand, but kindly added a sentence, and continued: "This weekdays achievements can be nonsense, but the ultimate belief will not accompany you to act..."

Dongfang Yun, Shen Zhong, and Sylvia also looked at each other and smiled, and while tacit understanding, they condensed a black and white invitation letter that exuded a sacred atmosphere.

"No...Impossible, those idiots who would bow their heads when they see this seat on weekdays, how could they refuse to accept me! It must be the Pope who made a mistake!" Han Wu felt the unique divine aura, and couldn't help clenching his fists. , the eyes were full of bloodshots, and the roaring sound waves kept echoing in the hall.

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