God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2909 Virtue does not match

"You can't exchange trust with force and power, but only hatred and temporary surrender. You've been the city lord of Xuanwu for so many years, don't you need this marshal to teach you even such a simple truth?" Gu Yuan was helpless. He sighed and said loudly.

"Marshal Gu, Han Wude doesn't fit in, I propose to cancel his position as head of Xuanwu City and let his second son Han Xiao succeed him." Marshal Luo said with a serious face.

"I also agree with Marshal Luo's proposal!"

Except for Han Wu, almost everyone took the initiative to stand up and echoed in unison.

It is not a trivial matter to abolish the old city lords of the four holy cities at such a critical moment. It can be seen that Han Wu's usual behavior has reached the point of anger and resentment.


Han Wu was frightened by the scene in front of him, he fell down on the jade slab, and said incessantly: "This seat has been guarding Xuanwu City for decades, even if there is no credit, there is hard work, you can't treat me like this..."

"Han Wu, the old man advises you to take the initiative to step aside, so that you can be more respectable!" Dean Gu whispered.

"Don't think about it! Xuanwu City has the rules of Xuanwu City. The position of the city lord is not the position of the marshal, but it is not something you can decide. Unless this seat voluntarily abdicates, no one is qualified to abdicate this seat!" Han Wu is already caught Going crazy, he roared at the crowd like crazy.

Gu Yuan looked coldly at Han Wu, who was about to lose control, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a faint murderous aura was hidden in the depths of his eyes.

In Xuanwu City, there are still important things such as Xuanwu Sacred Talisman. With Han Wu's mental state, it is no longer suitable to continue to take charge. He is even a little worried that Han Wu will jump over the wall and give the Xuanwu Sacred Talisman to Emperor Molong to surrender.

The probability of such a thing happening is not high, but it is definitely not impossible. After all, Han Wu has always had a good relationship with the traitor Long Xiao. With his extreme personality, he may betray China.

Han Xiao didn't speak from the beginning to the end, but quietly observed the development of the situation, but when he noticed the murderous intent hidden in Marshal Gu's eyes, he finally couldn't sit still and stood up abruptly. :"enough!"

In an instant, the noisy hall suddenly became extremely quiet, and all eyes were focused on the two fathers and sons.

Everyone also knows that the relationship between Han Xiao and Han Wu has always been at odds, and Han Xiao was expelled from the Han family as an abandoned child since he was a child.

Han Wu was targeted by so many people, and he was already full of anger in his heart, but he couldn't afford to offend these people. When Zhengzhou had nowhere to vent, Han Xiao appeared in time.

I saw Han Wu rolled up his sleeves and walked towards Han Xiao, raising his huge palm aggressively: "When the lord talks, how can you interrupt me!"


Han Xiao could have dodged, but he didn't, instead he slapped the heavy slap abruptly.

The weight of this slap made Han Xiao's left face red and swollen quickly, and after a few seconds, a clear red palm print appeared, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with red blood.

Han Xiao shook his head with a chuckle, raised his hand to touch the blood on the corner of his mouth, and then slowly raised his head. The vicissitudes of life and the sharp eyes made Han Wu's heart startled, and he subconsciously took two steps back.

However, he hasn't seen him for more than a year, but Han Xiao seems to be a different person. His eyes seem to have endless years of ups and downs, and his calmness makes people feel a little scary.

This feeling is very peculiar. The moment Han Wu and Han Xiao looked at each other, it was as if they were the younger generation.

Don't forget that Han Xiao has been tormented by mental illusions for several years, and his mind has long been tempered to be as indestructible as steel. It is by no means comparable to Han Wu, who is pampered in Xuanwu City.

"The rules of Xuanwu City, as a member of the Han family, I still know a little bit. The Han family has always respected force. If you can defeat you, you have to retreat!" Han Xiao took a deep breath and said slowly.

"evil creature!"

Han Wu was in a hurry, and he raised his slap without saying a word, and his strength was even stronger than before.


This time, Han Xiao didn't give in at all, and grabbed Han Wu's wrist with one hand. With the blessing of the Xuanwu mark, his power far surpassed the opponent's, and he slammed it out with a flick of his hand, "That slap just now. , the fate between our father and son is exhausted, and I won't let you go!"

"I have never regarded you as a son. Don't think that you can challenge the authority of this throne by becoming the Battle Spirit Emperor. You are still very tender!" Han Wu shook his sore wrist and said coldly. .

"There's a lot of nonsense. If you have the guts, then go to the martial arts arena with me to duel, and I'll let you know how stupid you are!" Han Xiao ignored Han Wu's provocation and took a slow stride towards the door. go.

"Wait a minute!"

"Why... are you afraid?" Han Xiao suddenly stopped and said coldly.

"Joke, how can I be afraid of you kid? If I lose, I will naturally hand over the Xuanwu Saint Talisman and the position of the head of the family, but if you lose, what will happen?" Han Wu raised his head and asked back.

Han Xiao was also at a loss for words, and did not speak for a long time.

The position of the Xuanwu holy talisman and the head of the family is extremely important, and Han Xiao couldn't think of a bargaining chip that could be equivalent to it for a while.

Just when Han Xiao was at a loss, Feng Yixiu slowly stood up and said loudly, "If Big Brother Han Xiao loses, you will take the seat of the Huaxia Grand Marshal. I wonder if the weight is enough?"

Hearing this, several marshals and deans were dumbfounded, and they were immediately excited.

He wanted to stand up and persuade Feng Yixiu not to be impulsive, but he was all scared off by Marshal Gu's look.

"Okay, then it's settled!"

Han Wu seemed to be afraid that Feng Yixiu would go back on it, and left the conference hall without looking back.

Before leaving, Han Xiao nodded silently towards Feng Yixiu, then followed Han Wu's footsteps without hesitation.

"Old man, even his own son is calculated..." Dongfang Xia Mo frowned and cursed in a low voice.

"Feng Xiaoyou, although Han Wu is greedy and greedy, his strength is not bad. He has reached the peak of the War Spirit Emperor. Is this a bit hasty?" The bishop in white asked in a low voice.

"I believe in Brother Han Xiao, he has never let me down..." Feng Yixiu smiled and said lightly.

Feng Yixiu did this for a special purpose. On the one hand, it was to make Han Wu agree to accept the challenge, and on the other hand, it was to allow Brother Han Xiao to go all out.

Han Xiao usually giggles and is not serious, but there is always a lump in his heart, that is, he was suppressed and despised by Han Wu since he was a child. Cut off, completely cut off your own demons.

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