God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2914 There is no danger

After all the materials were prepared, Feng Yixiu patiently read the thick and outrageous evolution plan three times, making sure that he remembered correctly before closing it slowly.


Feng Yixiu spit out a mouthful of turbid air, and slowly closed his eyes, the blue veins on his forehead suddenly bulged, and driven by the powerful thought force, the ten holy-level evolution instruments were turned on almost at the same time.

First, ten legendary Warcraft crystal nuclei drifted towards the Evolution Instrument synchronously, followed by all kinds of dazzling treasures of heaven and earth flying towards different furnaces.

The whole process seems to be very simple, but it is actually a very complicated thing. Each evolution instrument needs to process dozens of natural treasures, and ten evolution instruments add up to hundreds of natural treasures.

Every natural treasure needs to be put into the correct furnace within a fixed time, and its accuracy can no longer be calculated in seconds, but in more accurate milliseconds.

This is also a big test for Feng Yixiu, and the difficulty is even several times more difficult than the fusion of the legendary Warcraft crystal core.

Because this not only requires super memory and concentration, but also requires extremely powerful mind control ability, both of which are indispensable.

Hu Jiu'er and Shen Ruyu also held their breath, for fear that it would affect Feng Yi's cultivation of the Holy Elixir of Evolution, perhaps because they were too nervous, their hands were clenched unconsciously, and their palms were full of cold sweat.

As time passed by, everyone watched the ten piles of heaven and earth treasures gradually decrease, and a strong aroma permeated the entire hall.

Maybe it's because everyone is too serious and focused, they don't realize that the outside world has alternated day and night once, and the strange and refreshing aroma has become more and more intense.


Suddenly, Feng Yixiu opened his eyes abruptly, and evolutionary spirits of different shapes floated out of the nine holy-level evolutionary instruments one after another.

The evolutionary liquids in these nine holy-level evolutionary instruments are completely different in color, representing the power of nine extreme elements, and I saw that the nine spiritual liquids were concentrated towards the most central evolutionary instrument.

Now that the refining and evolutionary elixir has entered the most critical moment, as long as the ten kinds of elixir are fused together, it can be done.

However, this is also the most difficult step. If you are a little careless, you may lose the whole game. Feng Yixiu naturally does not dare to be careless.


At the same time, the nine holy potions were submerged into the extremely high-temperature flame furnace, and the powerful thought force penetrated the steel furnace.

This process is a great test for Feng Yixiu's spiritual power, because the ten major evolutionary holy potions will erupt with extremely terrifying energy fluctuations and soul fluctuations during the fusion process. Even if he wants to control it, he feels a little bit. strenuous.

However, within dozens of seconds, Feng Yixiu's back was soaked with cold sweat, and the blue veins on his neck burst wildly, imitating that it would burst completely in the next second.

"Come on Brother Feng! You can definitely do it..." Shen Ruyu squeezed the hem of her clothes nervously. She wanted to speak to cheer up Feng Yixiu, but she was afraid that her voice would affect the other party, so she could only be in her heart. Silent prayer.

Hu Jiu'er on the side was also nervous. She looked at Feng Yixiu with a painful expression and felt distressed, but she couldn't help much.


I only heard a deafening explosion, and the holy-level evolution instrument in the center couldn't withstand the huge pressure in the furnace, and it exploded suddenly.

The violent explosion power tore the evolutionary instrument into countless fragments, and the superalloy fragments spread around with the strong aftermath of the explosion.

Feng Yixiu clearly saw a sharp shard flying towards his chest, but he had no intention of avoiding it, and instead took the heavy blow abruptly.


The fiery superalloy fragments instantly penetrated Feng Yixiu's chest, and a strong blood spurted out of his mouth.

However, his eyes were fixedly staring at the group of evolutionary elixir that was still merging at the center of the explosion, as if the person who was pierced through his chest was not himself.

"Ah Feng!"

"Brother Feng!"

Shen Ruyu and Hu Jiuer finally couldn't sit still, they almost exclaimed in unison, and subconsciously rushed forward to check the injury.

"Don't worry about me, it's important to complete the Holy Elixir of Evolution first!" Feng Yixiu drank softly, forcibly drinking the two behind him, and immediately gritted his teeth: "Yu'er, help me and release the Suzaku Sacred Fire!"

"it is good!"

Shen Ruyu nodded heavily, all the spiritual energy merged into the Suzaku mark, and the violent Suzaku holy fire spewed out from the palm of his hand.

Feng Yixiu was still dazed, his left hand continued to control the Holy Elixir of Evolution, and his right hand introduced the Suzaku Holy Fire floating beside him into the Elixir of Evolution.

The ten regiments of evolutionary elixir, which had a tendency to separate just now, began to slowly merge, and a dazzling white holy light spread out like a stormy sea. A small grass of , kept being receded.

At a critical moment, Hu Jiu'er appeared behind Feng Yixiu, and the Nine Life Spirit Orb was almost shattered at the same time, and the violent spiritual pressure desperately resisted the oncoming violent fluctuations.

With the combined efforts of the three, the situation was barely controlled, and the ten regiments of evolutionary elixir were rapidly merging at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a few minutes, the dazzling white holy light suddenly gathered, and the violent fluctuations were also instantaneous.

The moment disappeared, and due to inertia, Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiu'er fell forward.

The pure white holy potion that lost the control of its mind power also fell towards the ground. Once this pure and flawless holy potion touches the ground, it will undoubtedly be destroyed.

At the critical moment, Dongfang Xia Mo and Han Xiao shot at the same time, catching the pure white holy potion that was about to fall.

Although the strength of the two of them cannot be compared with Feng Yixiu, it is not difficult to catch the evolutionary elixir that is no bigger than a palm.

"Phew... Scared me to death!" Feng Yixiu saw that the pure white holy potion stopped half a meter from the ground, and a hanging heart was considered to have fallen to the ground.

"Brother Feng, Sister Jiu'er, are you all right?" Shen Ruyu took back the Suzaku Sacred Fire and immediately helped the two who fell to the ground.

"It's not a big deal, it's finally safe." Feng Yixiu stood up tremblingly and shook his head with a smile.

"Ah Feng, your injury..." Hu Jiu'er went to Feng Yixiu's chest and pierced through the wound in a shocking way, and said with a look of self-reproach.

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