God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2915 six holy lotus

"It's just some flesh wounds, nothing to get in the way." In order not to worry Hu Jiu'er, Feng Yixiu resisted the severe pain and forcibly pulled out the metal patch embedded in his chest, and the powerful self-healing power stopped immediately. Stopped the blood, smiled and urged: "You don't care about these little things, or complete the evolution of the legend first, you can't wait!"

"All right!"

Hu Jiu'er nodded lightly, raised her hand lightly and took out the holy elixir of evolution suspended in mid-air, looking at the pure white flowers slowly rotating in her palm, she said curiously, "This is the first time I've seen this. A peculiar form of evolution elixir that feels like a six-petal lotus."

Just now, everyone's attention was focused on fighting against the elemental explosion and fluctuations, and they didn't notice the final form after the fusion of the evolutionary elixir. They only reacted after being reminded by Hu Jiu'er.

Ordinary evolution elixir is in liquid form and must be stored in special containers, but Hu Jiu'er's elixir of evolution is extremely special, as if possessing a certain amount of intelligence, it automatically condenses into one. A six-petaled white lotus.

"This is called the Six Paths Saint Lotus. It is recorded in the evolution plan that only the appearance of this form is the real success, and the pure white and flawless Six Path Saint Lotus is the most perfect." Feng Yixiu explained with a smile.

"Sister Jiu'er's six-path holy lotus can't see any flaws, it can be seen that its quality should have reached the perfect level!" Shen Ruyu said with excitement.

"Our efforts are finally in vain..." Feng Yixiu nodded with a smile, looked at the person beside him, and said softly, "Jiu'er, it's up to you now!"

Hearing this, Hu Jiu'er nodded silently, and elegantly opened her thin red lips, only to see the six holy lotus in her hand turned into a white light and did not enter the entrance.

In an instant, a dazzling sacred light burst out, making everyone present unable to look directly, and a flower bone emitting a sacred breath suddenly grew under Hu Jiu'er's feet.

With the slow blooming of the flower bones, the six holy lotuses exuded dazzling rays of light, and a strange pure white magic circle slowly spread with Hu Jiu'er as the center, almost including the huge hall.

Hu Jiu'er seemed to be echoing the Six Path Saint Lotus at her feet. She slowly closed her eyes and floated above the Six Path Saint Lotus out of thin air. Nine tails slowly curled up and held her tightly. wrap up.

The sacred six-path holy lotus began to slowly close at the moment Hu Jiu'er curled up, completely wrapping her in it.

At this moment, the entire Holy Spirit Hall was wrapped in a sacred light, auspicious clouds floated above the sky, and Ruiguang made a masterpiece...

These huge movements naturally attracted the attention of everyone in the Zero Sequence Group. Everyone looked up at the Holy Spirit Hall exuding a sacred atmosphere. At a certain moment, they thought it was a god coming into the world, and an urge to kneel and worship rushed up. mind.

"Don't panic, this is the Nine-Tailed Empress who is completing the evolution of the legend, everyone, let's go..."

Just as everyone was talking, the Moon Worship Spider Emperor suddenly appeared behind everyone, and his cold expression dispelled the curious crowd.

Azhi stared in the direction of the Holy Spirit Hall for a long time, feeling this powerful divine aura, and muttered to himself: "What an amazing divine aura, even if the four beasts are born, it's just like that..."

Two hours later, the six holy lotus spinning slowly stopped abruptly, and a powerful holy light burst out, and immediately converged at an extremely fast speed.

At the moment when the light completely subsided, the six holy lotus, which had been in a closed state, began to bloom slowly, and a beautiful figure was gradually exposed to everyone's sight.


Feng Yixiu looked at the six holy lotuses that were gradually blooming, and his heart gradually began to accelerate, and an inexplicable sense of tension came to his heart.

With such a perfect Six Path Saint Lotus, there is a high probability that there will be no accidents, but he will never dare to take it lightly until the last moment...

While thinking about it, the six holy lotuses were completely in full bloom, and the dazzling six streamers were floating around Hu Jiu'er like a cloud, and the perfect curvy figure could be vaguely seen.

At the moment of full bloom, the petals of the six holy lotus began to disintegrate one after another, turning into a stream of light and submerging into the center of Hu Jiu'er. The disappearance of each petal will make Hu Jiu'er's sacred aura even more amazing.

When all the six petals were submerged in Hu Jiu'er's body, a looming six-way roulette suddenly appeared behind her.

There are ancient and dense sacred patterns on it, like the mist on the horizon, and the streamer like a remnant cloud is constantly coiling, revealing a mysterious and noble sacred atmosphere.

This is Hu Jiu’er’s holy weapon, the Six Paths Reincarnation Mirror, a mysterious and unpredictable holy weapon. Not only can you gain unparalleled combat power by switching the power of the Six Paths, but you can also observe the life and death changes of the Six Paths through the Six Paths Reincarnation Mirror and detect the lonely soul. The sin karma in life is undoubtedly an extremely powerful ability.

Fox Jiu'er has evolved from a master class to a legendary beast. The appearance has not changed much, but the nine tails of different colors behind it have turned into a unified pure white fox tail, and the waist-length black hair is like a waterfall. fly.

In addition, her aura has undergone a qualitative leap. If the former Hu Jiu'er was the number one beauty in the world, then she is now like a goddess who has been demoted to the world, only daring to look from afar and not dare to Give birth to the slightest blasphemy.

I saw Hu Jiu'er slowly opened his eyes, the six-path reincarnation mirror rotating behind him changed from virtual to real, and the chain of six-path order surrounded his body, adding a bit of mystery and nobility to the already peerless Hu Jiu'er, cold and sharp. His eyes were like bright stars, exuding a captivating and charming light.

However, the indifferent gaze that looked down on all beings suddenly softened when he looked at Feng Yixiu, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Da da da……"

Hu Jiu'er walked towards Feng Yixiu very gracefully and slowly, her beautiful and graceful posture made people unable to open her eyes at all, her long gorgeous clothes fluttered in the wind, and blossoming holy lotuses were born between her steps.

Due to the existence of the Six Paths Reincarnation Mirror, wherever Hu Jiuer walks, the mysterious Six Paths streamer will be left behind, surrounded by dreamlike clouds and mists, making people unable to distinguish whether it is a real world or a dream, it is so beautiful You can't take your eyes off at all.

"A Feng, why are you staring at people like this?" Hu Jiu'er was a little embarrassed by Feng Yixiu's hot eyes, and lowered his head and whispered.

"Cough cough... Can you wipe the saliva from the corner of your mouth!" Shen Ruyu gave Feng Yixiu a white look and whispered.

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