God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2928 show their magical powers

"Emperor Beiwu is so confident, why not try it out in person?" Feng Yixiu sneered and asked.

"Hmph... I thought I'd give you young people more opportunities?" The Great Emperor Beiwu turned his head with a guilty conscience, "Besides, the trial of the gods in the early stage is not very difficult, so it is really not challenging."

"Oh... so that's what it is! Emperor Beiwu is really handsome, I thought you were afraid!" Feng Yixiu's mouth rose slightly, and he said lightly.

"You don't need to provoke me, Lord Feng, these little tricks of yours are useless here." The Great Emperor Beiwu was still unmoved, and he refused to go to the Conferred God Platform no matter what.

Because he already knew that the information of the trial of God is staged, in addition to the most basic rules, the information of each stage of the trial is extremely important.

In the first stage, the trial of the gods consisted of two monsters of the same rank, while the second stage was doubled, and there were four monsters of the same rank.

The number of monsters has doubled, and the difficulty is not just doubled. No one knows how difficult the third stage of the God's Trial is.

If it is deduced according to the normal thinking, the third stage may be six monsters of the same rank, or eight monsters of the same rank.

However, this is just a guess. Before no one reaches the third stage, no one can guarantee that because they have already discovered that the so-called time accumulation also has stages. For example, when Marshal Murong passed the second stage, the time was still ten. minutes, not ten and ten seconds.

When it was the turn of the Hell Dragon Knight to play, the time in the first stage became ten and twenty seconds, and the time in the second stage became ten and ten seconds, which meant that the accumulation of time was also staged.

Therefore, the safest strategy is still to wait and see. Before everyone knows the information about the trial that follows, no one dares to casually board the Demon Sealing Stage.

However, this is only for the great emperors such as Beiwu Emperor and Shura Emperor. Most of them still have self-awareness.

They are not picky, nor are they qualified to be picky, as long as they can obtain the divine jade, it is enough, no matter what quality it is.

Therefore, the Hell Dragon Knight had just retreated from the Conferred God Stage, and many people took the initiative to stand up and scrambled to get on the Conferred God Stage.

Although only one person can go up to the Conferred God Platform at a time, this does not affect the enthusiasm of everyone. They are all scrambling to line up.

However, most of the people in the queue are the monarchs of some medium-sized countries, there are also some powerful beast kings, the emperors of the four major empires and the bishops of the two balanced Holy Sees, as well as the Heavenly Fierce Congregation and the head of the Seven Deadly Sins have not made any difference. action.

Anyway, most of these people can't complete the first stage of God's trial, and at most only a few people have the opportunity to enter the second stage, and it will not have much impact on them.

Feng Yixiu winked at several people from the Huaxia and Shura Empires, indicating that they should also go to line up. After all, the trial of the gods will become more difficult as it goes on, and it is advantageous to complete it as soon as possible.

However, the people he sent were all at the middle and upper level, and they did not play for those top combat powers, such as Gu Yuan and Luo Xingyun, as well as Shen Ruyu and Dongfang Xiamo and others.

Seeing this, Emperor Molong couldn't sit still, and immediately sent his beastmasters to line up. On the one hand, he was looking for more information, and on the other hand, he was able to obtain more divine jade.

With the slow passage of time, there were only a few people left in the long dragon-like team, and most of them did not get the divine good luck jade, and a few people got the white divine good luck jade.

Only a very small number of people have obtained the yellow Divine Fortune Jade. Most of these people are warriors of the Huaxia and Shura Empires. Except for those who have not yet played, all the seven marshals and the four masters have obtained the yellow level. The god of good fortune.

There are even many of these people who have ventured into the third stage of God's trial, and their purpose is not to pass the third stage of God's trial, but to obtain the information of the third stage, for the follow-up. Get a higher-quality Fortune Jade to prepare.

East China Marshal Ye Ming successfully passed the second stage of the trial, and then risked his life to enter the third stage of the trial, but he withdrew after only three seconds.

But it took only three seconds to frighten him into a cold sweat, because he saw ten spatial cracks, which means that the third stage of the trial needs to face ten monsters of the same rank at the same time.

This is how quickly Ye Ming gave up. He quickly wrote down the position of the space crack and immediately retreated. Otherwise, if he delayed for a while, he would really be buried in the third stage of the illusion of God...

However, more than one person obtained the information of the third stage. A Beastmaster under Emperor Molong also successfully entered the third illusion, but his luck was not as good as Ye Ming's, and he was seriously injured in order to obtain the information.

In addition, the third apostle under the Seven Deadly Sins, the Emerald Dragon Knight of the Beiyuan Empire, has successfully entered the third stage, but no one has successfully passed.

"My God... This difficulty is too exaggerated. In the second stage, there were four monsters besieging. I really don't know how they passed."

The last person suddenly opened his eyes. He persisted in the second stage for less than a minute and then gave up.

After a while, the Fengshentai, which was still very lively just now, became deserted again, and the atmosphere of the entire black and white shrine also became a little subtle.

Nowadays, most people in the Black and White Shrine have completed the trial of God, but this does not mean that the trial of God is about to end, because the giants of all parties have not yet entered.


When the eyes of the heads of several major forces met, sparks seemed to collide, and a battle without gunpowder smoke officially kicked off.

"This time is almost too hot. King Yasha, let them see the true strength of the Heavenly Fierce Crowd..."

After a brief silence, Emperor Molong spoke first, looking indifferently at a coquettish witch not far away.

This coquettish witch is one of the few female demon beasts among the top ten hell demon kings. The human form she has transformed into is charming, with only a fatal charm, which makes people feel dry mouth at a glance. .

"Follow your orders, Lord Emperor!"

The Yasha King stood up slowly, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, and disappeared in place in an instant.

I saw that when she slowly sat down with her legs crossed, she revealed a large amount of spring light intentionally or unintentionally, and many men with weak concentration couldn't help but start swallowing saliva.

Feng Yixiu had no interest in this seductive woman, but was shocked by the powerful demonic energy emanating from the other party, and his expression became solemn.

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