God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2929 Purple Jade

No wonder King Yasha was able to follow Emperor Molong into the ruins of mountains and seas instead of staying outside to perform tasks. Her strength is much stronger than the three dead demon kings of hell.

If you guess right, not only the Yasha King, but all the three Hell Demon Kings who are qualified to follow the Molong Emperor’s side are extremely powerful, especially the Wheel King, who is known as the head of the Ten Hell Demon Kings, is even more powerful. Unfathomable.

The trial of God has been going on at this time, and Yasha King is naturally quite familiar with it, and he took the initiative to enter the illusion of God without too much guidance.

Just when everyone thought that it would take more than ten minutes to enter the next stage of the God's Illusion, the white divine light above Yasha King's head suddenly dissipated, and it took less than five minutes.

After the white holy light dissipated, another light-yellow divine light descended, which meant that Yasha King had successfully entered the second stage of the God's Illusion.

"This... what's the situation, doesn't it mean that it gets harder as it goes on? Why did he just pass the level in less than five minutes!"

As soon as this situation appeared, even someone hurriedly stood up and asked.

His Majesty the Pope ignored the questioning of the people below, and still sat firmly in the air, as if he did not notice the noise below.

"Idiot... There is not only one way to clear the customs!" Emperor Beiyuan glanced at the man and said coldly.

In an instant, many people who were not familiar with the situation suddenly realized, and the hall that was still noisy just now became silent in an instant.

There is indeed more than one way to clear the trial of the gods. Killing can also achieve the goal of clearing the level, but no one has tried this method for so long, so everyone takes it for granted that no one will do it.

Because even if they have the ability to kill two big monsters of the same rank, almost no one will do it, because it will consume a lot of physical and spiritual power, which is not conducive to subsequent trials.

This shows how confident Yasha King is in his own strength, and he doesn't care about the consumption caused by forcibly breaking through the first trial.


After everyone wanted to understand the whole story, the expressions they looked at Yasha King again couldn't help but become extremely solemn.

This beautiful woman looks harmless to humans and animals, but she is a decisive person who never thought about it. It is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

The trial of the gods is still going on. After passing the first trial with strong means, Yasha King did not choose to continue to face the legendary beasts of the second stage in a head-to-head way, but adopted a relatively conservative strategy.

However, judging from his relatively calm and even breathing, he did not have too much pressure to deal with the second trial, not even a drop of sweat.

"It seems that someone is going to obtain the third stage of the divine jade of good fortune..." Feng Yixiu frowned slightly, thinking secretly.

As expected, Yasha King passed through the second stage of the God's Illusion very smoothly. The pale yellow light slowly began to dissipate, and the dark purple divine light fell instead.

The third trial required the simultaneous bombardment of the top ten legendary beasts. This time Yasha King finally lost his calmness, his breath began to become more and more chaotic, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

About nine minutes later, the corner of Yasha King's mouth overflowed with a touch of red blood, and the whole breath became erratic, as if he might die at any time.


Exactly ten minutes later, King Yasha suddenly opened his eyes. He wanted to suppress the frantically surging blood in his chest, but he still couldn't hold back the gushing out.

However, as a sacred object, Fengshentai could not be contaminated by blood, and the blood was evaporated into a mist of blood before it hit the ground, dissipating invisible.

"Congratulations, you passed the third trial, do you know if you will challenge the fourth stage of the God's trial?" The Pope asked softly with a gleam of light in his deep eyes.


"No need to continue, come back!"

King Yasha wanted to say yes, but he was forcibly interrupted by Emperor Molong before he finished speaking.

The current state of Yasha King is not to mention the fourth trial of unknown difficulty, even if it is very reluctant to stand, once he takes risks, he will most likely die.

Even so, Yasha King still did not hesitate at all. In order to inquire about the fourth stage of God's illusion for Emperor Molong, he had already put his life and death aside.

"Lord Emperor, the subordinates can still hold on..." King Yasha didn't retreat from the Conferred God Platform, and seemed to want to try.

"I asked you to come back, do you have to say it a second time?" Emperor Molong glared at King Yasha, a domineering emperor who was not angry and mighty, which shocked the other party.


The Yasha King subconsciously avoided the terrifying eyes, and then dragged his body back to his futon, "I'm sorry, Lord Emperor, I have disappointed you."

"It's okay, you've done a good job." Emperor Molong said lightly.

Hearing this, everyone showed a puzzled expression. King Yasha was the first person in the audience to get the purple divine jade of good fortune, and he was still not satisfied.

This is really more dead than people, and goods are thrown away!

It's a bit too irritating...

However, everyone only dared to complain in their hearts, and no one dared to offend the majesty of Emperor Molong in person.

The Great Emperor Beiwu looked at Feng Yixiu again, and said abruptly: "Feng monarch, never thought that the first person to get the purple fortune-telling jade is actually a monster, or you Hua.

Xia's Warcraft, are you ashamed? "

Feng Yixiu sneered and said lightly: "Emperor Beiwu, you seem to have made a mistake. Don't forget that you are also the emperor of the Terran Empire. Why do you sound like an outsider?"

"But the Heavenly Fierce Congregation is your blood spirit organization in China, shouldn't you be responsible for this?" The Great Emperor Beiwu retorted with a grim look.

"It's ridiculous... The celestial gangs in China have already been eliminated, and now the celestial gangsters have been re-established outside the country, you can naturally check and balance, but you don't seem to do so, aren't you afraid?" Feng Yixiu sneered and said lightly.

"Hmph... I haven't seen you for more than a year, and the monarch Feng is still so sharp and sharp." The Great Emperor Beiwu's face was red with anger, and he calmed down after a long time, "I really can't tell you, but the fierce crowd is always there today. What you developed in China, you have to be responsible to the end no matter what."

"It's ridiculous... I at least wiped out the Flower of Evil, and also wiped out the local strongholds of the celestial evil, and what have you done?" Feng Yixiu smiled and shook his head, frowning: "If I remember correctly, The seven deadly sins of your Beiyuan Empire are not small, right?"

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