God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2930 The First Apostle

"It's not up to you to worry about the Beiyuan Empire!" The Great Emperor Beiwu gritted his teeth.

"You have no right to intervene in China's affairs. You should take care of yourself first!" Feng Yixiu sneered without giving in at all.

The quarrel between the two is naturally seen by everyone present. Many monarchs of medium-sized countries want to be dissuaded from being a peacemaker, but because of their identities, they dare not speak, lest they fail to dissuade themselves, but instead become cannon fodder.

After all, neither Emperor Shura nor Emperor Beiwu could afford to offend them.

The Heavenly Fierce Congregation, the Seven Deadly Sins, and others were delighted when they saw this situation, and they all looked like they were watching a good show.

"Tsk tsk tsk...I never thought that the human faction would be so ununited, or that we, the demons, are more harmonious." A playful smile appeared on the corner of Louise's mouth, and she glanced at the Molong Emperor not far away.

Emperor Molong didn't take the initiative to speak, but he nodded lightly in response, and something was brewing in his incomparably deep eyes.

After a short silence, Luo Xingyun glanced at Feng Yixiu not far away, and asked softly, "Marshal, I want to try..."

Feng Yixiu was stunned for a while, then nodded and said, "Marshal Luo, please, I believe that with your strength, it will be no problem to obtain the purple divine jade."

"Che... don't be afraid to flash your tongue when you talk big!" The Great Emperor Beiwu sneered and sneered.

Emperor Beiwu's strength for Marshal Luo and others was too long a year ago, but he did not know that Luo Xingyun's strength had greatly improved over the years.

In particular, Feng Yixiu personally wrote the evolution plan for him, and let his ultimate body battle spirit evolve into the golden-winged Dapeng of the Holy Spirit body, which made a qualitative leap in his strength.

Marshal Luo ignored the ridicule of the Great Emperor Beiwu, and after obtaining Feng Yixiu's consent, he took a steady pace and walked towards the Conferred God Stage step by step.

After taking a deep breath, Luo Xingyun quickly entered the first stage of the illusion of God, and the pure white divine light enveloped him.

However, within a few minutes, the white sacred light suddenly dissipated, and Luo Xingyun successfully entered the second stage of the illusion of God.

Feng Yixiu was not surprised by this result, but the expressions of Emperor Beiwu and Emperor Molong were a little surprised.

Only those who have absolute confidence in their own strength dare to kill and clear the level. It can be seen that Luo Xingyun is also very confident in his own strength.

"This Luo Xingyun has something!" The Great Emperor Beiwu's expression gradually became solemn, then shook his head and muttered in his heart: "Impossible, this guy must be holding on, it is absolutely impossible to pass the third trial. of!"

Just as Emperor Beiwu was secretly calculating in his heart, Luo Xingyun successfully passed the second stage of the illusion of God. Judging from his calm state, he still did not use all his strength.

The pale yellow pillar of divine light gradually dissipated, replaced by a purple divine light with a more sacred atmosphere falling, and Luo Xingyun's brows gradually began to wrinkle.

The third stage of the God's Illusion needs to face the siege of ten monsters of the same rank. The strength of each ancient monster is much stronger than the previous level, and the difficulty can be said to directly increase another dimension.

Fortunately, Marshal Luo already knew the specific information of the third stage of the illusion, and before the space crack appeared, he occupied the favorable terrain in advance.

As soon as the top ten monsters appeared, Luo Xingyun drove the golden-winged Dapeng to flee frantically. The exaggerated speed seemed to be a golden lightning.

Only the ancient beasts of the wind and thunder elements could barely keep up with his speed, and the rest of the ancient beasts had already been left far behind.

If it weren't for the fact that the Illusion of God was a limited space, with the amazing speed of the Golden Winged Dapeng, it would not be impossible to pass through the Illusion of God in the third stage without injury.

It is a pity that there are not so many ifs. After the ten big monsters found that they could not catch up with Luo Xingyun, they immediately changed their tactics. They no longer pursued each other separately, but forced him to the border area of ​​the illusion of God by means of encirclement and suppression.

In this case, Luo Xingyun can only be forced to fight. Fortunately, he has just delayed enough time, and he only needs to hold on for another three minutes to pass the third stage of the trial.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

I saw a golden flash shuttle back and forth among the top ten beasts. The changing position and the occasional surprise attack made the top ten beasts a headache.

As a long-established master of kendo, Marshal Luo's extraordinary sword intent is divided into two parts wherever he goes, revealing his formidable combat power.

However, the difficulty of the third stage of the trial was far beyond his imagination. Most of the ancient beasts in the first two levels fought alone and did not know how to cooperate with each other.

In the third level, the spirit of the ancient monsters is obviously a higher level. Not only will they cooperate with each other, but once a certain monster is injured, one of the ancient monsters with wood properties will also heal it.

Legendary monsters have a strong vitality that is almost indestructible, and coupled with the treatment of attribute monsters, it is almost impossible to kill them completely.

Unless someone can kill them all with one blow, or has the ability to kill the gods like Feng Yixiu, don't think about clearing the level by killing monsters.

As time passed by, Luo Xingyun's complexion became paler and paler, and the beating of his heart also proved that he was in unprecedented danger.


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