God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2931 The lesson of blood

"Can I enter the next stage of the trial?" Even though His Holiness the Pope did not like the Crazy Dragon Knight, he patiently continued to ask according to the procedure.

"What are you afraid of, go ahead!" The Wild Dragon Knight nodded in agreement without thinking, his always brave character did not allow him to back down.

"Young man... This seat advises you to take it as soon as you see it, and don't destroy your future." The bishop in white casually said something out of good intentions.

"Hmph... The bishop in white is a bit too conservative, but this kind of behavior seems to be something you old people would do." Not only did the mad dragon knight not appreciate it, but he took the opportunity to sneer.

After saying that, the Crazy Dragon Knight slowly closed his eyes again, a dazzling orange-gold light fell from the sky, and a terrifying divine might instantly overwhelmed everyone present.

The divine light this time is obviously completely different from the previous ones. The two are not of the same level at all, as if they came from another dimension.

"What a terrifying coercion. Could it be that this has already touched the realm of God?" Feng Yixiu frantically urged the Twin Spirit Stars and the Sigil of the Four Saints, which barely resisted the amazing coercion brought by the orange-gold divine light.


But within a few seconds, a bloodstain appeared on the left arm of the mad dragon knight. His entire left arm was cut off by the roots, and the red blood gushed out like a fountain.

The mad dragon knight suddenly opened his eyes, he didn't have time to fear, the severe pain made him unable to help but let out bursts of mourning, even when he looked at the severed right arm not far away.

I saw that the right arm suddenly ignited spontaneously, and a red fire without any temperature eroded it away, disappearing from all sight like smoke and dust.

This is not the most frustrating thing for the Wild Dragon Knight. As a strong man of the Holy Spirit King level, he has the self-healing ability no less than super speed regeneration, but he was surprised to find that his wound could not be healed.

In desperation, the mad dragon knight had to tear up the hem of his clothes and wrap it around his broken arm to avoid excessive blood loss.

"Your Majesty, what is going on here?" After realizing the fact that his broken arm could not be recovered, the mad dragon knight raised his head to look at the Pope and asked.

"This is the injury of the divine beast. With your superficial self-healing power, you can't resist the erosion of divine power. It is the best result to be able to save your life." His Holiness the Pope seemed to have anticipated everything, and explained calmly. .

"How could this be..." The mad dragon knight's pupils shrank suddenly, as if he could not accept the fact that he had broken his arm. Don't speak early to remind!"

"This is your own choice. No matter what the consequences are, you must bear the consequences. This seat has no obligation to remind you." : "Besides, even if someone reminds you, I'm afraid you won't listen."

"Hey... If you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer in front of you!" The bishop in white caressed his gray beard and said casually.

"Tantai Boyun, don't speak rude words there, it's clear that you've provoked me just now!" The Crazy Dragon Knight lost his arm, and he was full of resentment, and scolded fiercely.


His Majesty the Pope threw his sleeves angrily, and an amazing coercion burst out, "Since the trial of God has been completed, hurry down there and don't disturb the order of the Black and White Divine Palace, otherwise this seat will take back your good fortune divine jade. ."

Hearing this, the Crazy Dragon Knight, who was still a little out of control just now, calmed down instantly, and dragged his stump back to his seat.

He is also the only person in the audience who has been disabled for life because of participating in the trial of God. It can be said that he paid a heavy price for arrogance.

Just how majestic the Dragon Knight was when he appeared, how embarrassing he will be when he exits now...

Feng Yixiu did not interrupt the audience, but secretly analyzed the information about the fourth stage of God's trial in his heart.

From the terrifying coercion that spilled out just now, and combined with the few words from the Pope, he can probably guess the situation of the fourth stage of God's trial.

If the guess is correct, the fourth stage of God's Illusion is no longer facing the same-level monsters, but the higher-level monsters, otherwise it is impossible to lose so quickly with the strength of the mad dragon warrior.

The Wild Dragon Knight is a strong man in the realm of the Holy Spirit King, so he is naturally facing a divine beast that is higher than the holy beast!

"It's fortunate that Marshal Luo was not allowed to venture into the fourth stage of the God's Illusion, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable..." Feng Yixiu secretly rejoiced in his heart.

I saw the mad dragon knight slowly returning to his futon. Before his butt was hot, Emperor Beiwu, who was not far away, cast his earnest eyes over and asked in the form of spiritual thoughts: "Mad dragon, this fourth Where is the space crack in the illusion of stage gods?"

The Crazy Dragon Knight was also stunned for a moment, and then a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He was so seriously injured that he almost failed to get it back, but Emperor Beiwu never even mentioned a word of concern, but only asked about God's Phantom information.

However, this complaint is a complaint, and the Wild Dragon Knight still informed the Great Emperor Beiwu of all the information he had exchanged at the expense of one arm.

Feng Yixiu knew that Emperor Beiwu would not take the initiative to share information, so he did not make fun of himself, but focused his attention on the next God's trial.

I saw his eyes swept around the person who had not yet participated in the trial of God, and then said with a serious face: "Tian Ming, Chongyun, Sivir

, Rose, Blizzard, Aori..."

All the people named by Feng Yixiu stood up one by one, and everyone knew that this was for them to fight for the purple divine jade of good fortune.

"You all have the opportunity to attack the third stage of the God's Trial, and strive to get the purple fortune-telling hook. Remember not to risk entering the fourth stage of the God's Illusion, remember?" Feng Yixiu reminded with a solemn expression.

"As ordered!"

Everyone bowed slightly to take orders, they had 100% confidence in Feng Yixiu's judgment, and no one raised any objection.

When Emperor Beiwu saw this scene, he was so envious that his teeth were almost clenched, and there were too many elite soldiers under Feng Yixiu.

Originally wanted to speak sneeringly, but when he thought of Luo Xingyun's previous lessons, in order not to be slapped in the face again, he could only forcibly hold back the words.

"Two Aiqings, you should go too..."

Emperor Tianyu, who had never spoken, also moved, and asked the two great priests beside him to line up to accept the trial of God.

Prison Temple Zeren and Shen Wuyue are among the top high priests, and their strength is quite good. Although they are not comparable to the Wild Dragon Knight, it is fortunate that the two do not have too much ambition.

Anyway, their goal was just to impact the purple fortune-telling hook, and they never thought about stepping into the extremely dangerous fourth stage of the God's Illusion.

Because of the Shura Empire and the Huaxia Kingdom, no matter which party has obtained the information about the fourth stage of the God's Illusion, it will naturally be shared with them, and naturally there is no need to risk their lives to obtain information.

The first sequence Chang Duan Mu Chen and the first judge Sheila joined the long team. The strength of the two of them was only slightly stronger than that of the Crazy Dragon Knight. In order not to repeat the tragedy of the Crazy Dragon Knight, they naturally joined the competition. Among the large team of purple good fortune god jade.

The Heavenly Fierce Congregation and the Seven Deadly Sins saw that the Human Race Empire and the two Great Balance Holy Sees had taken action. In order not to fall behind with others, Emperor Molong and the True Ancestor of the Blood Race also secretly began to dispatch troops.

On the side of the seven deadly sins, except for the first apostle and the true ancestor of the blood race, all the apostles who had not participated in the trial of God were all sent to the stage.

On the side of the Heavenly Fierce Congregation, in addition to Emperor Molong and Empress Moyu Emperor, King Chu Jiang and the beast emperors under the command of the Heavenly Fierce Congregation also appeared.

It is a little surprising that most of these people in the queue have successfully obtained the purple god's hook jade, and even Duanmuchen and Sheila have tried to enter the fourth stage of the god's illusion, and finally did it. Retreat to the whole body.

This is naturally to obtain information about the fourth stage and prepare for the subsequent acquisition of higher-quality orange fortune-telling jade.

The reason why the two of them were able to return the whole body is thanks to the erroneous demonstration of the Crazy Dragon Knight. As long as they know the specific orientation of the space crack, they can exit in time, and there is no big problem if they don't confront them.

"Not bad, not bad, I haven't seen such a grand event for a long time. It seems that the quality of this trial is very good!" His Majesty the Pope saw that so many people had obtained the purple god of good fortune. There was a rare smile on his face.

There is no doubt that the Asura Empire has occupied half of the country in the competition for the purple fortune-telling gouyu, and the harvest can be said to be enviable.

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