God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2932 Orange Divine Jade

When the Great Emperor Beiwu saw the series of dazzling purple fortune-telling jade, his envy was about to spurt out of his eyes, so he simply closed his eyes.

However, in addition to the Shura Empire, the harvest of the Heavenly Fierce Crowd is also quite good. If you add the seven deadly sins to obtain the purple divine jade of good fortune, it can almost be on the same level as the human race, or even have a slight advantage.

The just now lively Fengshentai became deserted again, and all those who were interested in competing for the purple fortune-telling jade also completed their own trials of the gods.

"Little Kai, since no one wants to play, it's up to you to do it."

Seeing that no one stepped on the Conferred God List this time, Louise smiled at a black-robed man beside her and said softly.

The true ancestor of the blood clan looked like a little girl who was still underage, wearing a gorgeous scarlet dress all the year round, like a princess who was kept pampered in the palace.

If you don't know Louise's true identity, I am afraid that most people will be confused by this harmless appearance, she is an extremely dangerous person.

"This is my honor, Lord True Ancestor!"

The first apostle wore a black hood, so he couldn't see his face clearly. After bowing respectfully to Louise, he walked slowly towards the Conferred God Altar.

Feng Yixiu looked at this person seriously, although he couldn't see his face hidden under the hood, he could vaguely sense the oppression of the other party.

At this stage, those who challenge the gods are naturally heading towards the orange fortune-telling divine jade. Feng Yixiu does not think that the true ancestor of the blood clan who has lived for an unknown number of years will not have the vision to know people. At this time, the first apostle is sent, naturally There is a certain degree of certainty.

"It seems that these seven deadly sins are also Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!" Feng Yixiu said to himself, frowning tightly.

It was originally thought that the strength of the Seven Deadly Sins was at most similar to that of the Flower of Evil, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Regardless of the true ancestor of the blood clan who cannot see through the depths, the strength of the first apostle, Kaiy, is already strong enough. Once they really join forces with the Heavenly Fierce Congregation, it is difficult for him to imagine what will happen in the future.


Before Feng Yixiu could recall his thoughts, a harsh roar woke him up.

I saw that the white divine light wrapped around the first apostle suddenly dissipated, and it was only ten seconds since he entered the illusion of God.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this scene, but what happened next was beyond their understanding.


Another shrill explosion sounded, and the pale yellow divine light barrier also burst, and then a dark purple divine light brewed for a long time before slowly falling.

"It's just two levels in one minute, this guy is very strong!" Duanmuchen didn't praise others easily, but this time it was a rare time for him to praise him.

At this moment, the entire Black and White Shrine became audible, and almost everyone looked at the movements of the Conferred God Stage nervously.

This trip to the Black and White Shrine can be regarded as an eye-opener for them. Before they came here, they were all leaders in their respective fields, and there were almost no rivals at all.

But the time they stayed in the Black and White Divine Palace can be said to have taught them a good lesson, allowing them to see what is outside the human being, and there is a heaven outside the sky...

"Huh... I finally stopped, otherwise I would really doubt my life." Seeing that the purple divine light barrier had not collapsed, Ye Ming wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Even if he fought for his life, he just barely passed the second trial illusion, and the other party only spent a minute to complete it, which is too scary.

If the first apostle can quickly kill and pass the third stage of God's trial, it will probably cause a lot of blow to their hearts.

The first apostle's trial of the gods is still going on, but it can be judged from his uniform breath that he can still handle the siege of the top ten monsters of the same rank with ease.

Unsurprisingly, the first apostle successfully passed the third stage of God's trial, and the bright yellow divine jade of good fortune floating beside him also turned dark purple.


Before the Pope asked, the first apostle spoke indifferently, and he didn't even open his eyes.

His Majesty the Pope was a little dissatisfied with the impolite behavior of the first apostle, but he did not say much, but immediately cooperated and lowered the orange pillar of divine light.

Although the first apostle didn't yell, he still showed a hint of arrogance, and this kind of behavior was even more rude than the mad dragon knight.

However, His Holiness the Pope did not treat the first apostle Kai like the mad dragon knight. The fundamental reason was that Kai really had the opportunity to obtain the orange divine jade of good fortune.

Anyone who can obtain the orange divine jade, once they enter the Eternal Divine Realm, they will be regarded as guests of honor, and even the Pope will not dare to offend easily.

As soon as he entered the fourth stage of the illusion of God, Kay, who had always been calm and composed, became flustered, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead unconsciously.

The first apostle, Kaiy, is a powerful man at the level of the Holy Spirit King, so the creatures that appear in the illusion of the fourth god are naturally divine beasts. After he felt a terrifying aura from the cracks of the gods, he immediately made the most correct decision. is to escape!

Kai has the confidence to challenge the illusion of God in the fourth stage. Naturally, he has the confidence. He has a rare space system Holy Spirit.

By constantly using the space shuttle to avoid the pursuit of the beasts.

"Strange... It seems that half of the time has passed, why hasn't this guy given up yet?" The Wild Dragon Knight looked at his broken arm, and then glanced at Kai, who was only bleeding from the corner of his mouth, gritted his teeth.

After a long period of observation, Feng Yixiu also noticed the abnormal fluctuations in the space around Kai, and naturally inferred that the other party had the Holy Spirit of the space system, and frowned slightly: "It seems that the seven deadly sins will be the first to obtain the orange divine jade of good fortune. …”

"Ah Feng, you mean this guy can get the orange divine jade?" Hu Jiu'er asked curiously.

"That's right, Kai has the Holy Spirit of the space system. Even in the face of supernatural beasts, he has a certain amount of self-preservation power. It should be no problem to persist for ten minutes." Feng Yixiu nodded and said softly.

"So that's the case..." Hu Jiu'er nodded thoughtfully, "A Feng, will you send me on stage later?"

"Don't worry, if you guess right, there should be a higher-level existence on top of this orange fortune-telling jade. With your current strength, you may be able to challenge it." Feng Yixiu smiled and shook his head, softly speaking. road.

"Okay, I'll listen to you..." Hu Jiu'er nodded very obediently, and asked, "By the way, when are you going to play?"

"Emperor Molong didn't even move, what am I in a hurry..." Feng Yixiu muttered with a faint gaze.

Another five minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and I saw that the orange divine light surrounding Kay gradually began to dissipate, and the dark purple divine jade suspended beside him also changed, absorbing the fourth stage of divine light and then transforming. For orange.


The first apostle slowly opened his eyes, forcibly swallowed the sweet taste in his throat, then put his hands on the ground, and stood up slowly, shaking a little when he got up.

"Congratulations, Kay. You have successfully obtained the first orange Fortune God Realm. If you have the opportunity to step into the Eternal God Realm in the future, don't forget the grace of this seat today." The Pope smiled and said softly. .

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