God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2933 holding high and stepping low

"Your Majesty the Pope is polite..."

Kai nodded lightly towards the person floating in the air, his attitude seemed a little perfunctory, and then he retired from the Conferred God Platform.

The Pope saw that Kay was so disrespectful, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, but there was still a smile on his face.

"It seems that this so-called messenger of God is also watching people serve dishes..." Feng Yixiu couldn't help but complained in his heart when he saw His Holiness the Pope with a smile on his face.

I thought that the Eternal God Realm was the place that all living beings yearn for, and the messenger of the gods, as the guides of all the God Realms, should not have these phenomena of ups and downs, but now it seems that this is not the case.

As long as your own strength is strong enough, you will be respected no matter where you are, even in the Eternal God Realm...

"Little Kai, you did a great job!" Louise smiled admiringly.

"Thank you for the praise, Lord True Ancestor." Kai bowed down very respectfully, letting the True Ancestor of the blood race caress the top of his head, although he couldn't see his expression hidden under the black hood, but it was expected to be very enjoyable. .

"Hmph... What's so amazing, isn't it just an orange divine jade, if I want it, it's just a search for something."

As soon as Emperor Beiwu stood up, he instantly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already on the Conferred God Stage.

Now that the time is ripe, the Great Emperor Beiwu has also obtained information about the fourth stage of God's trial, and naturally he is not prepared to continue to wait and see.

In fact, Emperor Beiwu wanted to challenge the higher-level illusion of the gods, but the miserable appearance of the mad dragon knight made him not dare to take risks easily, so after careful consideration, he prepared to obtain the orange god of good fortune jade.

I have to say that Emperor Beiwu is arrogant by nature, but the choice he made at the critical moment is still very correct. Once he enters the final trial, I am afraid it is not as simple as being disabled for life, and there is a high probability that he will lose his life.

Because the overall strength of Emperor Beiwu was only slightly stronger than that of the first apostle, Kaiy, it would undoubtedly be an act of courting death to challenge the most difficult fifth-stage God's Trial with such strength.

In an instant, the entire Black and White Shrine became quiet again, and everyone's eyes were focused on the Great Emperor Beiwu.

Although Feng Yixiu couldn't see the Holy Spirit of the Great Emperor Beiwu, judging from the powerful dragon aura he exuded, his Holy Spirit must also be an extremely powerful dragon spirit.

To be precise, the Holy Spirit of the Great Emperor Beiwu should be called the Yalong family, but the so-called Yalong and the real dragon are just different evaluations of the world. The Yalong family and the real dragon family do not belong to the same race in essence.

Just as Feng Yixiu guessed, the Holy Spirit of the Great Emperor Beiwu was the Wudilong, known as the strongest Yalong in history.

The appearance of the Five Emperor Dragons is also quite peculiar. Unlike the ordinary Yalong Holy Spirit, it has five dragon heads with completely different colors.

Each dragon capital has a powerful elemental power, and the five elements are wind, thunder, light, dark fire, and no matter which element it is, it has the powerful destructive power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

With the strength and temperament of Emperor Beiwu, he would not follow the rules to complete the early trials. As soon as he entered the first stage of the trial of the gods, he violently cleared the level in about ten seconds.

The speed of the second stage is also extremely amazing, even a little faster than the speed of the first apostle Kai.

However, this is not surprising. After all, the most pure offensive Holy Spirit of the Five Emperor Dragons has an extremely terrifying explosive power, and the trials of the two great gods in the early stage have no pressure on it.

It's just that when the purple divine light barrier shattered in about eight minutes, everyone present couldn't help shrinking their pupils, and their shock was beyond words.

The third stage of the trial of God is to face the siege of the ten ancient monsters at the same time. The choice of most people is to escape to save their lives. Even the first apostle, Kai, adopts this strategy, but Emperor Beiwu is against it. The way to do it, even chose to use violent means to clear the customs.

However, Feng Yixiu noticed that Emperor Beiwu's throat trembled slightly, as if he was swallowing the blood that was about to overflow, obviously suffering a serious injury.

Although this action was only a momentary thing, it still did not escape his keen observation.

"The Great Emperor Beiwu is really strong in his life..." Feng Yixiu shook his head helplessly, then looked at Marshal Gu beside him, smiled and said, "Marshal Gu, don't imitate that reckless man later."

"Don't worry, Grand Marshal, I can still handle the importance of face and life." Gu Yuan nodded with a smile, and softly echoed.

Feng Yixiu nodded with satisfaction, and continued to cast his eyes on the Conferred God Stage, only to see that the Great Emperor Beiwu had been enveloped by the orange divine light barrier.

Fortunately, Emperor Beiwu's own physical strength is amazing, and his recovery ability is also quite strong. The injury he just received in the third trial did not have much impact on the subsequent challenges.

The fourth stage of the illusion of God needs to face powerful opponents beyond his own realm. Even the Great Emperor Beiwu did not dare to continue hard steel, but chose a more conservative strategy.

He ordered the Five Emperor Dragons to stubbornly hold back the pace of the divine beast, and he used the information he had obtained from the Wild Dragon Knight earlier to start frantically fleeing.

The performance of the Five Emperor Dragons is also amazing enough. He dragged the fantasy beast for nearly six minutes, and won enough escape opportunities for the Great Emperor Beiwu.

But near the

At the time of the clock, the Great Emperor Beiwu was still caught up by the beast of the fantasy realm, and he resisted the opponent's heavy and powerful claws.

Fortunately, Emperor Beiwu had some experience and did not confront him head-on, but responded in a way of retreating to advance, which resolved most of the force of the fatal blow, and barely passed the fourth stage of the God's test. Refinement.

However, this is the case, the Great Emperor Beiwu still suffered extremely serious internal injuries, and his whole body was almost shattered.


The Great Emperor Beiwu pretended to be calm, opened his eyes slowly, let out a sigh of turbidity, and glanced at the orange divine fortune-telling jade floating beside him, and said lightly: "This fourth stage of God's trial is nothing but the same. If you give me some more time, I will definitely be able to kill the divine beast!"

"Oh? As expected of the strongest in the Beiyuan Empire, the Great Emperor Beiwu's demeanor is truly admirable!" Feng Yixiu held back the smile in his heart, clasped his fists in a compliment, and then changed the subject and said softly, "Since you It's so easy, so why not only need to go through the fifth stage of God's trial, we haven't seen a higher-quality divine jade, so you can open our eyes to the younger generation."

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