God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2934 Final Trial

"Cough cough..."

The Great Emperor Beiwu pretended to cough a few times to hide his embarrassment, and then said solemnly: "Forget it! After all, we still have to give you young juniors some opportunities to perform."

"Stop acting, hurry down, don't waste everyone's time!" Gu Yuan stood on the stairs of the Conferred God Platform and waited for a long time, and urged impatiently.

"Whoever played it, Marshal Gu is jealous that I can't succeed..."

Emperor Beiwu also knew something about Gu Yuan's strength, and it could be said that he was on par with his own strength.

Before Feng Yixiu became the Great Marshal of Huaxia, the Great Emperor Beiwu always regarded Marshal Gu as his imaginary enemy, which shows that he also highly recognized the strength of Marshal Gu.

I saw the Great Emperor Beiwu dragging his heavy steps and slowly leaving the Conferred God Stage along the stairs, but just as he passed Gu Yuan, a huge force came from his shoulders behind him.


Unprepared, the Great Emperor Beiwu spit out a mouthful of thick black blood, and then looked at the person behind him with a slightly resentful gaze.

The Great Emperor Beiwu was trying to save face, but he was already seriously injured. From his slow and heavy steps, it could be seen that his condition was extremely poor.

"Emperor Beiwu, I still want to congratulate you on obtaining the orange fortune-telling divine jade..."

Marshal Gu pretended not to see Emperor Beiwu spitting blood, and was still talking to himself, until he saw the blood on the corner of Emperor Beiwu's mouth who had turned around, and then asked in astonishment: "Yo... Wasn't it okay just now? Why did you vomit blood? Could it be that my hands are too strong?"

"You did it on purpose, right?" The Great Emperor Beiwu was so angry that his face was blue and he gritted his teeth.

"You have wronged me. I just wanted to congratulate you. Who would have known that the dignified Beiwu Emperor could be so fragile. I just said hello and made you vomit so much blood..." Gu Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly. , said softly.


When everyone saw this funny scene, they couldn't help laughing out loud, which made the black and white shrine with a serious atmosphere a little more relaxed.

The Great Emperor Beiwu naturally noticed the sneering of the crowd, but there were too many people laughing, and even if he wanted to stop it, he was powerless, so he had no choice but to swallow the bad breath.

"you are vicious!"

I saw that the Great Emperor Beiwu shook off the palm on his shoulder, and then returned to his seat angrily.

The little prestige that he had finally built up was shattered by Gu Yuan's slap, which made Emperor Beiwu very depressed.

But the scene just now was just a small episode, and everyone's attention quickly returned to the next trial of God.

The strength of Marshal Gu is comparable to that of the Great Emperor Beiwu, but his tactics are completely different from the latter.

In addition to facing the first stage of God's trial, Marshal Gu relies on procrastination to pass the trial in every level.

This kind of steady behavior is very similar to Huaxia's consistent style, and he will never do some grandstanding things in order to win the illusory reputation.

However, the people present did not look at Marshal Bian Gu because of this, but were deeply impressed by the calm personality of the other party.

The whole process of Marshal Gu's trial of the gods was very stable. From the first stage to the third stage, he was so calm that it even made people wonder if he had fallen asleep.

It was not until the fourth stage of God's Trial that Marshal Gu frowned slightly, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, but his state was still extremely stable.

Time was fleeting, and with the slow disappearance of the orange divine light, Marshal Gu also withdrew from the illusion of God.

At this moment, Marshal Gu was still looking as usual, except for the slight sweat on his forehead and the slight ups and downs of his chest, it was almost the same as before the trial of God.

"Gu Yuan, do you want to go through the final trial?" His Holiness the Pope looked at Marshal Gu with an expression full of admiration, and his tone of voice became extremely respectful.

"Your Majesty, do you mean that the fifth stage of the trial is the final trial of the gods?" Gu Yuan instantly captured the key information in the other party's words and immediately asked.

"That's right, there are only five stages in the trial of the gods, and the ultimate trial is matched with the highest-quality golden divine jade." The Pope nodded lightly, and then added: "This Zaben shouldn’t reveal too much, but out of morality, I still have to remind you that the difficulty of the ultimate trial is very exaggerated, even with your strength, there is a risk of death, please consider it carefully!”

"Damn... Now I know that I pay attention to morality. When I was abolished just now, I didn't see you say a word. This shows that it is treated differently." The mad dragon knight looked at his broken arm, which was barely able to stop the blood. A wry smile appeared.

However, he didn't dare to complain in front of His Holiness the Pope. It wouldn't be fun if the Divine Fortune Jade that he finally obtained was taken back, so he could only grieve in silence and lament the injustice of fate alone.

For a while, Marshal Gu also fell into contemplation, and then turned his eyes to Feng Yixiu who was in the audience, as if he wanted to win his opinion.

He naturally knew that it was impossible for him to complete the ultimate trial, but he was considering whether to go to the ultimate trial to explore some useful information and make some contributions to the friendly army who had the opportunity to obtain the golden divine jade.

Feng Yixiu shook his head without much hesitation, indicating that Marshal Gu should not go to the ultimate trial adventure.

Even if Marshal Gu may return safely, but

There is a high probability that he will be severely damaged. If he ends up with a lifelong disability like a mad dragon knight, it will be a major loss for Huaxia.

Seeing Feng Yixiu, Marshal Gu did not agree that he would enter the final trial to explore the information. After hesitating for a while, he obeyed his order and slowly retreated down the stairs to the Conferred God Stage.

However, Marshal Gu discovered that the Great Emperor Beiwu, who had already completed the trial of God, was standing under the stairs, as if waiting for him on purpose.

Seeing this, Marshal Gu was also stunned for a few seconds. Even if he realized that the other party wanted to avenge the shameful revenge just now, it is a pity that his current state is not pretending.

Marshal Gu just nodded at the Great Emperor Beiwu expressionlessly, and then walked very calmly towards his fortune futon.

Just as he had guessed, when Marshal Gu exposed his back to the Great Emperor Beiwu, a heavy force pressed towards his shoulders.

However, the situation that Marshal Gu expected did not occur. Marshal Gu's strong body was like a lofty mountain, and it was not affected by this weak palm in the slightest.

"How could this be, he didn't pretend..." The Great Emperor Beiwu was completely petrified. He thought that Marshal Gu would vomit blood just like himself, but the fact was that he was once again given a heavy crit.

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