God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2935 Vulnerable groups


Just when Emperor Beiwu didn't know how to end it, Gu Yuan shrugged his shoulders gently, and a terrifying dark energy burst out.

The Great Emperor Beiwu was seriously injured, and the injury has not yet fully recovered. Where is the unscathed Gu Yuan's opponent, the whole person was bounced out like an arrow from the string.


I saw the Great Emperor Beiwu slammed into the steps of the Conferred God Stage heavily, and the terrifying force caused his chest to surge violently again, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Yo... Who am I supposed to be! It turned out to be the Great Emperor Beiwu." Gu Yuan turned his head slowly, and happened to see the other party looking at him with an unrequited look, and immediately smiled: "No I'm sorry, it was just a subconscious instinctive reaction, not intended to target you."

This time, everyone couldn't bear it any longer, from snickering to roaring laughter, even the kings of many medium-sized kingdoms snickered along with them.

Emperor Beiwu felt the slightly teasing and sympathetic gazes of the people around him. Emperor Beiwu could not wait to find a hole to crawl in now.

The imperial majesty that Emperor Beiwu had accumulated through his hard work in his life has been squandered today.

"What's so funny, what's so funny!"

The three dragon knights stood up almost at the same time, first scolding the laughing people, then quickly walked to the side of the Great Emperor Beiwu, and helped him up, "Your Majesty, are you all right?"

"Go away, I don't need your help, I can get up by myself!"

The Great Emperor Beiwu threw his hand away and pushed the three of them away, then stood up and limped towards his good fortune futon.

Feng Yixiu looked at Emperor Beiwu's desolate back, and not only sighed: "It's a good thing that this person is arrogant, but he must not be arrogant, otherwise he will be burdened by him for the rest of his life, this Emperor Beiwu is a living negative teaching material. , everyone, don't learn from him."

Everyone also nodded thoughtfully, and they couldn't help but sympathize with the Great Emperor Beiwu. The emperor of a powerful empire has become a laughing stock twice in a row today, which is really embarrassing.

In fact, Emperor Beiwu's strength is no worse than that of Marshal Gu. If Marshal Gu can pass the fourth stage of God's trial without injury, then Emperor Beiwu can also do it.

It's just that he cares too much about his reputation, causing him to waste too much spiritual power and physical strength in the early trials, so he is so laborious when facing the fourth stage of God's trial, and even suffers from it. severely injured.

After Gu Yuan successfully passed the fourth stage of God's trial, he shared the relevant intelligence information with Feng Yixiu.

After Feng Yixiu learned the accurate information, he informed all the friendly forces who had the opportunity to challenge the fourth stage of the illusion of God.

For example, the white-clothed bishop of the Holy See, the Nine-colored Dragon King of the Dragon Palace, the Tide Queen of the Tidal Kingdom, the King of Jiutengui of the Dajiangshan, the Emperor Tianyu of the Sun and Moon Empire...

Among these people, Emperor Tianyu, Yuan Shenyu, is an outlier, because his realm is really too low, and it can be said that he is the lowest among all the black and white shrines.

However, this does not affect his challenge to the God's Trial, because the mechanism of the God's Trial is to match the monsters corresponding to the realm, so Yuan Shenyu also has the opportunity to get the orange God of Fortune Jade.

After all, all the evolution plans of Yuanshenyu's war spirits were made by him. Feng Yixiu at this time has matured a lot compared to many years ago, and all aspects of the consideration are also extremely comprehensive, almost from the perspective of God. guide.

Even if Yuan Shenyu is a waste, after Feng Yixiu's guidance, he will become a genius out of ten thousand, not to mention Yuan Shenyu's own talent and understanding are good, so Feng Yixiu will insist on letting him try. Strive for high-quality good fortune divine jade.

After Feng Yixiu shared the information with these people, he looked at Shen Ruyu beside him, and said softly, "Yu'er, what are your plans?"

"Even if they are as strong as the Great Emperor Beiwu and Marshal Gu, they still managed to get the orange fortune-telling divine jade. I am afraid that I will not be able to complete the final trial, so let's try to pass the fourth stage of the divine trial!" Shen Ruyu After thinking carefully for a long time, he responded, "But I want to help you and my sister explore the situation of the final trial."

"No...it's too dangerous!" Feng Yixiu refused to let Yu'er take the risk for himself without thinking about it.

"It's okay, don't forget that I still have the Suzaku mark to protect my body. The worst result is to be killed in seconds. At least I still have a chance to be reborn in Nirvana, as long as I quit the illusion of God in time." Shen Ruyu smiled and shook her head. , the attitude is gentle and firm.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu couldn't help but fall into contemplation, and he also knew what Shen Ruyu wanted to do for himself and Hu Jiu'er.

No one has yet detected any information about the final trial. Once Feng Yixiu obtains it first, it will naturally have a considerable advantage.

"Ah Feng, why don't you let my sister have a try! If something unexpected happens, I will take him away from the Conferred God Platform in time." Hu Jiu'er also saw Shen Ruyu's intention and suggested softly road.

"Well then..." Feng Yixiu reluctantly agreed after hesitating for a long time, but he still did not forget to instruct: "But you must take your own safety as the top priority, and remember not to force it."

"Mmmm... I'm measured." Shen Ruyu smiled and nodded again and again.

"Hey... Third brother, you only care about your own daughter-in-law, and you don't know how to care about the weak

potential group. "Han Xiao, who was not far away, shook his head with a wry smile, and sighed.

Feng Yixiu rolled his eyes helplessly, and said in an angry voice, "You two are too embarrassed to call yourself a vulnerable group, and it is a sure thing to get the orange divine jade with your strength, even if you don't tell you the specific information. How much does it matter."

"Don't! If you don't take any information, wouldn't that make you a fool?" Han Xiao leaned over and said with a smile.

Feng Yixiu was naturally joking, and it didn't take long for him to tell the two of them all the detailed information by means of divine sense transmission, and then he did not forget to instruct the two of them: "With the strength of the two of you, as long as you play normally, don't be like The Great Emperor Beiwu is so iron-headed that he will definitely have no problem passing the fourth stage of the God's Trial without injury."

"If you didn't say it, third brother, I didn't even know we were so powerful..." Han Xiao scratched his head a little embarrassedly and muttered softly.

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