God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2960 Black Cloud Destroys the City

On the eve of the opening of the ruins of the gods, all the holy talisman guard points were violently attacked by the ferocious crowd.

However, because the time was too hurried, it took a lot of time to get to Huaxia from abroad. The scale of the advance troops of the Heavenly Fierce Legion was not too large, and the Huaxia Legion, which had been prepared, only needed to resist for one night.

Over the North China Base, black clouds destroyed the city, pitch-black thunder was roaring, and the overbearing dragon roar mixed with the monstrous roar of the beast was getting closer and closer.

Before the dark clouds were pressing down, the protective cover of the North China Base was automatically opened, and all the hot weapons raised their heads, frantically spitting out long tongues of flame.

Inside the North China base, the bishop in white and the first-sequence chief two holy spirits, Wang Qiangqiang, joined forces, posing as if they were desperately guarding the core holy talisman.


Emperor Molong and Empress Moyu took action together, only to see the tide of pitch-black thunder beasts rushing down in the sky, and the battle was as big as the thunder of the sky.

Under such a terrifying offensive, the protective energy shield soon cracked, and the light gradually dimmed.

"It is estimated that the protective cover will not last for too long. After the old man comes to deal with Emperor Moyu, Emperor Molong will leave it to you to deal with..." The bishop in white looked up at the broken protective cover and said condensedly.

"No problem!" Duanmu Chen said.

"Pay attention to proportions, our task is to hold them back. Be sure to retreat to the teleportation circle before dawn, and don't fall in love!" The bishop in white instructed.

"Don't worry, Lord Bishop, I still have this measure." Duanmuchen nodded solemnly, still keeping his words concise.


About half an hour later, there was a gap in the energy cover, as if a hole had been blasted out of the sky, and the pitch-black thunder beasts poured in like a tide.


The bishop in white gave a light drink, and then he aggressively drove the Tianshui unicorn and rushed towards the Moyu Emperor.


Mo Yu suddenly burst into a roar, and transformed into a demonic beast, and a huge pitch-black unicorn appeared in the air.

The size of the Moyu unicorn is nearly one-third larger than that of the Tianshui unicorn, and the ink-colored scales on its body are as crystal clear as jade, which faintly exudes the coercion of a king.

As soon as the unicorn's true body was revealed, a look of fear appeared in Tianshui's unicorn's pupils, as if he was a little afraid of the terrifying black unicorn in front of him.


Before the Tianshui unicorn could withdraw from the fear, a dazzling jet-black energy beam suddenly struck, sending it flying several kilometers away in an instant.

"Qian Jue, leave that old man to me..." Mo Yuqilin spit out a mouthful of words, turned his head slightly to explain a sentence, and immediately chased after him.

Emperor Molong was about to leave his line of sight after seeing Emperor Moyu, and his expression suddenly became a little dignified. After hesitating for a while, he planned to follow.


Suddenly, a cyan thunder sword qi came from below, and Feng Qianjue subconsciously raised the black dragon demon sword in his hand to resist.

The terrifying force made him take a half step backwards, and the sword qi swayed slightly from the side of the sword, and his stern eyes gradually turned to the person below.

"Your opponent is me!" Duanmuchen raised the long sword wrapped around Thunder in his hand, and said coldly.


Feng Qianjue frowned slightly, just dodged her foot gently, and a super-large Ten Thousand Prison Sword Formation was instantly formed.

A pair of pitch-black magic swords slowly floated out from the sword array, and the number reached an astonishing tens of thousands. The sword energy that contained endless killing intent was like a nine-day Gangfeng, which made people feel trembling unconsciously.

If Feng Yixiu was present, he would definitely be shocked by Emperor Molong's kendo accomplishments. He needed to prepare the Ten Thousand Prison Sword Formation after several days.


Duanmuchen looked at the overwhelming magic sword, subconsciously twitched his throat, and his expression became extremely solemn.

I thought it would be an extremely easy battle. After all, Emperor Molong was just a mere avatar, and his realm was only the pinnacle of the dominant level.

And Duanmuchen is the real Holy Spirit King, no matter how strong Feng Qianjue is, he can't be his opponent, but now it seems that is not the case.

"Duanmuchen, if you take the initiative to hand over the core holy talisman, I may be able to let you live..." Emperor Molong said sternly, condescendingly.

"Don't even think about it, unless you step over my body!" Duanmuchen clenched the thunder blade in his hand, and the violent thunder light burst into a harsh explosion.

"Since you insist on courting death, the emperor will fulfill you..."

Feng Qianjue raised her brows slightly, and slowly raised the Black Dragon Demon Sword in her hand. The tens of thousands of pitch-black Demon Swords surrounding the surroundings gradually began to converge, and then a lifelike pitch-black Stegosaurus was formed.


In the face of such a powerful enemy, Duanmuchen did not dare to hold back the slightest bit. All the magic cards poured out of the magic book, and turned into different colored auras, which disappeared into the body of Taichu Lei Ying.


At the beginning of the day, Lei Ying screamed in the sky, holding Duanmu Chen behind him, and rushed towards the pitch-black Stegosaurus.

Duanmuchen frantically waved the thunder blade in his hand, and the dark purple thunder blades rushed forward like a stormy sea.


The two evenly matched energies collided violently in mid-air, black purple thunder.

Ting Yu's pitch-black lightning was biting at each other, and the violent energy ripples swept up a monstrous hurricane, razing everything in a radius of ten kilometers to the ground.

"It does have some strength, but what about this?" Feng Qianjue's eyes showed a hint of admiration, and she stomped her feet again.

I saw the dense sword formation runes slowly outlined above the sky, and he quickly condensed another ten thousand prison sword formation.

Although this ten thousand prison sword formation was not condensed in an instant, the speed of condensing was also extremely amazing, and it probably only took a few minutes to complete.

"This guy is outrageously strong!" Duanmuchen's chest was violently surging, and black blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, but he was still clenching his teeth.

This Ten Thousand Prison Sword Formation suppressed Duanmu Chen and was a little breathless. It was hard to imagine the scene of two Stegosaurus being besieged. Even he couldn't hold on for too long.

"No, you can't hit hard..."

Duanmu Chen took advantage of the fact that the second Ten Thousand Prisons Sword Array had not yet formed, and immediately stopped fighting head-to-head, but started a guerrilla war that dragged out time.

In the beginning, Thunder Eagle was the Supreme Holy Spirit after all. Although it was not the opponent of Emperor Molong in a head-to-head confrontation, it still had a certain speed advantage.


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