God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2961 cover up

Feng Qianjue saw that Duanmuchen no longer continued to fight head-on, but continued to fly around him, and couldn't help but be a little annoyed: "Duanmuchen, you are the leader of the first rank anyway, can you just run away?"

"Hmph... wait until you catch up with me!" Duanmuchen sneered and said lightly.

"I don't have time to waste time with you!"

Feng Qianjue threw her sleeves angrily and was about to fly towards the depths of the North China base.

Before flying too far, violent thunderstorms came from all directions, and he could only be forced to resist.

This cannot stop Feng Qianjue's progress, but it can greatly slow down his movement speed, allowing him to find the core holy talisman as late as possible.

On the other hand, above the Nine Clouds Sea, the battle between Empress Moyu and the bishop in white has also entered a white-hot stage.

Coincidentally, the Holy Spirit of Tantai Boyun is also a Qilin family. One black and one white Qilin broke out in a fierce conflict in the sky above the North China base.

However, the bishop in white quickly realized that no matter how powerful he exploded, the other party could still stabilize his head, as if he did it on purpose.


It was another collision of two evenly matched elemental lights, and the Tianshui unicorn was blasted away hundreds of meters away.

At this time, Mo Yuqilin could clearly pursue the victory, but she stopped in time at the critical moment, and it seemed that she did not mean to hurt the bishop in white.

"Huhuhu..." The bishop in white gasped heavily and asked, "Empress Moyu, are you playing tricks on this old man?"

"Bishop Tantai, I have no intention of playing tricks on you, I just did it to hide people's eyes and ears, please forgive me..."

While speaking, Mo Yu Qilin re-transformed into a human form, slightly bowed his hands to express his apology, and his expression also seemed extremely sincere.

"Empress Moyu, what exactly do you mean?" The bishop in white stroked his beard and looked at the person in front of him with a vigilant expression.

"It's nothing interesting, but I just want to ask you to do me a favor." Mo Yu spread out her palm, and an unopened letter of divine sense appeared in her palm.

"You are..."

The bishop in white was extremely cautious and did not readily agree to the other party's request.

After all, Moyu Qilin is the empress of the Heavenly Fierce Congregation. It can be said to be one of the founders of the Heavenly Ominous Congregation. Its status is second only to Emperor Molong. No matter how you look at it, there is no reason to stand on their side.

"I have no malice, I just want you to send this letter of divine sense to Feng'er." Mo Yu went straight to the point.

"It's that simple?" The bishop in white frowned, staring suspiciously at the envelope in the other party's hand, and said in a condensed voice, "There shouldn't be any conspiracy in this..."

"Bishop Tantai has been thinking too much, it's just a letter of divine sense, what else can be deceived." Mo Yu shook his head with a smile and continued: "You just need to send this letter to Feng'er, as for Whether he accepts it or not is entirely his choice."


Tantai Boyun was also lost in thought, he already knew that Moyu Qilin was Feng Yixiu's adoptive mother.

The relationship between the two of them is not as rigid as Emperor Molong, and there is still a mother-son kinship.

Mo Yu looked up at the sky, a ray of morning sun sprinkled on his face through the clouds, and he couldn't help frowning: "It's almost dawn, the mountains and sea ruins are about to open, there is not much time, please make a choice as soon as possible..."

"You already knew this was a trap?" The white bishop's pupils shrank suddenly, and he asked in astonishment.

"Of course... Not only I know it, Qian Jue also knows it, but the holy talisman is too important to the Heavenly Fierce Crowd. Even if you know it's a trap, you have to jump in." Mo Yu nodded and said solemnly. .

"The last question, Emperor Shura and Emperor Molong, which side are you on?" The white-clothed bishop stared at each other's eyes with burning eyes.

"I have no idea……"

Mo Yu was silent for a long time, then shook his head in pain, and said condensedly: "But I can guarantee that I will not harm Feng'er no matter what."

"It's enough to have you, the old man will personally deliver this letter to Lord Feng!" The white bishop grabbed towards the void with one hand and took the envelope of spiritual sense in Mo Yu's hand.

"This last time the ruins of the gods are not the same as in the past. I also asked Bishop of Tantai to remind Feng'er that you must be careful..." Mo Yu smiled gratified and said softly.

"Thank you for reminding us, we will have an appointment in the future!" The bishop in white clasped his fists slightly and said loudly.

After saying that, Tianshui Qilin waved its wings violently and rushed towards the planned teleportation circle at the fastest speed.

When the bishop in white arrived at the secret teleportation circle, Duanmuchen and hundreds of elites had been waiting for a short time.

"Sir Bishop, you are finally here. I thought you had an accident and was going to look for you!" Duanmuchen finally relaxed his frown after seeing the white bishop arrive.

"I'm sorry, I just encountered a sudden situation, hurry up!" The bishop in white immediately urged the teleportation circle, and the figure gradually became illusory.

Central China base.

A huge space crack hangs strangely in the air, which is the precursor to the imminent appearance of the gate of the mountain and sea ruins.

This place was supposed to be a quiet and barren place, but now it seems extremely lively.

The backbone generals such as Huaxia and the Shura Empire have all arrived, and the small number of celestial evils who have been inquiring about the information have long been eliminated.

"This mountain and sea ruins will be opened soon, and the Duanmu sequence is long.

Why and the bishop in white haven't returned yet, shouldn't it..." Marshal Ye Ming paced back and forth anxiously, muttering in a low voice.

"You don't have a crow's mouth. Bishop in white and Duanmuchen are the supreme Holy Spirit Kings. No matter how strong Emperor Molong is, he is only a clone. Even if he loses a little bit, it is absolutely impossible to lose his life!" Dean Ren Tianze stared. Ye Ming glanced at Ye Ming and retorted.

"Yes, yes... I must be unfounded!" Ye Ming nodded again and again and agreed.


Suddenly, a dazzling beam of light erupted from the last temporary teleportation formation, and hundreds of figures were teleported one after another.

It was the elites of the Balanced Legion headed by the bishop in white and the first-sequence leader. They were more or less slightly injured, but it was not a big problem.


After Feng Yixiu saw that the bishop in white and others were all teleported, he destroyed the temporary teleportation circle without saying a word.

In this case, even if the Heavenly Fierce Congregation reacted, they would not be able to reach the entrance of the mountain and sea ruins in such a short period of time.

"Brother Bo Yun, did you encounter some trouble over there, why did you delay for so long?" Gu Yuan walked over quickly and asked curiously.

"The strength of Moyu Qilin is far beyond imagination. This means that she has no intention of killing the old man. Otherwise, it is hard to say whether she will come back alive..." The bishop in white sighed helplessly, and immediately took out the letter and said in a deep voice. Said: "Monarch Feng, this is a letter of divine sense that Empress Moyu asked the old man to bring to you. She said that it depends on your wishes whether to accept it or not."

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