God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1644: Turbulent situation

Ling Zhi smiled and looked at Yuanfeng.

Lips move slightly,

"Sect Master Yuan, don't you know that your son's tombstone was erected by you?"

After leaving this sentence, Ling Zhi and Rao disappeared into the teleportation formation Zheng. Except for the owner of Liu Yuan, the owner of other branches of Wantong Bank, and the people at the headquarters, it is impossible to be eligible to use it. .

Yuan Feng breathed fire, gritted his teeth and watched Ling Zhi, and watched him leave, madly resentful.

"Intentionally tricking me!"

Yuanfeng makes a fist.

"Sect Master, his cultivation base seems to have fallen into the Saint King Realm."

Kaiyuanzong Taishang elder frowned, suddenly said like this.

Yuan Feng was taken aback, after thinking about it, he suddenly laughed.

"Okay, okay, let's go to the headquarters of Wantong Bank. He must have gone to the auction. Just use his current cultivation base and find an opportunity. I can suppress him with a slap."


"This goosebumps."

Reincarnation in the mainland, somewhere in the south, in a big city, stole a mouse in the inn, and looked unhappy.

"The third elders of Wantong Bank were crazy. Seeing you brought so many spirit pills, he almost treated you as the ancestor and invited them back to Wantong Bank."

The rat yelled at Ling Zhi who was sitting cross-legged and practicing.

Ling Zhi glanced at it calmly and shook his head.

Pu Chang's old fox is not only interested in his spirit pills, but more, he is interested in stealing mice and why he can come up with so many spirit-level spirit pills.

Otherwise, it won't be so kind.

"Too great."

Ling Zhi muttered to himself.

This is the name of this city, a name that is too illusory.

It is also the largest city in the south of the reincarnation mainland.

Wantong Bank started here, and the headquarters is also established here.

They are now in the largest inn under Wantong Bank, with dozens of floors.

The whole body is carved and outlined by a kind of precious wood, which can play a careful and calming effect.

As a place to entertain VIPs, Vantone Bank must have lost money.

In his perception, Ling Zhi could even see that there was a seventh-class spiritual vein buried under the ground of this inn. On each floor of the inn, there were several spiritual gathering formations, which ensured the cluster's spiritual power and made people feel relaxed and happy.

In the meantime, decoration and scenery are unnecessary.

It is no exaggeration that the cost of this inn is worth a Taoist soldier.

Lexus rushed outside, although he was not better than Pu Chang's old fox, but it was more or less, and also a lot of things.

This time, from the Interstellar Teleportation Array, about a dozen groups of people came one after another. The strength is not too exaggerated, but it is definitely not weak.

Generally, they are in the Saint King Realm, and there are a few of them, most likely to be martial artists in the Saint King Third Level Realm, but this is the base camp of the Reincarnation Continent after all, so it is not afraid.

What worries them is that they heard from some of the remarks that on the planet where these groups of people came, they were afraid that there would be strong men who surpassed the Saint King realm.

A powerhouse of that level cannot be defeated by numbers.

Now there is no warrior in the Samsara Continent who has surpassed the Saint King Realm. If the strong come, the Samsara Continent will definitely fall into a passive state.

Especially the power they used was very weird, and relying solely on spiritual power to fight against it was not an opponent at all.

Several Saint Kings on the continent of Reincarnation lost to the opponent in a battle of the same rank.

This also led to the fact that the status of this group of people was suddenly elevated.

Even Wantong Bank did not dare to be careless and needed to deal with it.

"The power beyond spiritual power, is there a connection between the teleportation array and the ancestor star?"

Ling Zhi muttered to himself.

He wanted to take another look at the Wanling Ancestral Star, the Ancestral Star Monument, and then the ranking of names on it.

With the help of the Ancestral Star Stele, he had only escaped from the wolf ancestors and other Rao Zhen killings, and even escaped from the hands of the Demon Emperor.

Before he entered the Ancestral Star Stele, Xia Ning'er was the number one in the Ancestral Star Stele.

In the end, a Tsing Yi sword fairy blocked the demon emperor, and the sword light penetrated the entire planet.

There, there are the owl-tail clan back then.

And what they use is the spiritual power of the gods, a power far beyond spiritual power, a power that is obtained through worship, which is similar to the aspiration of sentient beings.

It was only after the spirit power and spiritual power merged that Ling Zhi could barely contend with them and not lose to them in strength.

According to Ling Zhi’s understanding and estimation of them, the warriors on the continent of Reincarnation, unless they replace more than two-thirds of their body’s power with immortal jade, or they have a profound control of the rules, they will fight at the same level. In, it is difficult to defeat them.


Unless, Lexus's gaze fell on the thief, causing the thief to hit his whole body.

Unless an alternative, powerful animal like stealing a mouse, relying on a powerful gift, can it still have a chance and possibility to win when the power in the body is suppressed.

However, what really worries Lexus is not the ancestor of all spirits, but the group of people with taboo power.

Based on the words of the Silver Moon Golden Eye Beast and the introduction of the Snow White Big Beast, Lexus can almost conclude that this race has super powers in the ancestral holy realm.

Moreover, their power is much stronger than the gods, souls, etc.

Ling Zhi even felt that if it was compared with the power of pure and incomparable taboo, it was the power of Xianyu, which might not be able to compete.

That kind of evil that can swallow everything is too tricky.

Yes, the planet Samsara Continent, which has been silent for countless years, suddenly woke up at the moment the interstellar teleportation array was opened.

This pool of stagnant water, with the arrival of these forgiveness, will be completely active.

Between the planet and the planet, there is no distinction between human beings, only interests.

The reincarnation continent is weak and strong, which determines the future fate of these forces and the lower-level warriors.

They want to go out and plunder the resources of other planets. People on other planets naturally think so too.

"At the moment, what we are going to is the Jiuding Peak, which is located thousands of miles away from'Tai Shang'."

Ling Zhi's words were firm. This was an unexpected news he got when he asked about the origin of the term Taishang.

The ancient Chinese mainland was named Kyushu.

In the old days, Dayu used Jiuding to control the water.

However, Ling Zhi knew that it was not Zhenshui, but the demons under the town.

Setting the universe with nine dinging, the ding, has the supreme significance in Chinese history.

This Jiuding Peak, which Pu Chang mentioned inadvertently, but refused to speak more, attracted the attention of Ling Zhi.

Eastern Angzong once said that there are some relics on this continent, where Laozi and others set foot in the past.

Ling Zhi suspected that this so-called Jiuding Peak was one of them.

As a Chinese, he must visit this place!

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