God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1645: Judge people by appearance

Walking out of the room, before Lexus had time to take a closer look at the surroundings, he heard the cry of a spy.

"Where did the dead mouse come from, ah, isn't this [abiqugeso.me] the best place to live in that bank!"

There are women's sharp swords

"The barbarian land is vulgar and lowly, come and drive this dead mouse out of me."

Ling Zhi turned his head and looked not far away.

A woman was standing outside the door, leaning on the guardrail, with one hand on her hips and the other pointing to their side.

Stealing Mouse's face became ugly.

Ling Zhi's face was even worse.

These days, although the rat stealing is often unreliable and some treacherous and cunning, but his heart is not bad.

It is a bit too much to judge people by their appearance.

He had already regarded Stealing Mouse as his friend, and Stealing Mouse as a powerhouse in the Holy King Realm, no matter what, it would not have been the turn of a woman to yell and insult with words here.

In other words, with the identity of the beast stealing the rat, the words of the woman made no sense at all.

"Zong Miao, what's wrong?"

The woman's voice was very high-pitched, and her voices and the nearby rooms were all pushed away.

Wantong Bank builds rooms in the city, just like the ancient Chinese pagoda. The middle part is empty, and you can see the top floor from the lobby on the first floor.

The rest of the rooms have become a circle.


The woman raised her head in surprise,

"Why did you come out?"

Then, I saw a white-clothed man, leisurely from the upper level of Lexus and the others, turned over and jumped down, came to their level, and stood with the woman.

"I just finished my cultivation in the house. When I hear your voice, I will come out and have a look. What's wrong, who has bothered you?"

Fang stood in front of Zong Miao, with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, very cool.

Coupled with the initial cultivation base of the Saint King's first level, it is even more detached.

Zong Miao was only in the late king stage, and some people who yelled indiscriminately about him suddenly shut up and did not interrupt.

"It's them, look, this mouse, Wantong Bank, what else is the best place to live, and what are these in the end? How can we arrange for such an inferior race to live in!"

Zong Miao pointed to the rat, scolded, in his words, a little bit of coquetry,


Fang turned his head to look, his gaze stopped for a while on the thief, a look of surprise in his eyes.

Based on his cultivation base in the early stage of the first stage, it is obvious that the specific strength of the rat can not be seen.

And rat stealing is rare, so he doesn't even know it.

"It seems to be this friend's beast..."

When Fang Zheng stood, he seemed to notice Lexus’s cultivation base suddenly, his expression slightly changed, and his words changed.

"In any case, it is not good to enter here with this kind of thing."

"The things that disturbed my friend, I won't pursue it anymore. Take your pet and get out. Remember to come back and clean up the road here. Clean up the path this mouse has walked. Don't dirty my friend. Feet."

Fang's face turned cold slightly, said.

Ling Zhi, the seventh-level cultivation base of the King Realm, really couldn't get his eyes.

If you want to come to this rat's cultivation base, it is even weaker, but there are some strange things, the cultivation base is not obvious.

"you guys!"

Thief was anxious and his eyes were red.

It is parallel to my own way. I come and go, and rarely have such contact with humans. It is the first time I have encountered this situation.

Ling Zhi's brows were also slightly frowned, and he reached out his hand and gently stopped the rat stealing, tilted his head to look at the people in the other rooms, and asked in a flat voice.

"Dare to ask a few friends, is it easy to get started here?"

"Do it?"

Those people were dumbfounded and didn't react.

There was a creak, and someone from the other side of the Lexus room followed out of the door.

"Of course you can do it."

This person seemed to be like a child, his height was only about one meter three or four, his face was white and tender, and he was slightly fat, and he looked and acted like an underage child.

Only in those eyes, there are some evil things, not like a child.

"Second-level Saint King."

Ling Zhi was shocked and keenly aware of the strength of this child.

The man glanced at Ling Zhi and clapped his hands.

"There have been many fights happening here in the past few days. As long as you are sure not to damage the room decoration here, they won't care about it.

Otherwise, it will be compensated.

This is the rule, they are very real, no matter who it is, they must chase for compensation. "

"So that's it,"

Ling Zhi nodded.

"Thank you friends."

Then, he turned around to look at Fang He Zongmiao and said casually,

"The spirit stones on our body are all useful, if it is wasted, you don't want spirit pills in the future."

Stealing the mouse suddenly became happy, his eyes were stern,

"Don't worry, it's easy to deal with the two of them."

"Where are you?"

Fang shouted angrily, unable to believe that these words came from the mouths of these two warriors in the king realm.


"we are at,"

The next moment the rat was stolen, he had already come to his side, and before Fang could react, he was already trampled under his feet.

"We are here, you are so arrogant."

Two thin mouse feet stepped on Fang’s head and stretched his head to look at Zong Miao,

"And you woman, your words are so vicious, do you like to judge people by appearance so much?"

"Go away!"

Fang yelled, unable to tolerate stealing the rat standing on top of his head.


The mouse nodded obediently, but caught a handful of claws on Fang's head.

A lot of hair was torn off by him, Fang's thick hair suddenly lost a part, and it was in the center of his head.

Bright, shining, like the Mediterranean, very funny.

Stealing the mouse's body flashed, Fang did not react, it came to Zong Miao.

It is a mouse, not a gentleman, and there are not so many moral restraints. It directly grabs Zong Miao's face.

"I let you judge people by their appearance, and let you judge people by their appearance."

It yelled and vented its anger.

Fang is short of breath,

"Go away from me."

I saw a long tail suddenly stretched out from the square tail. The tail was wrapped in something like iron armor. At the end, there was a slap-long blade. The tail protruded directly from the top of the square head. In the form of a hook, poke towards the mouse.

The speed is amazing, and his hand is very sudden.

I am afraid that the rat can only resist this blow.


At this moment, Ling Zhi casually took a step forward and let out a cold snort.

Fang's body trembled, only to feel that a powerful pressure suddenly came to his mind, his body movements hesitated for a moment, when he reacted, the rat was already standing on top of Zong Miao's head, and the paw was pressed on. Its pretty face.

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