God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1960: Minguo

Below the Qilin magical medicine, below the seam covered by magma, the place where there is only a quiet lake, a lone bridge, has changed.

Originally just ordinary lake water, it was instantly replaced by yellow spring water.

With a fierce attitude, Jiutian Biluohuangquan blended with the countless corpses in the lake.

The change happened so suddenly that there was no time left for Lexus to respond.

The location in the heart of the upper city shook violently.

It was like the Biluohuangquan was about to rush out from the ground, filling the city with spring water.

In that area, the magma was bombarded and shook by the force coming from the ground, and large swaths of magma rose up into the sky, carrying black smoke, but also reflected half of the sky.

Those magma rushed up from the top of the mountain, poured directly from the cliff on one side like a waterfall, and flowed in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, countless tree elixir was directly swallowed by magma.

Among them, some wild beasts couldn't dodge, and were directly covered by magma, disappearing instantly.

That is the magma that can be used for the Qilin magical medicine to draw heat. It is far from ordinary flames. Even if only some ordinary magma is flowing out now, it is not something that these wild beasts that have not yet reached the king state can bear.

The Sky Stealing Rat sprang out from Lexus' waist, and Yin Meng rushed out first, and began to rescue the barren beast covered by that piece of magma.

Ling Zhi also started to take action, his figure disappeared for a moment, and there would be more elixir trees in his hands.

There are so many elixir in the Supreme City, and there are so many demi-magic medicines that are unimaginable. These things are placed in the outside world, and they are all for people to grab their heads.

After all, the strength of several people is as high as the Saint King Realm, and the speed of rescue under the magma is also amazing.

It's just that even if the magma began to slowly solidify and no longer rushed madly in other directions of the Supreme City, they still didn't have a single person, showing a half smile.

On the contrary, his eyes became heavier.



Just because after the eruption of magma, from the bottom of the magma, there has been such a sound.

It seemed like a huge boulder slammed on the bottom of the mountain, and the stream kept coming.

"Who could it be?" Bai frowned and looked towards that area. "Could it be the people you said fell into the yellow spring?"

It was Chu Dalu who fell into the Yellow Spring on the 33rd day.

At the beginning, Yun easily jumped into the yellow spring together, not knowing how and where she came out.

When the old woman was in the lower realm, she was instructed by the upper realm and walked out.

"It's not them, but no matter who it is, they are not easy to provoke." Ling Zhi shook his head, he didn't notice the breath of any martial artist, it should not be Chu Da and the others.

He had seen Chu Da Lu Ya, and now stepping into the Saint King's third level, it should be impossible for Chu Da and the others to hide their aura fluctuations so perfectly in front of him, especially when they are making such a strong shot, they want to let the aura get away. Is impossible.

Bai frowned and beckoned. In an instant, several people rushed out behind him, stepping on the sky and rushing out towards the place where the magma was.

These people were expressionless, and there was no fluctuation in their eyes.

It was clear that they rushed to an unknown and dangerous place, but they did not seem to know, and they acted resolutely and quickly.

This is probably a big difference between soldiers and warriors.

Self-centered warriors, and command-centered soldiers.

Ling Zhi frowned and glanced at Bai Qi, but finally did not speak.

When the soldiers followed Bai Qi and looked towards Bai Qi, apart from awe in their eyes, it was fanatical worship. This was their own choice. He had no reason to let others live along the life he thought.

The soldiers quickly arrived at the top of the mountain, but the area was inconvenient to fly, and all of them suffered some injuries.

When they reached the top of the magma, they just glanced around roughly and made a few gestures with Bai Qi, and more than half of them rushed down resolutely.

Only two people were left to establish contact between them and Bai Qi.


For the entire time of the incense stick, no news came from under that piece of magma.

The scene was deadly silent, and no one knew what happened.


Until a roar suddenly skyrocketed.

Ling Zhi's eyes suddenly changed, and his body rushed out almost at the instant the roar sounded.

But no matter how fast he is, it is impossible to prevent this from happening from a distance.

From the direction of the mountain top, two lava bursts suddenly, and in an instant, the two soldiers above were flooded.

Each of the two magmas has only the thickness of a fist, just like being punched from below the magma, making the magma like water, and hitting a water arrow.

Two magma soared into the sky, wiping the void with black scratches.

Ling Zhi stood in the air, squinted, and looked at the mountain top alertly.


A bloodless hand suddenly landed on the edge of the magma.

There is still some magma on the hands, and some magma is flowing in the cracks of the fingernails.

Following the opponent's movements, the clothes on the opponent's body appeared first in Lexus's hands.

Lexus took a breath, his face suddenly hard to see the extreme.

The clothes on this person are exactly what he saw at the beginning, the style of clothes worn on the corpses floating on the lake.

The situation that Ling Zhi didn't want to run into happened the most!

Biluohuangquan fruit is so strange that those corpses are not just pure dead people.

Feeling the power fluctuations on the corpse that crawled out, and thinking of the innumerable corpses under the lake, even Lexus felt that his scalp was tingling after another.

However, what really made his scalp numb was far more than this.

When this corpse completely appeared in front of everyone, there was something in his hand.

The whole body is as black as ink, except for a strange yellow on the top. If you look closely, you can find that this yellow is something that looks like a fruit.

He pulled it up from below while being lifted upside down. At first glance, he thought it was just a waterweed-like thing he pulled from the lake.

But when he completely broke away from the magma, when the black flower-like thing broke away from the magma, when the yellow fruit was in the air.

The breath of the entire Supreme City shook.

The spiritual power between heaven and earth was like chaos, suddenly became a lot violent.

For a moment, Li Bai and the others felt that their bodies were a lot easier, as if a gust of exhaust gas was pulled out all of a sudden and merged into the yellow fruit.

Ling Zhi was different. Earth-shaking changes had taken place in his body. I just rushed out of this chapter, it's very late, everyone will watch tomorrow and rest early.

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