God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1961: Crazy offensive

While in Diaocheng, Ling Zhi had inhaled a lot of dead air into his body.

At that time, he learned to blend part of his anger with most of his lifelessness, to contain and cooperate with each other, so that every bit of anger on his body surface was utilized to the greatest extent.

It also gave him a very deep understanding of the power of life and death.

But now, when the yellow fruit absorbs the breath of the entire Supreme City, when Li Bai and the others are comfortable, Ling Zhi is not comfortable.


Feeling the fluctuation in his body, Ling Zhi cried out in horror.

In any case, he could not have expected that after he took the Qilin magical medicine from there and obtained the Chaos Qinglian, there would be another magical medicine near the lake.

And it would be just as straightforward as it was brought out by a strange corpse.

Mingguo, this is the name of the black magic medicine, to be precise, the name of the yellow fruit.

The whole body is like ordinary flowers and plants, but the appearance is extremely dark, and countless years can only condense such a fruit.

The reason why Li Bai and the others feel comfortable is because Ming Guo has the effect of absorbing the dead energy of the martial artist.

For the martial artist, if his own life is taken away, the anger will naturally become strong, the vitality will be strong, and the whole body will naturally feel comfortable.

According to rumors, Mingguo is a very special magic medicine. Of course, any magic medicine has its own unique effects.

But Ming Guo didn't have the ability to make the warrior live out the second life directly.

On the contrary, after swallowing Mingguo, Mingguo will create a second thing similar to Dantian in the martial artist's body.

This new dantian will run to the position of the martial artist's heart and take root in the heart.

With the beating of the martial artist's heart, it will extract all the dead energy that appears in the martial artist's body and swallow it away.

It will greatly extend the life of the warrior invisibly, although it is impossible to make the warrior regain a new life in an instant, but it can make the warrior live longer and live longer.

Whenever a magical medicine is born suddenly, if there is no formation to cover it, there will be earth-shaking changes.

At the beginning, King Ginseng evolved into a magical medicine because of the existence of that phoenix, and it was suppressed.

Now that I think about it, the Phoenix girl who broke out of the Phoenix egg should be at the same level as the old woman, and she is a powerhouse in the half-ancestral realm.

Ming Guo was born and swept across the entire Supreme City in an instant. It seemed to have been hungry for countless years, absorbing the death energy in the entire Supreme City, and was still impacting the Supreme City, and began to absorb the death outside.

This is a pseudo-world, the most important thing is lifelessness.

A large amount of dead energy gathered in one direction, and a large number of creatures revived.

For countless warriors here, they don't need to think much at all to understand why all this happened.


"It turned out to be Mingguo?"

"The magical medicine was born? How long have they been in, a magical medicine has appeared in such a big city?"

"This is a magic medicine, God knows what other opportunities are there!"

The appearance of Ming Guo became the last straw that crushed everyone's hearts.

The warriors who surrounded the Supreme City had been hesitating and entangled because they didn't know whether there was a chance for existence in this city.

For this uncertain opportunity, is it not worthwhile to siege the city regardless of life?

But when this opportunity changes from uncertainty to certainty.

When everyone was treating the ninth-level elixir and demi-magic medicine as a treasure, a magical medicine suddenly appeared.

It's like a strong medicine, it hit everyone's heart.

In the crowd, fanatical emotions broke out all at once.

But at this moment, there were two spirit powers intertwined from the edge of the crowd and scattered to everyone.

The old woman's soul power was used as a backing, intertwined with Yun Yi's soul power, and under the control of Yun Yi, he passed all the warriors quietly.

When they are fanatical, when they are not paying attention, gently brush it.

Struck the last tense string in their heads.

There is almost no need for anyone to command. Everyone raises their hands as an attack and falls on the upper city.

The number and strength of these attacks were many times more than what Lexus and others had endured before.

With the old woman's lower realm, the Supreme City has already attracted the attention of the entire pseudo-world warrior.

The warriors are coming all the time!

There are too many ants to kill a giant elephant, not to mention the gathering here, these powerhouses who don't know how many planets come from.

When the first wave of attacks fell on Jiuding, Jiuding broke one directly, leaving only Bading.

This irritated everyone even more. It turned out that the Jiuding Phantom, who suppressed the old woman's weapon in this appearance, was not as strong as imagined.

Regardless of the loss, they came up with the second wave of attacks.

This time, Jiuding destroyed two of them.

Only six Jiuding phantoms remained, guarded in front of the Supreme City, but they were already shaky.

Most of Jiuding's power must remain in the reincarnation continent to suppress the great demon.

The entity was also unable to leave Jiuding Peak and go here.

This small part of the power is enough to suppress hairpins, but it is still a little powerless to resist the mixed attacks of countless powerful people, and resist the bombardment of hundreds, thousands, and even tens of thousands of saint kings.

Ling Zhi's eyes became extremely ugly, with powerful enemies on the outside and weird corpses inside. The situation became extremely serious, and they instantly became vulnerable.

"From the city back to the city, Taishang City cannot be broken first." Ling Zhi decisively screamed, "Bai Qi, you take your people with me to the city gate and find a chance to break their alliance. The rest stay. Come down, beware of this corpse, if there is any change, find a chance to kill the opponent."

"Let Li Bai go with you, let me come here." Suddenly Shui Wuxun called out, and stepped forward for a few steps. A curtain of water condensed from his body, which instantly enveloped the entire mountain and the temperature outside everyone. It all dropped a lot all of a sudden, a little bit more chill.

Ling Zhi and Li Bai glanced at each other, did not say much, and rushed towards the city gate.


At the same time they got up, the third wave of attacks followed.

The remaining six great cauldrons made unpleasant sounds crunching, and as many as four great cauldrons shattered instantly and disappeared.

Only the two great tripods that suppressed the head and eyeballs of the great demon are still here, and they are crumbling, but they have not completely disappeared.


After three consecutive shots with full force, these warriors outside also stopped their movements with dry spiritual power and quickly recovered.

And these newly restored spiritual powers, before they have any retention in their bodies, they re-follow the movement of the exercises and are condensed by them, and they can carry out the next attack at any time.

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