However, this is not over yet.

After Ningmeng knocked down several big trees and even fell to the ground in embarrassment, the dragon-printed leopard immediately flew forward and bit her body in one bite.

The sharp fangs drilled into the flesh of her left shoulder. In addition to feeling the tingling pain, Ningmeng also felt the warmth lost from her body. A steady stream of blood flowed out of Ningmeng’s wound. , Dyed her clothes red.

Ning Meng moved her fingers and gave up the struggle.

The dragon leopard was like biting a rag doll, dragging Ning Meng directly to the three elders.

With Ningmeng's miserable and embarrassing appearance, the second elder immediately gave a command to the dragon-patterned leopard, and the dragon-patterned leopard opened his mouth and threw Ningmeng on the ground.

"You won't die so soon?" The third elder looked down at Ningmeng, and said with lingering fear.

Most of Ningmeng's bleeding injuries were caused by dragon-printed leopard bites.

The blood-stained clothes were bright and dazzling. The Third Elder didn't know the severity of Ningmeng's wounds, and was really afraid that she would die like this.

He didn't care about Ningmeng's body, but just caring about the value of Ningmeng to the Jiang family. If Ningmeng died, then they would lose out.

"No. All that Longwen Leopard gave her was trauma." The second elder said.

The Dragon Leopard is the companion of the second elder. Although the two elders did not participate in the fight with Ningmeng, both the master and the companion are telepathic.

Although the second elder had a killing intent on Ningmeng, he didn't really want to kill Ningmeng. The companion soul can feel the master's mind, and naturally will not really kill Ningmeng.

However, after the second elder said this sentence, he had a slight meal. At the same time, he stayed next to him and watched Ning Meng vigilantly. The dragon leopard who prevented Ning Meng from escaping suddenly seemed to be affected. It was like an attack, turning over and hitting the ground several times in a row.

The second elder looked around vigilantly, but did not see other suspicious figures.

"What's the matter?" the third elder asked suspiciously.

"It's okay." The second elder looked at the dragon-printed leopard, who had recovered as usual, and pressed the trace of doubt in his heart to the bottom of his heart.

Just now, the second elder seemed to feel a dangerous approach, as if his companion soul was injured.

But this sense of crisis only appeared for a moment and disappeared, and nothing happened to the dragon-printed leopard, the second elder thought, it was probably an illusion.

Except for Ning Meng, everyone did not notice, or even said that they did not notice. On the dragon-pattern leopard's body, it was not known when a grass was contaminated.

The green grass did not know when it turned bright red, just like blood.

But because of its plain appearance, like a weed, it did not attract everyone's attention.

During the first half of the fight, this little grass had been contaminated with the giant python's body until it had sucked enough blood on it, and then the little grass moved to the dragon-printed leopard's body.

It used to wave its countless filaments attached to the dragon leopard's body, like a mosquito sucking human blood, silently sucking the blood in the dragon leopard's body.

However, after watching Ningmeng being so badly injured by the dragon-printed leopard and being thrown on the ground at will, Little Vine did not control the anger in his body for a while, and took a bite of the dragon-printed leopard. When the leopard was tumbling in pain, it lightly fell from its body to the ground, quickly took root, and perfectly integrated with other weeds, even the color of his body changed from scarlet to aquamarine.

The situation on Ningmeng's side was not good, and Qiyu, who was fighting with the dragon above, also slowly fell into a disadvantage.

After all, Qi Yu had just broken his shell, no matter his size or strength, he couldn't match the opponent.

Not to mention that Ningmeng and Qi Yu are sensitive. Ningmeng's situation is not good, and Qi Yu also feels it.

When he finally avoided the opponent's attack and looked back for Ningmeng, what he saw was the scene of Ningmeng being thrown on the ground by the dragon-patterned leopard.

The scarlet blood on Ningmeng stung his eyes.

Qi Yu snarled up to the sky, and immediately ignored the dragon that was fighting with him, and turned around to rescue Ningmeng.

However, the dragon was unwilling to let Qiyu go. It still chased after Qiyu and blocked Qiyu's path.

Qi Yu's golden pupils instantly turned scarlet, and his eyes were full of blood.

Seeing the dragon blocking his way, Qi Yu suddenly roared and rushed up.

When Qi Yu got angry, although his movements were much faster than before, and his aura was stronger than before, his attacks were a bit chaotic.

Originally, although Qi Yu and the dragon had a little difference in strength, his moves were perfect, and he was surprised that the dragon could not find a trace of loopholes, otherwise he would not have played with the dragon so many tricks before gradually falling into the wind.

But now, Qi Yu, who was in a rage, seemed to be no longer in the fight, and one loophole after another was directly exposed in front of the giant dragon.

With a few tricks, the giant dragon subdued Qiyu.

Qi Yu fell to the ground from mid-air, and with a bang, he directly smashed the ground into a big hole.

"Quick, quick!" The three elders urged.

Looking at the big pit filled with dust and yellow sand, the second elder looked serious and somewhat nervous and took out one thing from the storage ring-the dragon lock.

"No!" Although Ningmeng didn't recognize what the second elder was holding, she knew subconsciously that it was definitely not a good thing.

Ningmeng roared, even trying to get up from the ground to stop the second elder's behavior.

But before she stood up, she kept guarding beside her, staring at her vigilantly, raising her front paw, and directly knocking Ning Meng fainted by a paw.

The dragon lock was urged by the second elder, and the small lock that was originally dim and light slowly floated in the air, gleaming, and flew towards the center of the big pit.

A dragon cry came from the pit, and the voice was full of anger.

The second elder and the third elder stared at the big pit, their expressions tense, until the movement in the big pit disappeared, the second and third elders breathed a sigh of relief.

Standing on the side, Bing He, who had been watching all this, sneered and waved his hand. The dragon hovering in the sky shrank slightly and flew towards him.

Sitting on the back of the dragon, Bing He condescendingly looked down at the three elders below, and said coldly: "What I want will be delivered to my house within three days, and the transaction is over."

After speaking, the dragon spread its wings and soared, and instantly left the forest with Bing He, and quickly shrank into a black shadow in the eyes of a few people.

After Bing He left, the three elders were really relieved at this time.

"We also want to leave quickly. The people outside won't hold on for long, and someone will come here soon." The second elder grabbed the storage bag and said in a deep voice.

The storage bag contained Qiyu, who had been imprisoned and asleep.

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