Ningmeng woke up from the darkness, and when she opened it, she saw the opposite wall.

Ningmeng was taken aback, and the scenes before the coma were revived in her mind.

The second elder took something out of her arms, as if she was going to do something to Qi Yu. She wanted to save it but was stunned by the big paw of the dragon-patterned leopard. When Ningmeng woke up, she felt the fire all over her body. Spicy pain.

But Ningmeng didn't care about her situation. She turned her head and looked around, but didn't see Qi Yu's figure.

The feeling between her and Qi Yu also let her know that Qi Yu is a hundred meters away from her.

Ningmeng was a little worried, not knowing what happened to Qi Yu after she was in a coma. Only the feeling that still existed between her and Qi Yu made Ningmeng breathe a sigh of relief.

She could feel that Qi Yu was thriving and was not in danger of life.

Ningmeng wanted to go to Qiyu very much, but after she woke up, she found that her hands and feet were both handcuffed, as if locked in a dungeon. Ningmeng tried to break free, but even if she used it With the spiritual power in the body, the handcuffs didn't move at all.

Ningmeng tried several times, but she didn't get rid of it, so she just gave up.

Ningmeng walked to the cell door and looked at it.

The light in this dungeon is dim, the environment is humid, and the air exudes an unpleasant smell.

Moreover, this is not just a cell. Except for the cell where Ningmeng is being held, the cells opposite her and on both sides of the wall are all cells used to hold prisoners.

It's just that except for Ningmeng, the other cells are empty, and no other people are seen.

Ningmeng turned around in the cell, then sat against the wall, and began to recover from the internal injuries she had suffered.

As early as when she woke up, Ningmeng found out that the hidden weapons and storage rings on her body had disappeared.

Although the storage ring and Ningmeng have long been bound, as long as Ningmeng is not dead, outsiders cannot open it.

However, all of Ningmeng's assets and pills are in the storage ring. Now that the storage ring is taken away, she has to support herself even if she wants to heal her injuries.

Ningmeng was imprisoned in the dungeon for three days. Except for someone to give Ningmeng food regularly every day, no one appeared in front of Ningmeng, not even the Jiang family.

Ningmeng didn't make trouble. She suffered some serious injuries. Internal injuries can be treated directly, but external injuries can't work.

But the storage ring was taken away, Ningmeng had no long objects and no other medicines for injury.

Ningmeng asked the person who gave her food, but the other party didn't know if he got the instruction from the Jiang family or was really deaf and mute. He didn't respond at all to Ningmeng's words, and when he came next time, he didn't have any medicine except a food box in his hand.

Ningmeng only persisted for two days. On the third day, her body temperature rose rapidly due to the ulceration of her wound and her body temperature quickly rose, making it difficult to maintain her consciousness even if she was awake.

Seeing Ningmeng lying on the bed with unknown life or death, the man turned around and ran out quickly as if he had realized that something was wrong.

Ningmeng didn't know that during the past few days when she and Qi Yu were imprisoned, the rumors about her and Qi Yu had been spreading vigorously.

Everyone knows that Ningmeng and Qi Yu assisted Jiang's parents in eradicating the nightmare.

On the night when Ningmeng and Qi Yu were fighting in the forest, the two giant dragons were fighting so loudly. In fact, they had already alarmed some people nearby, and many people wanted to enter the mountain to watch.

It's just that the Jiang family had already prepared a back hand. After Ningmeng and Qi Yu entered the mountain, they sent a lot of Jiang family's secret guards to guard the outside of the forest, and no one was allowed to enter.

After the three elders successfully took Qi Yu and Ningmeng out of the forest and imprisoned them in the dungeon, the Jiang family immediately released the news that Ningmeng and Qi Yu had died together with Mengyue.

This news shocked everyone.

Originally, Ningmeng had always been a topic that everyone talked about since she got the dragon as her companion.

In the end, how many days did she come back to Jiang's house, and she disappeared all by herself? Even the beast is gone?

At first, many people didn't believe it. Everyone was watching, but after the Jiang family released the news, they began to handle Ning Meng's funeral that day, and a white cloth was directly hung on the gate of Jiang's mansion.

Now, those who did not believe also believed.

For a time, many people felt sorry for Ningmeng's premature death, but there were also many forces that did not deal with the Jiang family after learning about this, they were so happy that they let off firecrackers.

The Jiang family has some status in the capital. The Jiang family manages the funeral. There is an endless stream of people who come to give gifts to the funeral. Even the Jing family, who has been favored by Ningmeng, brought a generous gift to the door and burned the incense for Ningmeng.

It's just that Jing Chu and Jing Hu are not among the Jing family members who came here.

Funerals are held in the mansion, and most of the people who come to Jiang's family to mourn are also people in the capital who have a good face, or have power and wealth.

As the head of the Jiang family and the biological father of Ningmeng, Jiang Xinghuai naturally wanted to receive guests in the mansion.

Jiang Xinghuai has been so busy these few days that he is also afraid of extra branches, so he never went to the dungeon to see Ningmeng, but arranged for a deaf and mute person to give Ningmeng food.

This deaf-mute man was transferred from other Zhuangzi by Jiang Xinghuai. He had never seen Ningmeng before, so he didn't know the identity of Ningmeng.

He just felt from Jiang Xinghuai's account that Jiang Xinghuai was a little special to the prisoners in the dungeon.

Therefore, after realizing something was wrong with Ningmeng, the deaf-mute man immediately went to Jiang Xinghuai and informed Jiang Xinghuai of the incident.

Jiang Xinghuai's expression changed, but he immediately suppressed his desire to check Ningmeng's situation immediately. Instead, when night fell, when the night was heavy, he found the second elder and the third elder and quietly went to the dungeon.

Ningmeng curled up on the wooden bed, hot all over, like a cooked shrimp.

If ordinary people burned like this for a day, I am afraid that their lives would be gone. But Ningmeng is a soul master, and her cultivation is also the best of her age. Although the high fever makes her uncomfortable, she won't kill her within a period of time.

Jiang Xinghuai and the other two elders also knew about it, so after seeing that Ningmeng's life was not a serious problem, the three of them were relieved.

They started to stand aside and discuss things, and they didn't even think about what they wanted to do for Ningmeng.

The second elder glanced at Ningmeng who was shrinking on the bed, and said anxiously, "When can we dig out the soul roots of her? The fifth elder told me today that although the dragon was imprisoned, it seemed to be a little different. Too honest, as if to wake up."

"How is it possible! That's an imperial dragon lock! Although it is not as good as a god-level, it is not a problem to let it sleep for ten days and eight days!" The third elder vowed and said, and then stared at the second elder with unkind eyes: " Moreover, the people who inherit the soul roots have not been selected. Second brother, what are you worried about?"

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