God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 803: The rise of waste material 46

The third elder's slightly startled question, after the second elder heard it, his expression suddenly became bad: "The third elder, what do you mean, do you think I want to swallow this soul root? If you don't believe me That said, after you go out, you can ask the fifth child right away!"

Since bringing back Ningmeng and Qi Yu's secret, Qi Yu and Ningmeng have been separated and detained.

Ningmeng was seriously injured because of her. Moreover, the Jiang family's dungeon is heavily organized. Even if Ningmeng was given a chance to let her run, she would not be able to get out, so Jiang Xinghuai and the others did not send anyone to monitor Ningmeng.

But Qiyu was different. Qiyu was only forced to fall asleep by the lock dragon lock, and he might wake up at any time, so someone had to guard him all day long.

And those who guard Qiyu are the five elders.

No one knows the current situation of Qiyu more clearly than the five elders.

The second elder said this, although the third elder didn't continue to speak, but he had a cold face, and no one could see that he was in a bad mood.

The Jiang family wanted to dig out the soul roots of Ningmeng, so that Qiyu could become the beast of the rest of the Jiang family, and protect the Jiang family's safety for a hundred years.

I originally thought that how to capture Ningmeng and Qi Yu was the most difficult, but I didn't expect that Ningmeng and Qi Yu were young. They only planned it once and they caught them.

However, after catching Ningmeng now, the problem came.

The Jiang family is a large family, and there are countless Jiang family members, even if there are more than 300 people in the Jiang family's blood.

Although this forbidden technique has age requirements for soul root exchange, only people under the age of sixteen can exchange soul roots.

However, even if the age group is reduced, there are still many Jiang family members between the ages of twelve and sixteen.

Jiang Xinghuai and several elders have their own optimistic candidates, so everyone's opinions have never been unified.

Ningmeng was kept in the dungeon for just three days, and they had already disagreeed over this matter.

"Okay! The Great Elder and the others will leave the customs tomorrow. At that time, we will discuss this matter together." Jiang Xinghuai said.

Jiang Xinghuai naturally wanted his son Jiang Yanghong to inherit the soul root of Ning Meng.

Although Jiang Yanghong is not his biological son, he now has only one son like Jiang Yanghong.

If this soul root falls on other children, even though they are also descendants of the Jiang family, it will not benefit Jiang Xinghuai's personal interests.

It's just that Jiang Yanghong's talent is not the highest among the Jiang family's juniors, which makes Jiang Xinghuai never know how to export it.

Moreover, Jiang Yanghong could not summon the companion soul originally. The reason why he is able to summon the companion soul now is because Jiang Xinghuai secretly changed his soul root to Jiang Yanghong two years ago.

Jiang Xinghuai didn't know whether Jiang Yanghong's body could bear the pain of the second soul-root exchange. If he couldn't bear it, then neither the Jiang family nor him would be worth the loss.

The three left the dungeon, leaving Ning Meng to fend for themselves in the dungeon.

Perhaps it was because the other two elders had already left the customs, Jiang Xinghuai and several elders were discussing the candidates for soul root replacement, so no one came to give Ningmeng food all day.

It was already the fourth night when Jiang Xinghuai and the others came in again.

Ningmeng has a good physique, and even if the environment is bad, even if the dripping water doesn't enter, she actually managed to survive.

Although the untreated wound on her body was still festering, the burn on Ningmeng's body had disappeared bizarrely.

Ningmeng sat in the corner and looked up at Jiang Xinghuai and the others.

Following Jiang Xinghuai, in addition to the three elders who had already met before, there were two other men that Ning Meng had never seen before.

These two men seem to be a bit older, Ningmeng combined with what Jiang Xinghuai said yesterday when he was half-dreaming and half-awake, it is not difficult to guess that these two men are the first elder and fourth elder who have just left the pass.

"How come it's like this, didn't give her some medicine?" As soon as the fourth elder stepped into the dungeon, he smelled the **** smell mixed in the muddy air in the dungeon.

He set his gaze on Ningmeng. Although he said so, his gaze was greedy when he looked at Ningmeng.

"Fourth old, you won't say that if you look back at the scars on the old fifth. This girl is very young, but she has a good talent for cultivation. If it weren't for the luck of the old fifth, she would almost die in her hands. Now." The third elder said, strode forward, and directly screwed Ning Meng up.

"What are you doing! Let me go!" Ningmeng frowned, struggling with her bare hands. Although facing so many people, although she was seriously injured, Ningmeng's aura did not weaken at all.

"Peace!" The three elders looked down impatiently and scolded at Ningmeng.

Ningmeng just pretended to struggle for a while. After hearing the third elder's reprimand, Ningmeng lowered her head and dropped her hands on her side.

Ningmeng was violently taken out of the dungeon by the three elders.

Jiang Xinghuai and others followed Ningmeng and the Three Elders.

This dungeon is very long.

Ningmeng noticed that the direction the third elders took her to was not the direction the third elders and the others had just entered, but continued to move toward the depths of the dungeon.

The more you go inside, the more unpleasant the smell in the air.

Moreover, Ningmeng also smelled the stench in the air.

These foul smells, in addition to making Ningmeng feel a little nauseous, even made her feel a little nauseous.

At the beginning, Ningmeng hadn't noticed it yet.

Ningmeng's expression suddenly changed when the stench became stronger and stronger when she was screwed by the three elders all the time.

She sniffed it out.

The long-lasting stench in the air is not caused by the humid environment in the dungeon and the absence of light all the year round, but another odor, like the smell of a human or animal's corpse after a long time.

The smell of corpses in the air was so strong that it was impossible for Jiang Xinghuai and the other elders to smell it.

However, Ningmeng found that their expressions were as usual, as if they had already been used to it.

After everyone hadn't walked for long, Ningmeng saw a stone gate at the end.

Jiang Xinghuai took a few steps forward and touched the stone wall next to him. The stone gate slowly moved. On the other side of the stone gate, it seemed to be another scene.

The third elder dragged Ningmeng and walked over.

The other side of Shimen looked like a big cave from the bottom of Ningmeng's eyes.

It's just that the volume of this cave is a bit too big, even if Qiyu becomes bigger, it can fly a few times in this cave.

The secret room is very large, and the strong stench that had been before has also dispersed.

Moreover, Ningmeng also found that the walls around the cave were smooth, as if they were carved out by hand.

Suddenly, Ningmeng's gaze paused. When her gaze fell on the huge black figure in the shadow corner not far away, Ningmeng broke free of the third elder's hand without hesitation and ran towards him quickly.

Qi Yu rarely showed his original appearance in front of Ningmeng.

However, every time he appeared in front of Ningmeng with his body, Qi Yu was domineering and strong.

In front of Ningmeng, Qi Yu has never been so embarrassed as today.

He still looks like a dragon, but he is twice as small as his previous mentality.

When Ningmeng spotted him, he closed his eyes and lay down in the corner, his eyes closed tightly, motionless.

Since the Third Elder brought Ning Meng here, he has relaxed his vigilance towards her.

When she watched Ningmeng break free and ran towards the dragon, the third elder didn't care about her either.

Anyway, now things are a foregone conclusion, in the eyes of the three elders, Ningmeng is already dead.

The dead can't turn around.

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