When the figures of Jingjia and the others appeared in the cave, there was nothing Jiang Xinghuai and the others didn't understand.

Although I don't know how this matter will miss the news.

But now it seems that the Jiang family may not escape bad luck.

Jiang Xinghuai fell into the hands of Little Vine and couldn't escape.

When the other elders saw that the situation was not good, they instantly summoned their companions, wanting to fight everyone to the death.

But how could Qi Yu give them the opportunity to continue jumping.

At the moment when he saw Ningmeng, Qi Yu's eyes were scarlet, and while feeling angry, he also had feelings of regret and regret rising in his heart for the first time.

Although he deliberately revealed all the things the Jiang family had done secretly, he had never thought about asking her to pay such a high price!

Qi Yu hates herself and overestimates the kindness of the Jiang family.

Qi Yu cautiously hugged Ningmeng in his arms, and when he turned to look at the elders of the Jiang family, the scarlet eyes couldn't hide the killing intent.

The power of the huge shock is like Mount Tai, weighing heavily on everyone.

The companion souls summoned by the elders of the Jiang family, under the tremendous pressure of Qi Yu, one by one crawled on the ground with their tails tucked in, their bodies trembling, and there was no thought of resistance at all.

What Qiyu is going to do is self-evident.

Although Jing Meng and others had learned about what Jiang Xinghuai and others were doing in the cave from Jing Chu and Jing Hu, they didn't want to see Qi Yu kill them just like that.

However, under the terrifying coercion of Qiyu, they could hardly even open their mouths to speak!

"Host, don't." Ningmeng raised her hand and grabbed Qi Yu's clothes.

Qi Yu immediately looked down at her.

Qi Yu's coercion avoided Ningmeng, so Ningmeng was relaxed and comfortable in his arms, and he didn't feel any pressure.

However, the person who knows Qiyu best in the world is Ningmeng.

Ningmeng knew that Qi Yu was going to kill them. In fact, Ningmeng also wanted to kill the Jiang family.

But in this case, Qi Yu's previous plan would be imperfect.

Ningmeng looked up at Qi Yu.

Qi Yu was silent for a while, and then restrained his aura.

The terrifying pressure in the air disappeared, and everyone present was relieved. Even the Jiang family, who had originally thought they would be a dead end, seemed to see the hope of being alive at this time.

Qi Yu picked up Ningmeng, sucking on the small vines of Jiang Xinghuai's spiritual power. At this time, he threw Jiang Xinghuai directly on the ground. The slender vine branches circled Jiang Xinghuai's body, and then went into his. In the clothes, he hooked out a dark ring that was shining with a stream of light.

That is Ning Meng's storage ring.

The little vine hooked the storage ring, jumped to the foot of Qi Yu, stretched out his branches and leaves, and lifted the storage ring all the way up to Ningmeng.

Ningmeng took the storage ring, and raised her hand to rub the branches and leaves of the small vine, and the small vine immediately waved the leaves with joy.

Qi Yu stepped and hugged Ningmeng and walked out. Everyone who was standing at the entrance of the cave gave way to him.

Watching Ningmeng's injury so badly, Jingmeng couldn't help but say: "Jing Hu, go and invite the doctor from the house to treat Ms. Jiang."

"Already invited, it's outside the cave. I'll go out with them." Jing Hu said.

Jing Chu, who was standing behind Jing Hu, also said quickly: "I will also go with my brother and see if I can help."

Seeing that neither Qi Yu nor Ningmeng had any intention to refuse, Jingmeng nodded slightly.

The four Qiyu figures disappeared at the entrance of the cave.

After Qi Yu's figure disappeared into the cave, Jingmeng and others immediately stepped forward, trying to arrest Jiang Xinghuai and the elders of the Jiang family.

However, without Qiyu's suppression, the elders of the Jiang family immediately recovered their previous arrogance, standing aside and confronting Jingmeng and others: "Jingmeng, Su Changqing, what are you doing! Are you an enemy of our Jiang family!"

"You know what you have done yourself. You arrested Jiang Heng and her companion in this cave, which is already the best evidence." Jing Meng said sharply.

The elders of the Jiang family were slightly guilty when they looked at Jingmeng's angry and determined appearance.

They originally thought that Jingmeng and others found here to save Ningmeng and Qi Yu out. But now it seems that this is not the case.

Is it possible that Jingmeng already knows what they plan to dig out of Ningmeng's soul roots?


How is this possible!

The matter of secretly digging people's soul roots is so confidential, except for Liu Rumei and Jiang Yanghong, only the elders of the Jiang family know about it, and even Jiang Zenan knows this time.

How could such a confidential matter be leaked out!

Elder Jiang gritted his teeth, still a little disbelief that Jingmeng and the others would know about this, but stubbornly thought Jingmeng and the others were here to save Ningmeng.

After all, Ningmeng is kind to Jingmeng.

Jiang Xinghuai said impatiently: "Why do we treat her this is our Jiang family's own business, we don't need you outsiders to be nosy."

"Okay, since you are still hard-talking now, let's not discuss Jiang Heng's affairs, and let's talk about the disappearance cases in Beijing in recent years?" Jing Meng said coldly.

Over the years, there have been nearly a hundred missing cases in Beijing, large and small.

In the beginning, those who were missing were all well-endowed children from common people's families.

But later, even the talented young lady of the powerful family disappeared one after another.

Until now, those who disappeared have not returned home, and the murderer is still at large.

Jing's family also had three children missing this year. As long as you think that the person who abducted your family is Jiang Xinghuai and others in front of you, Jingmeng's eyes have been stained with murderous intent.

Not only Jingmeng, but those who came in with Jingmeng, looked at the Jiang family at the moment and looked like they wanted to eat them. Everyone looked angry.

Seeing Jingmeng's words so bluntly, Elder Jiang couldn't help but staggered back a few steps, his expression hurriedly, it was over, everything was over.


This cave of the Jiang family is actually just below the back mountain of the Jiang family mansion.

During the period when Qi Yu and Ningmeng lived in Jiang’s family, Qi Yu always suspected that Jiang’s secret road was under the Jiang’s mansion, but after many investigations, there was no result and no trace of the entrance to the secret road was found. . In the end, he didn't expect that Jiang Jiaran had spent such a great effort and directly hollowed out the back mountain.

Houshan and Jiang's mansion are only separated by a wall.

Qi Yu came out of the cave holding Ningmeng and found a lot of figures standing outside the cave, all guards brought by Jingmeng and other families.

On the other side, dozens of Jiang family guards were kneeling on the ground with their hands and feet tied, and the cloth stuffed in their mouths prevented them from reporting letters to the Jiang family inside, nor allowing them to kill themselves.

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