As soon as Qi Yu came out of the cave holding Ningmeng, he immediately attracted the attention of the guards outside.

Although they don't know Qi Yu and Ningmeng, they do know Jing Chu and Jing Hu who are behind Qi Yu and Ningmeng.

"Miss, young master." The servants of the Jing family stepped forward immediately.

"It's okay, you stay here. Where's Dr. Zhang? Hurry up and save someone!" Jing Hu looked up and looked around. After hearing his voice, Dr. Zhang immediately popped out from behind the crowd: "Master, I'm here. "

Qi Yu hugged Ningmeng in his arms tightly, and said in a deep voice, "No trouble. Just borrow us a carriage."

How can this be trouble!

Jing Hu just wanted to speak, but he closed his mouth when he noticed Qi Yu's cold and powerful aura.

After all, he and Qi Yu are not familiar with each other, and each time Qi Yu appears, he has an extraordinary aura. Coupled with Qi Yu's identity, Jing Hu is not afraid that he wants to be against Ningmeng.

Jing Hu changed his mouth and said: "When we came, just in case, we deliberately drove two carriages. If you want, you can take it. By the way, where are you going? If you are going to the inn, it is better to go to the humble house Live for a few days? It will also help Jiang Heng heal his injuries."

Qi Yu just didn't want Doctor Zhang to come for treatment because he felt that Ningmeng was not in danger, but he was not life-threatening and all he suffered was skin trauma.

For these skin injuries, Ningmeng’s storage ring contains a lot of high-level pill treatments, and the effect is no worse than the prescription prescribed by Dr. Zhang.

But Jing Hu's current proposal is far better than Qiyu and Ningmeng's stay at the inn.

Qi Yu didn't put on airs either, and nodded in agreement after thanking him.

Qi Yu hugged Ningmeng and got into the carriage, and Jing Hu and Jing Chu sat in the driving position and acted as coachmen.

The wheel of the wagon gurgled and headed towards Jingfu.

In the carriage, Qi Yu held Ningmeng, supporting her body in one hand, and holding Ningmeng's storage ring in the other.

Ningmeng fainted when Qi Yu was holding her out of the cave just now.

Because Qi Yu and Ningmeng have a contract, and they are also connected with each other, Qi Yu can also open the storage ring of Ningmeng.

Qi Yu can also control the things in the storage ring at will.

Although Qi Yu had never studied medicine, he had also been an alchemist in a certain ancient plane before, and he knew the effects of some pills.

Qi Yu took out two bottles of healing pills from Ningmeng's storage ring, took out the two pills and gently stuffed them into Ningmeng's mouth.

The high-grade pill will melt in your mouth, and the effect will be instantaneous.

The trauma on Ningmeng's body that had never been treated, healed almost at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, the discomfort that had previously been heavily pressed on Ningmeng's chest also disappeared in an instant.

Ningmeng's face became ruddy, and her breathing became heavier.

Without rest for a few days, she actually fell asleep directly.

Qi Yu curled his lips and raised his hand to straighten Li Ningmeng's messy hair.

Obviously, Ningmeng hadn't taken care of herself for a few days, and her body had already exuded an unpleasant smell, but Qi Yu seemed to be out of smell.

He held Ning Meng, his eyes focused and gentle as if he was holding the rarest treasure in the world.

The carriage drove for a while, and then stopped in front of Jingfu Gate.

Jing Chu stretched out his hand to lift the curtain, Qi Yu walked out of the carriage holding Ningmeng.

It seems that Qi Yu's movements while holding Ningmeng moving are more cautious than before, so Jing Chu and Jing Hu also subconsciously lightened their movements.

Although Qiyu did not show up in Jingfu before, he was very familiar with the topography of Jingfu.

Holding Ningmeng, Qi Yu went to the guest room where Ningmeng stayed in Jingfu before.

That guest room has been vacant since Ningmeng left, and there has been no one to live in it, but there are maids who go in to clean it regularly, and the furniture and bedding inside are all clean.

Qi Yu put Ningmeng on the bed.

Jing Chu and Jing Hu stood outside, and after seeing him come out, they whispered and asked him if he needed any help.

Qi Yu also didn't be polite with them, and directly told them what he needed.

Then, soon, hot water and towels were brought in.

Qi Yu took it, Jing Chu and Jing Hu left on their own, Qi Yu closed the door, and then walked into the room with hot water, gently peeling off Ningmeng's clothes and wiping her whole body carefully.

The wound on Ningmeng's body had healed, but the scar on the wound took several days to disappear.

Qi Yu looked down at the scars of different depths on Ningmeng's body, and there was a cold solemnity between his brows, and the rolling anger in his eyes was almost condensed into substance.

After taking a deep breath, he suppressed his emotions.

After wiping Ningmeng's body clean, Qi Yu took out clean clothes and put on Ningmeng.

When Qi Yu did these things, although his movements were light, he had to move Ningmeng. However, Ningmeng slept very heavily, and was not awakened by Qi Yu's actions at all. It was enough to see the sleepiness of Ningmeng being held in the dungeon these days.

After doing all this for Ningmeng, Qi Yu took off his coat, opened the quilt and got into the bed.

He stretched out his hand and gently hugged Ningmeng into his arms before closing his eyes.


Probably she was in a coma in Qi Yu's arms, or maybe it was because after falling asleep, Ningmeng smelled familiarity and made her feel at ease.

Ning Meng slept extremely sweetly with this sleep.

When Ningmeng woke up, it was already the next morning.

Ningmeng opened her eyes in a daze, looking at the beige basket on top of her head, her eyes were a little dazed when she just woke up.

After the scenes before the coma appeared in her mind, Ningmeng finally reacted. She turned her head and looked around. She was the only one in the bedroom, and the furnishings in the room made her familiar.

Ningmeng squinted her eyes, and finally remembered that this was the room she lived in in Jingfu.

Why is she here?

What about the host?

After sleeping for a whole day and night, Ning Meng was refreshed.

There are her clean clothes on the small stool next to the bed, and a pair of her shoes under the bed, which Qi Yu had prepared.

Ningmeng lifted the quilt, got up, and put on quickly.

Just when she was about to bend over to put on shoes, the closed door moved slightly, and then she was pushed open from the outside.

At the beginning, Ningmeng saw Qiyu standing outside the threshold.

When Qi Yu saw Ningmeng, a smile immediately appeared in his eyes. He turned around and confessed a few words to the maids who were guarding outside, and then stepped forward.

"Is there anything uncomfortable? Why did you get out of bed, do you want to sleep for a while?" Qi Yu walked in, spoke softly to Ningmeng, walked to Ningmeng and squatted down, his movements were extremely natural. Pick up the shoes on the ground and put on Ningmeng's feet.

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