The Jiang family and his party were all imprisoned.

However, because Ningmeng was also a victim, she was not on the list of imprisonment.

After taking control of Jiang Xinghuai and others yesterday, Jingmeng and other family members personally rummaged through the cave, and the bones brought out from the cave were also one after another.

This matter has a huge impact, and naturally it cannot be concealed.

Moreover, in the past two years, hundreds of family members in the capital have disappeared. After the officials met, the emperor immediately asked the Yamen to post a notice to announce the Jiang family's crimes. Moreover, those who have lost their children are also asked to go to Yamen to claim the remains (bones) of the victims.

But in one day, these things that Jiang Jia did in private were spread out.

The Jiang family's reputation fell into the dust in an instant, and everyone condemned the abuse.

"If the house is ransacked, are all the Jiang family imprisoned?" After listening to Qi Yu's words, Ningmeng said in confusion.

"Yeah." Qi Yu responded, but as if he knew Ningmeng's concerns, Qi Yu said again: "However, this continent has not said that the Nine Races are being killed. Now they are locked up, just interrogating them, and waiting for the interrogation to be completed. After that, those who don’t know will not be implicated in the slightest."

"That's good." Ningmeng breathed a sigh of relief.

There are more than hundreds of people in Jiang's family, many of whom are innocent.

Ningmeng didn't want to lose their lives in vain because of this incident.

Qi Yu looked at Ningmeng's relaxed expression, his eyes sinking slightly: "Is there nothing else to say?"

"Huh?" Ningmeng raised her head and looked at Qi Yu, looking blankly confused.

Qi Yu and her looked at each other for a long time. Seeing that she looked ignorant, she finally couldn't help being defeated.

At this time, the two of them were outside a certain pavilion in the back garden. Qi Yu stretched out his hand, hugged Ningmeng, and walked towards the pavilion.

Ningmeng struggled for a moment, and couldn't get away, so he just hugged it casually.

Qi Yu hugged Ningmeng and sat on the stone bench.

When he was holding her just now, he was holding the child with his hands holding the child's hips, so now after sitting down, Ningmeng directly spread his legs and sat on his lap.

The two faced each other, and as soon as he lowered his head, the two of them blended in breath.

Qi Yu had too many criminal convictions, and Ning Meng suddenly became alert when he saw the dangerous posture of the two of them.

"Host, what do you want to say?" Ningmeng straightened her back and leaned back silently.

Qi Yu raised his hand to clasp her waist, and with a slight force, he immediately pressed Ningmeng into his arms, and there was no gap between the two.

Qi Yu is satisfied now.

He lowered his head slightly, his thin lips approached Ningmeng's earlobe, but he didn't answer Ningmeng's question just now. Instead, he opened his mouth and said: "Mengmeng, how do you say I will punish you."

The word "punishment" hasn't appeared in Qi Yu's mouth for too long.

Moreover, the word obviously is so serious and deep, but it seems to have a different meaning when it comes out of Qi Yu's mouth.

The first thing that came to Ningmeng's mind was not why he wanted to punish her, but actually the things he did to her...indescribable things from the first few planes!

Ningmeng's eyes rounded and her cheeks were hot.

After a while, reason returned to her mind, and she couldn't help but bow her head to retort: ​​"I didn't do anything wrong, why should I be punished?"

Ningmeng recalled that during this period, Qi Yu asked her to do only one thing. It was nothing more than a plan to arrest the Jiang family this time.

Although their mission in this world is to avenge Jiang Heng.

However, the things Jiang Xinghuai and several other elders did in private were too maddening.

Now that they know, Ningmeng and Qi Yu can't ignore them.

During the period when he lived in the Jiang family, Qi Yu also inspected the Jiang family, just to find the secret road of the Jiang family, but found nothing.

Therefore, when Jiang Xinghuai asked Ningmeng and Qi Yu to go to Huaxingshan to get rid of the dream demon, Qi Yu knew that the dream demon was fake, and Jiang Xinghuai wanted to dig out the soul root of Ningmeng. Really.

So Qi Yu decided to do everything, and the two were deliberately arrested just to know the address of Jiang's secret road.

But just knowing the secret road address is not enough. Someone needs to cooperate with them inside and outside to catch the turtles in the urn of Jiang's family.

Therefore, before going to Huaxingshan, when Ningmeng, Qiyu, Jingchu, and Jinghu gathered in the teahouse, Qi Yu and Ningmeng would like to do what Jiang’s family wanted to do, and what Qiyu’s plan was. Tell the Jing family brothers and sisters.

The Jing family brothers and sisters were shocked, then furious.

The two did not think that Qi Yu and Ningmeng would be joking about this kind of thing, let alone that there were Jing family children in the number of missing persons in the capital in the past two years.

Jing Chu and Jing Hu agreed to the inside and outside of Ningmeng and Qi Yu.

Sure enough, in Huaxingshan, several elders exposed their sinister thoughts.

Qi Yu and Ningmeng acted half-truths according to the plan, and did not exert all their strength, pretending to be invincible, and were captured by them.

The little vine rushed back to the capital to report to the Jing's house.

Everything after that was developed in accordance with the Qiyu plan.

But the only thing Qiyu missed was the cold blood and shamelessness of the Jiang family.

He originally thought that the Jiang family wanted to dig out the soul roots of Ningmeng, and even if they were not good to eat and drink, they should keep her healthy and in a good state.

As a result, he didn't expect that the Jiang family hadn't even asked Ningmeng for a doctor, leaving her to fend for herself in the dungeon.

Qi Yu's mood was so distressed that he wished to slaughter the Jiang family in the cell now and let out his hatred.

Qi Yu reached out and raised Ningmeng's chin, forcing her to look up at herself.

Seeing Ningmeng's still confused gaze, Qi Yu sighed, and touched Ningmeng's hair, forehead, face, lips, arms... to the toes with his other hand.

"Here, here, here, and these parts are can't get hurt in the future. If you make a mistake for the first time, I will only punish you a little. If you make a mistake next time, I can't spare you."

As he said, his entire face was magnified in front of Ningmeng, and his thin, cool lips pressed against him and lay aground on Ningmeng's soft lips.

After listening to his words, Ningmeng knew that he was to blame her for not protecting herself.

Even if the storage ring is taken by Jiang Xinghuai and the others, it doesn't matter, she still has the system on her body, and there are a lot of things in the system mall. If she wants to, she can heal her injuries in minutes.

Ningmeng was so that Qi Yu's plan would not be destroyed, so she endured it all the time.

But in Qi Yu's eyes, let alone one plan, even ten plans are not as good as a single piece of her hair.

Qi Yu's kiss was as aggressive as ever, as if to express his dissatisfaction. He sucked heavily, as if to eat her whole person.

He didn't let her go until at the end when she was about to breathe.


In the afternoon, Ningmeng and Qi Yu went to the front office of Jing's house to bid farewell to Jing's family.

The Jing family did not want Ningmeng and Qi Yu to say goodbye so soon, they have been trying to keep Qi Yu and Ningmeng, but Qi Yu and Ningmeng were determined to go, and the Jing family reluctantly compromised.

However, before leaving, Jingmeng said to Qi Yu and Ningmeng that the emperor actually wanted to see them. Only because Ningmeng has been in a coma, the emperor regrets to let go

What the Jiang family did was spread to the outside.

However, when the incident was exposed, Jingmeng did not take credit for the Jing family. Instead, he told everyone the ins and outs of this matter.

Therefore, even if the Jiang family is now notorious, the reputations of Ningmeng and Qi Yu are not affected at all.

Everyone knows that Ningmeng and Qi Yu are bearing the burden of humiliation, and they also know that Ningmeng and Qi Yu are actually victims.

For justice and righteousness, Ningmeng and Qiyu not only lost their reputations, but received endless praise from the people.

Ningmeng and Qi Yu visited the prison at night when the night was dark and quiet.

Ningmeng exchanged two invisibility cloaks in the system mall, and together with Qi Yu, without alarming any guards, swaggered into the sky prison.

Because Jiang Xinghuai and Liu Rumei were the first to carry out this matter, they were detained in a different location from the others.

Jiang Xinghuai and Liu Rumei were detained in the deepest part of the prison.

Ningmeng and Qi Yu walked all the way, and saw the others in the Jiang family, as well as the elders of the Jiang family.

Then, walking inside, the two saw Jiang Xinghuai and Liu Rumei who were being held together in a cell.

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