Jiang Xinghuai and Liu Rumei were locked together.

Both of them were in ankle cuffs. Although they didn't have handcuffs on their hands, they wore magical weapons that suppressed their souls on their wrists.

Every soul master who enters the sky prison will have such a magic weapon in his body, in order to suppress the companion soul in their body, lest they escape from prison.

Being locked up in the dungeon for one day and one night, Jiang Xinghuai and Liu Rumei were no longer as bright as they were before.

The two of them wore large prison uniforms, their hair was messy, the dark circles under their eyes were thick, and there was no blood on their faces.

Just being kept in a jail day and night, the two of them have undergone earth-shaking changes both physically and psychologically.

Because Ningmeng and Qi Yu entered with invisibility cloaks, Liu Rumei and Jiang Xinghuai were unaware of them.

Until Ningmeng and Qi Yu took off their invisibility cloaks in front of them, both Liu Rumei and Jiang Xinghuai were shocked by the sudden appearance of the two figures.

When Liu Rumei saw the figure that appeared out of thin air, the first reaction was to hide behind Jiang Xinghuai.

Jiang Xinghuai wanted to be calm. He was a big man anyway, and he was also the head of the Jiang family.

Although the figures of Ningmeng and Qi Yu appeared in the cell, Jiang Xinghuai was also frightened, and raised his hand to make a defensive posture. But in the next instant, after seeing the appearance of Ningmeng and Qi Yu, Jiang Xinghuai's fear of the unknown disappeared instantly.

The reason why he just subconsciously made a defensive posture was because he thought it was the enemy of the Jiang family who came to look for him.

After all, what Jiang Jia did privately has now been exposed. Everyone knew that Jiang Xinghuai and Liu Rumei were the culprits.

Jiang Xinghuai himself didn't know how many children he had killed in the past two years, and how many children's soul roots had been dug up.

Jiang Xinghuai knew in his heart that even if he was locked in a sky prison now. But outside, I don’t know how many people want to break into the jail and seek revenge from him.

If the enemy really came to the door, Jiang Xinghuai might help himself.

But after seeing that the people coming were Ningmeng and Qi Yu, the look on Jiang Xinghuai's face suddenly changed.

He stared at Ningmeng and Qi Yu fiercely, with a bad look: "You two traitors from the Jiang family, how dare you show up in front of me?!"

Jiang Xinghuai didn't regret it at all until after he went to prison, and he didn't feel that he had done anything wrong.

He digs out the soul roots and puts the soul roots on the Jiang family or the Jiang family's secret guards in order to strengthen the Jiang family's strength.

Jiang Xinghuai didn't think he had done anything wrong.

This was originally a world where the weak and the strong were eaten by the strong. Those children died in his hands. To blame, the children were not strong enough!

In the past two years, Jiang Xinghuai has longed for the future glory of the Jiang family more than once.

He has always firmly believed that under his leadership, the Jiang family will definitely become the largest family in the capital.

And his fantasy, the future glory of the Jiang family, is now all ruined!

It was destroyed in the hands of Ningmeng and Qi Yu.

If it weren't for them, how could the Jiang family be destroyed? How could he go to jail!

Jiang Xinghuai was immersed in his own imagination.

If it weren't for his feet being handcuffed, and the magic weapon that suppressed his soul roots on his wrists, he might immediately summon the companion soul and Ningmeng to fight to death.

But the fact is that he can't do anything except stare at Ningmeng.

"Huh? Why don't you dare?" Ningmeng asked back.

Ningmeng didn't understand that Jiang Xinghuai was now a prisoner. Why was he still so right and confident? He didn't know where his superiority came from.

However, if Ningmeng knew what Jiang Xinghuai was thinking, she would definitely reshape the Three Views.

Liu Rumei, who was hiding behind Jiang Xinghuai, heard Ningmeng's voice and poked her head out quietly.

After seeing Ningmeng and Qi Yu, the look on Jiang Xinghuai's face was so angry that the look on Liu Rumei's face was just as pleasantly surprised.

Liu Rumei almost immediately ran out from behind Jiang Xinghuai, raised his hand and grabbed the fence railing, looking expectantly at Ning Meng who was a step away from him outside the cell, and said cheerfully: "Heng'er, you are finally here. Mother knew that you would definitely come to save me."

Liu Rumei's words are simply unreasonable and logical.

If Ningmeng really wanted to save her, then she wouldn't calmly reveal all this and put her and Jiang Xinghuai in jail.

But when Ningmeng heard Liu Rumei's words, she was not surprised at all.

It seems that Liu Rumei really has the ability to deceive herself. She can always forget what she has done in the past.

For example, when Ningmeng was going to be digging for the soul root by Jiang Xinghuai in the cave before, she knew that Jiang Xinghuai would kill Ningmeng directly, but not only would she not save Ningmeng, but she would also take away the soul root of Ningmeng. Things are also very high-sounding.

For another example, now, it is clear that Ningmeng and Qi Yu contributed to her imprisonment, but she looked at the bottom of Ningmeng's eyes without the slightest resentment. On the contrary, Ningmeng and Qi Yu must have come to rescue her because Ningmeng and Qi Yu are here.

Ningmeng doesn't like dealing with people like Liu Rumei.

Even compared to Jiang Xinghuai, Ningmeng hated people like Liu Rumei even more.

However, the task is there, no matter how disgusting it is, Ningmeng has to do it.

Ningmeng glanced at Liu Ru's eyebrows, and said coldly: "I think too much, we spent a lot of time to send you to the cell, how can we rescue you."

"What! You didn't come to save us? What are you here for?" Liu Rumei looked shocked, and his face showed a look of disappointment to Ningmeng.

"Kill you. I remember everything you did to me before." Ningmeng said coldly, and directly summoned the little vine.

The shape of the small vines can become larger and smaller.

However, she generally likes to maintain the form of a small weed, unobtrusive, and able to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

It was the same when Ning Meng was summoned this time.

A small green vine appeared at Ningmeng’s feet. It first stretched out the branches and leaves and touched Ningmeng’s calf affectionately, and then swaggered in from the gap between the cell railings, slowly moving towards Jiang Xinghuai. They approached in the same direction as Liu Rumei.

When Jiang Xinghuai was in the cave, he had personally experienced the power of Little Vine, and knew that he would have no power to fight back in the hands of Little Vine.

The moment Jiang Xinghuai saw the appearance of the little vine, Jiang Xinghuai suddenly remembered the fear of being dominated by the little vine in the cave. No matter how great the anger was in his heart before, it disappeared without a trace at this time, and became right. Fear of death.

Jiang Xinghuai was scared to death, but he still did not forget to put on the score in front of Ningmeng: "Jiang Heng! I am your father, do you really have to bear the charge of killing mothers and fathers! You are not afraid of being dishonored and being laughed at by the world? !"

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