God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 818: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs giants with disabilities 5

Ningmeng walked into the Chen's villa.

The Chen's villa was brightly lit, and Liu Ping and Chen's sister and brother had already returned, and they were sitting in front of the restaurant for dinner.

Chen Yan and Liu Ping sat on one side, and Chen Ke sat opposite Chen Yan.

Ningmeng stood at the hallway and looked at the three of them.

Being able to marry Chen Jianxin home without any skill and with an oil bottle, Liu Ping is really an amazing beauty.

Moreover, Liu Ping has spent the past few years in the Chen family with nourishment and grace. Every day, she either has afternoon tea with several other women, or goes to beauty salons to shop and other places. The years have never left any marks on her face, even if she is over. Forty, but it's not obvious on the surface.

When Liu Ping was in front of Bai Ningmeng's biological daughter, she was always very impatient and indifferent. But when facing Chen Yan and Chen Ke, she was gentle and patient. She listened no matter what Chen Yan and Chen Ke said. No matter what Chen Yan and Chen Ke did, she felt right. .

Chen Yan and Chen Ke are twins of dragons and phoenixes, and they are seven-point similar in appearance.

Chen Yan grew up spoiled and spoiled, and in front of Bai Ningmeng, she was always arrogant and domineering. Especially when she put on makeup when she went out to play today, although the makeup is exquisite and her facial features are bright and beautiful, but when Ningmeng stood at the hallway and saw her smile, her body couldn't help but stiffen slightly, and her mind flashed across it. When Chen Yan once bullied Bai Ningmeng, she looked at Bai Ningmeng with condescending expressions.

Chen Yan has a huge influence on Bai Ningmeng.

When Bai Ningmeng encounters setbacks, she often uses this image to motivate herself.

She has always wanted to get rid of the cage of the Chen family and stand above everyone in the Chen family.

Ningmeng opened the shoe cabinet and bent over to change shoes.

When Chen Yan came in, Yu Guang noticed the extra figure in the hallway.

However, she did not say hello to Ningmeng immediately, but turned a blind eye, and even deliberately chatted with Liu Ping happily in front of Ningmeng. Every time she looked at Bai Ningmeng's sad and silent pattern, Chen Yan was the happiest. when. But if Chen Yan knew that in the past, Bai Ningmeng's sadness was deliberately pretending to lie to her, I wonder if she would die of anger.

She thought she had crushed Bai Ningmeng to death, but in Bai Ningmeng's eyes, these little tricks of Chen Yan didn't have the qualifications to make her take it seriously.

Seeing Ningmeng walked in after changing her shoes, Chen Yan put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hand and said to Liu Ping: "Auntie, look, my sister is back."

Chen Yan only called Bai Ningmeng his sister in front of Liu Ping and Chen Jianxin. In private, she only calls her the oil bottle and eats plain rice.

And every time Chen Yan calls Bai Ningmeng his sister, it is not a good thing for Bai Ningmeng.

It's the same this time.

Suddenly there are more people in the living room. In fact, how could everyone not notice.

It's just that this person is Ning Meng, so everyone selectively ignores it.

Now Chen Yan opened this mouth, and Chen Ke, who was sitting across from her, also showed a good-looking look, "Tsk, it's really my sister. I don't know where my sister went to play, and I didn't even catch up with dinner."

"Sister-in-law Zhang, come and get a set of bowls and chopsticks." Liu Ping whispered to the servants beside her, and when she looked up at Ningmeng, her expression was impatient, her eyes were full of disgust, and she raised her voice. Said: "What are you still standing there, don't hurry over to eat!"

"Forget it. I'm afraid I don't know. Our Chen family has a rule. People who are late don't have food." Chen Yan said with a lip, and Zhang's wife, who had been walking towards the kitchen, stopped at the same place.

In fact, Ningmeng came back not too late, and it was only seven o'clock in the evening.

Sometimes when Chen Ke and Chen Yan go out for fun, it is normal to come back at eight or nine o'clock, ten o'clock, or early in the morning.

And in the kitchen, the food is always hot, just for fear that the young lady might want to eat when she comes back.

The Chen family has never had this rule of being late without eating, but everyone knows that Chen Yan has been unpleasant to see Bai Ning Meng all these years.

This rule is only for Ningmeng alone.

Chen Yan looked at Ningmeng, who was standing in place, with a triumphant expression, as if he had won a victory.

Ningmeng really didn't know what she was so proud of, but it was just a meal.

Moreover, she just came back after having dinner at Qiyu, even if Liu Ping and the others knelt and beg her to eat, she didn't want to sit at a table with these people for dinner.

Ningmeng raised her head and smiled at the three people at the table: "When I just came back, I had already eaten outside. You eat, people have three urgency, I will go up first."

After Ningmeng finished speaking, she deliberately covered her belly with her hands, and then ran upstairs briskly. Seeing that she was in a hurry without waiting for someone to reply, as if she was really rushing to the bathroom...

However, Ningmeng spoke like this, how can the three people sitting at the table eat.

"Hmph! Eat it, I'm full!" Chen Yan couldn't help but slapped the chopsticks in his hand on the table and lifted upstairs.

"Then I'm leaving too, and I asked some friends to go out to play." Chen Ke followed and got up and walked out.

At the table, Liu Ping was left alone.

The food on the plate is almost untouched, full of color, flavor, and flavor.

Liu Ping obviously had an appetite before, but after listening to Ningmeng's words and thinking about what Ningmeng was doing now, Liu Ping suddenly lost all interest in eating.

Liu Ping's heart is full of anger. The daughter she gave birth to is simply a debt collector!


Ningmeng didn't take the three people downstairs to heart.

Although the sentence she just said was deliberate, she just wanted to disgust the three of them so that they could not eat.

But after going upstairs, Ningmeng happily left the three of them behind.

Bai Ningmeng is still a senior in high school, and Chen Yan and Chen Ke are not in the same school.

Chen Yan and Chen Ke are in the well-known Haochen High School in City A, while Bai Ningmeng is in the obscure Pu Gao.

Although Bai Ningmeng was deliberately concealed and his grades were not particularly brilliant, he was admitted to Haochen High School with the results of Crane Tail.

It's just that Chen Yan didn't want to stay at the same school with Bai Ningmeng, and it was noisy and noisy, so Liu Ping took the lead and randomly selected a Pu Gao to register for Bai Ningmeng.

There are a lot of homework for high school seniors, but Bai Ningmeng has always been diligent, and she has done all the homework assigned in school.

Ningmeng saw that it was still early, so she pulled out a brand new test paper from the drawer, started the live broadcast, and planned to write the questions.

When Bai Ningmeng first broadcasted the live broadcast, she used to write questions.

The test papers and workbooks she brushed are all in the upper-middle level of difficulty.

In the live broadcast, Bai Ningmeng will not be the same as other anchors, only for speed to write the final answer every time.

Bai Ningmeng always uses the easiest and most understandable method to solve the problem, and he does not hide himself, every time he writes the detailed problem solving steps on the draft paper.

The netizens who read the questions are all students.

Although I can buy a workbook or test paper and come back to do it myself, I didn't have the enthusiasm of competing with many people to solve the problem first when watching the live broadcast, nor did I have the fun of discussing the steps to solve the problem with other netizens.

Ningmeng has all the memories left by the original owner. After the live broadcast, the questions are also brushed in the style of Bai Jiangnuo's past.

It was not until after reading the two test papers that Ningmeng saw that the time was almost up, and then closed the live broadcast room.

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