God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 819: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs giants with disabilities 6

The words are divided into two ends.

After Qi Yu sent Ningmeng back, he asked the driver to drive and went back to the western villa where Ningmeng went to find him before.

In this villa in the west side, Wen Yue and Wen Xunchang have lived here for several years.

After the age of seventy, Wen Xunchang began to focus on health preservation, eating early every day.

When Qiyu returned, Wen Xunchang had finished eating and was sitting on the sofa drinking tea.

Seeing Qi Yu come back, Wen Xunchang beckoned to Qi Yu and motioned him to come and sit down.

The assistant pushed Qi Yu over, and the two grandparents sat together in silence.

Wen Yue was originally a silent and introverted person who didn't like to speak, so Qi Yu was not afraid of what Wen Xunchang would see.

The atmosphere was silent for a long time, and Wen Xunchang was the first to compromise.

"Suddenly you are so old, and I am old too." Wen Xunchang sighed.

Qi Yu was holding a cup of tea, looking down, his expression faint.

Without Qi Yu's response, Wen Xunchang was not angry, and still said, "Your father and I were already married when you were your age. Within one year of marriage, you will be there."

"Grandpa, I know what you are going to say." Qi Yu spoke suddenly. He looked down at his legs and said in a cold tone: "I am like this, even if I get married, it will harm other girls."

"Nonsense!" After hearing Qi Yu's words, the old man, who was still looking peaceful, instantly became angry: "You are the eldest grandson of our Wen family, who dares to despise you! It is their blessing to marry you." !"

After roaring, Wen Xunchang sat on the sofa and coughed vigorously.

Constantly coughing, hoarseness, like coughing up blood

The housekeeper in the villa immediately ran out, quickly took out the medicine from his arms and fed Wen Xunchang to take it.

After taking the medicine, Wen Xunchang's cough stopped immediately.

Wen Xunchang waved his hand and signaled the housekeeper to retreat. He raised his eyes to look at Qi Yu and said in a weak tone: "You have also seen it. My health is getting worse and worse over the years. If I don't watch you get married and have children. , After I get down, how can I explain to your mother."

"Good." After a long time, Qi Yu finally let go: "However, I will decide who gets married."

"Fine." Wen Xunchang immediately smiled. No matter how he urged him before, Wen Yue refused to let go. He bit three words to death because he didn't want to marry.

Now, after finally waiting for Qi Yu to agree to get married, of course he wouldn't mind just such a small request.

"Then which girl do you like?" Wen Xunchang asked with a smile. He thought his grandson refused to get married for so long because he had someone he likes in his heart.

But after hearing this, Qi Yu's expression was unwavering, and his tone was light and without the slightest ups and downs: "The Chen family, who recently cooperated with the Wen Group, heard that his family has a daughter, and I choose her."

"The Chen family?" Wen Xunchang lowered his head and thought for a long time without thinking of which one it was, but Qi Yu didn't want to explain it. He pushed the wheelchair and went back to the bedroom.

Wen Xunchang, who was sitting on the sofa, immediately called his special assistant and asked him to investigate the Chen family.

The special assistant was very efficient, but within a few minutes, the phone was called back.

After hearing that the Chen family is just a small group that owns a listed company, Wen Xunchang immediately reacted.

His grandson, no matter where someone chooses, he just spoke casually.

However, Wen Xunchang was still a little worried, and he still asked the special assistant to investigate the daughter of the Chen family.

The special assistant asked on the phone: "Ms. Wen, Chen Jianxin has two daughters. One was born with his ex-wife, named Chen Yan. The other was brought in by the wife who later married, named Bai Ningmeng. Both I’m seventeen years old. I don’t know which one you are investigating? Or do you need both materials?"

"No, just the first one." Wen Xunchang said decisively. For the latter, I don’t know if it is Chen Jianxin’s illegitimate daughter. Let alone Qiyu is a disabled person, even if Qiyu is paralyzed, it is impossible for Qiyu to marry an illegitimate daughter as his wife. .

Besides, Wen Xunchang was already a little bit settled in his heart, and Qi Yu didn't actually know Wen's daughter.

The reason why he said this was probably just because he wanted to marry a small group of women back as a display. Not only can he cope with his own marriage urging, but also can mobilize some resources to compensate the Chen family, which is simply killing two birds with one stone.

After receiving Wen Xunchang's order, the special assistant immediately took the orders to investigate Chen Yan's affairs in the past seventeen years.

Ningmeng, who was in the Chen's villa, didn't know that Qi Yu's work efficiency was so fast. I don't even know that the future father-in-law has already kicked her out of the grand-daughter-in-law's candidate list before they met.

No words for a night.

Early the next morning, Ningmeng got up to school.

When she opened the door to leave the room, the door of the opposite room was also opened by the people inside, and Chen Yan walked out of it.

The look on Chen Yan's face suddenly changed when he saw Ningmeng. After seeing Ningmeng, his expression was as disgusting as seeing a pile of trash, and the tone of his words even pointed to Huai cursing: "I hit a ghost early in the morning. What a shame!"

Ningmeng originally wanted to ignore her and go straight downstairs, but Chen Yan's mouth was really unpleasant.

The former Bai Ningmeng held back every time he heard Chen Yan's cynicism, but Ningmeng did not have such a good tolerance.

Yesterday, she didn't press Chen Yan on the table and rubbed it. It was already Ningmeng's greatest patience with Chen Yan.

Ningmeng stopped and walked in front of Chen Yan a few steps, raised her hand to pinch Chen Yan's throat, and pressed her heavily against the wall.

Chen Yan said "Ah" and immediately began to struggle.

Because she was pinched by Ningmeng vigorously, her voice was not loud, and even the servants downstairs did not hear her.

"You, what are you doing! Quickly let me go! Otherwise I want you to look good later!" Chen Yan stretched out his hand to resist, his eyes were red, and tears flew out.

"What am I doing, I said I want to kill you, believe it or not." Ningmeng looked cold, not only did not let go of her, but raised her hand slightly, raising Chen Yan a little higher.

Chen Yan was caught by Ningmeng's neck, and passively lifted up until the end, only her toes touched the ground.

Chen Yan's body was trembling, and her heart was frightened and angry, because her head was passively raised, and her throat was pinched vigorously by Ningmeng again. She couldn't say a word, even if she wanted to call for help.

Ningmeng watched Chen Yan's lips turn from rosy to blue and white, and then released the hand that was holding her neck.

Without the support of Ningmeng, Chen Yan suddenly limp on the ground, raising his hand to cover his chest, coughing heartbreakingly.

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