God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 820: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs giants with disabilities 7

Ning Meng stepped downstairs.

Chen Ke in the next room heard Chen Yan's coughing and opened the door with suspicion. When he leaned forward, he saw Chen Yan who was lying on the ground, almost coughing out his heart and lungs.

"Chen Yan, what's the matter with you?" Chen Ke was startled, and immediately walked to Chen Yan to help her up, only to find that Chen Yan's body was trembling all the time.

"Butler! Butler! The butler is coming up, something happened to Chen Yan!" Chen Ke yelled at the stairs.

Chen Ke's voice scared the housekeeper and servants who were on the first floor. After reacting, everyone immediately stepped upstairs.

Ningmeng, who had already walked to the entrance of the gate, looked back at the panicked people, went to the backyard to find Uncle Wang without any psychological burden, and asked Uncle Wang to send her out.

Uncle Wang delivered Ningmeng to the school gate.

However, Ningmeng did not go in.

Ningmeng took out her mobile phone, first called the class teacher, and after taking a day off for herself, she called Qi Yu again.

The phone rang only once, and Qi Yu answered it, and his low voice came from the phone: "Mengmeng?"

Qi Yu's voice didn't sound like she was still asleep. Ningmeng spoke, telling Qi Yu what happened after she went back yesterday, and what she did to Chen Yan this morning.

"I see, don't move there, I will pick you up now." Qi Yu said to Ningmeng, and immediately ordered the driver to turn around and go to Ningmeng's school.

When Ningmeng called Qi Yu, Qi Yu was about to go to the company.

The distance between the two was not far, and after a while, Qi Yu picked up Ningmeng into the car.

The current relationship between Qi Yu and Ningmeng cannot be known to Wen Xunchang, so Qi Yu did not take Ningmeng to the company, but brought Ningmeng back to yesterday's apartment.

Ningmeng looked at Qi Yu wearing a suit and was obviously about to go out for business, and said: "Host, if you have something to do, you can go and work. I'll be fine if I stay here alone."

"Okay. I'll send an assistant over later. If you need anything, you can let him buy it." Qi Yu grabbed Ningmeng's little hand and rubbed it: "We will live here in the future. Our home is now."

"Yeah, I know." Ningmeng smiled and nodded.

After Qi Yu left, it was exactly the same as he said. After a while, someone was ringing the doorbell outside.

Ningmeng opened the door, and standing outside was a rigorous young man in a suit and framed glasses.

He is Qi Yu's confidant and special assistant, Feng Zhang.

Ningmeng doesn't have anything special to buy, but if she moves in in the future, besides food and clothing, what she probably needs most is a computer and other live broadcast equipment.

Ningmeng talked to Feng Zhang about the things she needed, and Feng Zhang immediately said: "There is a computer city under the name of the young master, and I will send someone what you need now."

Ningmeng nodded repeatedly.

Feng Zhang stood on the balcony and was talking on the phone. After a while, a staff member from the computer company came to the door with things on his shoulders.

They moved quickly and quickly assembled the computer equipment.

Moreover, there is a network here, so you can use it directly by connecting to it.

After the staff left, Feng Zhang also left. After all, he was a special assistant, and he had to deal with a lot of things every day.

Ningmeng stayed alone in the apartment, not only did not feel scrupulous, but there was no other outsiders, she was more relaxed.

Ningmeng turned on the computer and downloaded PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

The computer sent by the staff is not only expensive, but also the best configuration.

Ningmeng played a bit of eating chicken, and found that the computer was so fluent.

Ningmeng simply turned on the live broadcast equipment and ate chicken live.

As soon as Ningmeng's live broadcast room opened, fans who followed her immediately received the system start-up reminder, and they clicked in one after another.

23333 anchor early.

Why did the anchor start broadcasting so early today?

Yes, after following the anchor for two years, this is the first time I saw her start broadcasting so early (except for holidays)

? ? ? ? Scared to death, thought it was Saturday

Hahaha, don’t run upstairs, I thought I didn’t have to go to class today, let alone, I went to school anchor 886

The anchor won’t be skipping class, right...

Suddenly found that the anchor changed the keyboard

Hehehe, I also found that the anchor changed another computer

Two fools upstairs! The anchor obviously changed the location of the live broadcast!


In the live broadcast room, everyone was speculating about why Ningmeng did not go to school and started broadcasting in a different place, but Ningmeng did not speak.

During the live broadcast, Ningmeng Bai almost didn't speak, and Ningmeng didn't want to collapse the character.

The new keyboard feels great when hit. And the new computer is also very smooth, and the screen is big enough.

Ningmeng ate ten plates of chicken in a row, and was stunned by the netizens in the live broadcast room. The gifts she gave her were wave after wave. Of course, there are people who question Ningmeng, but Ningmeng has simply ignored it.

However, some netizens still maintain her very much. Ningmeng saw that she was being questioned, but these netizens looked more angry and warmed by their actions to defend themselves, so she opened the invitation code and brought the netizens to eat chicken.

However, Ningmeng had a good time with netizens in the apartment, but the Chen family had already turned their backs on her back because of her trick this morning.

After Chen Ke called the housekeeper, everyone looked at what was wrong with Chen Yan and immediately called the private doctor to rush over.

The personal doctor hurried over and checked Chen Yan's body roughly, and found that Chen Yan had no problems except for a throat mark.

The reason why she curled up and shivered was that she was frightened by the hand that Ningmeng showed.

After Chen Yan reacted, she recalled the scene where she was just being watched. She was angry that her embarrassed appearance was seen by the servants in the villa, and she also hated her for pinching her and making her ugly among these people. .

Liu Ping does not go to work, she is a typical expensive wife, and usually has to get up after nine o'clock.

But today, after Chen Yan was frightened, Liu Ping was also woken up by the family servant.

At the very beginning, she didn't know that this matter was related to Ningmeng. It wasn't until she saw the pinch marks on Chen Yan's throat that an ominous premonition rose in Liu Ping's heart.

Until Chen Yan picked up the pillow and hit her, and angrily told her to get out of Chen's house, Liu Ping was convinced that this matter was really related to Ningmeng.

Chen Yan not only scolded the housekeeper and Liu Ping in the villa, but also directly called Chen Jianxin, cried and howled at Chen Jianxin in his cell phone, and asked him to immediately drive Ningmeng out of the Chen family.

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