God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 821: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs giants with disabilities 8

When Chen Yan called Chen Jianxin, Liu Ping also returned to her room and took out her mobile phone to call Ningmeng.

Liu Ping stared in her hands with an angry face. She was suddenly woken up in her sleep, her mood was not very good, not to mention that Ningmeng had done such an excessive thing to Chen Yan!

Although Liu Ping was also a little angry, some of the words that Chen Yan had just cursed at her made her lose face in front of the housekeeper and servants. However, Liu Ping is even more angry with Ningmeng, the initiator of all this!

If Ningmeng hadn't done such an excessive thing to Chen Yan, how could these later things happen.

The daughter she was born with, not only would not please Chen's family, but also often dragged herself down, she was indeed a debt collector!

Liu Ping stared at the phone firmly, already thinking about it. As soon as Ningmeng answered the phone, she would immediately curse Ningmeng, and then asked her to come back and apologize to Chen Yan.

However, not only did the call not get connected, but also a busy reminder came.

Liu Ping was stunned for a moment, and then continued to fight, but was prompted that the other party has shut down...

Now what Liu Ping didn't understand was that Ningmeng didn't want to answer her call, and she turned off the phone after she hung up.

Liu Ping hated her in her heart. After searching for a long time in her mobile phone contacts, she finally found out the phone number of Ningmeng's class teacher. Although the phone was connected, she was told by the class teacher that Ningmeng took a day off. Did not go to school.

Liu Ping was full of anger and nowhere to vent, and she hung up without waiting for the head teacher at the end of the cell phone to finish talking.

As Ningmeng's biological mother, Liu Ping didn't want to know what happened this morning, so Ningmeng would pinch Chen Yan's neck. When the head teacher knew that Ningmeng had asked for leave and did not go to school, Liu Ping didn't have the slightest worry about Ningmeng either, she was only full of anger and fear in her heart.

She was angry that Ning Meng came out of such a big mess and left, and she was afraid that Chen Jianxin, who loved her daughter, would really drive her out of Chen's house. In this case, she would have nothing.


Ningmeng played games all morning.

When Liu Ping called, she deliberately hung up Liu Ping's phone and then pulled her directly into the blacklist.

Ningmeng knew something about what Liu Ping would say when she called.

When she was a child, Bai Ningmeng was bullied by Chen Yan and Chen Ke. However, only Bai Ningmeng resisted. After Chen Yan went to Liu Ping to complain, Liu Ping would immediately scold Bai Ningmeng indiscriminately.

I want to come this time, it's almost the same.

So Ningmeng didn't want to answer Liu Ping's phone call, lest her mood would be bad.

In the apartment, although the kitchen refrigerator was still empty when Limeng came yesterday. But after sending away Ningmeng, Qi Yu immediately called and asked people to fill up the refrigerator early in the morning.

In the refrigerator, there are all vegetables, fruits and meat. Even the ingredients for cooking in the kitchen are neatly arranged, none of them are left behind.

Ningmeng knows how to cook, Qi Yu eats at the company, and Ningmeng cooks two home-cooked side dishes at random and settles for lunch.

In the afternoon, Ningmeng continued to be addicted to the chicken-eating game and couldn't help herself, but she did not broadcast the live broadcast, but played it alone.

Qi Yu doesn't work overtime at night, so Ningmeng makes a good meal and waits for him at home.

After the two of them finished their supper, Ningmeng took out the silver needle, gave Qi Yu's legs a needle again, soaked in the medicinal bath, and performed today's rehabilitation.

"Chen Jianxin is still on a business trip today and has not returned. He will return to Chen's house tomorrow morning. You will go back when he returns." Qi Yu said.

"Okay." Ningmeng nodded, and did not ask why she had to wait for Chen Jianxin to return before returning to Chen's house.

This night, the two embraced and slept, whether it was Ningmeng or Qi Yu, they both slept happily.

But the people in Chen's villa and Chen Jianxin, who is on a business trip, are not necessarily the same.

No words for a night.

Early the next morning, Ningmeng and Qi Yu got up early. After breakfast, one went to the company and the other to school.

Ningmeng only took one day off yesterday. After she went to school today, her classmates came to ask her what happened yesterday.

Although Bai Ningmeng is not welcome in Chen's family, her relationship at school is pretty good.

Ningmeng learned Bai Ningmeng's way of speaking, and soon adapted to her status as a student in school.

Everyone is a senior high school student. Although it is a general high school, as a graduating student, everyone still feels nervous.

Everyone gathered around Ningmeng and went back to their seats without chatting a few words, reciting by recitation, and brushing up questions.

Sitting in the back row of the classroom, Ningmeng looked at the beautiful scenery on the campus outside the window, and suddenly felt that this day was actually pretty good.

On the other hand, while Ningmeng was enjoying her student life, Chen Jianxin caught the earliest flight back to city a early in the morning.

Chen Jianxin went on a business trip abroad this time. He originally planned to travel for half a month, but now it has been less than ten days.

Although Chen Yan is his extremely beloved daughter, Chen Jianxin has not loved Chen Yan enough to give up his career.

This time, Chen Jianxin hurried back, asking for other things.

Yesterday morning, Chen Jianxin was also a little angry when he received a cry from Chen Yan.

For the oil bottle Liu Ping brought, although Chen Jianxin accepted her existence at the time, he didn't like Bai Ningmeng in his heart. He just felt that raising a stepdaughter is no different from raising a dog. The Chen family’s big business is not lacking. Eat this.

Regarding Chen Yan and Chen Ke's private bullying of Bai Ningmeng, Chen Jianxin also closed one eye. Anyway, it was just a little joke, as long as Chen Yan and Chen Ke were happy.

Moreover, Liu Ping, who is Bai Ningmeng's biological mother, didn't say anything. Everyone took a laissez-faire attitude.

However, if Bai Ningmeng wants to bully Chen Yan, it won't work!

How can his Chen Jianxin's daughter be bullied by being pinched, and she is also the stepdaughter who is in the fence!

Although Chen Jianxin did not directly agree to Chen Yan, he drove Ningmeng out of the Chen family. But I also decided in my heart that after returning from a business trip, I must teach Ningmeng a lesson!

However, this idea was quickly rushed to the back of the phone call received in the afternoon.

Yesterday afternoon, Chen Jianxin suddenly received an unfamiliar call. The other party claimed to be Wen Xunchang’s special assistant. Chen Jianxin didn’t realize which one was Wen Xunchang. The person holding the phone on the other side changed it. A vicissitudes of life but a calm voice From the phone.

Wen Xunchang...

Wen Xunchang...

Is it the Wen Xunchang he thought of!

Chen Jianxin's eyes widened, and after answering the call flattered, he only felt that the Chen family's luck had come.

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