God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 823: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs wealthy young masters with disabilitie

Chen Yan was happy at this time, how could she like Liu Ping to speak.

However, the question Liu Ping asked was the most important one that she had overlooked before.

"Yes, Dad, does the Wen family say which son is going to get married?" Chen Yan sat beside Chen Jianxin with a shy expression: "Wen Chenyu or Wen Jinsheng?"

Wen Chenyu and Wen Jinsheng are 22 and 20 years old, and neither are married.

Chen Yan thought for a moment that she had seen photos of two people on the Internet, no matter which one, she would like to.

"This..." Chen Jianxin hesitated for a while, and then said: "It's Wen Yue."

When Wen Jia called him yesterday, although he didn't explain it. However, Chen Jianxin faintly guessed that the person Wen Xunchang wanted to marry the Chen family should be Wen Yue, the elder of the Wen family.

The person who spoke with him yesterday was Wen Xunchang, and Wen Yue has been living in the old house of Wen's house with Mr. Wen since his car accident.

Wen Yue is not married, and it is impossible for Wen Xunchang to intervene in the marriage of Wen Chenyu and Wen Jinsheng.

"What!" Chen Yan exclaimed.

After Wen Yue had the car accident a few years ago, there was no more news about him on the Internet. Instead, Wen Chenyu and Wen Jinsheng appeared on hot search or other marketing articles from time to time, so Chen Yan just didn't even think about it. In addition to Wen Chenyu and Wen Jinsheng, there is also a young master Wen Yue!

Although several years have passed since Wenyue’s car accident, the consequences of the car accident that year were huge. Moreover, it was Mrs. Wen’s and Young Master that happened. So the first time the incident broke out, it was on the Internet and on Weibo. In the above, the major marketing accounts forwarded and spread the news one after another, and Chen Yan also ate a lot of melons at the time.

I didn't remember it before, but now when I think about it, I remember everything again.

"But wasn't his leg broken in a car accident?" Chen Yan stared at Chen Jianxin, and then shouted in disbelief, "Dad! You actually want me to marry a disabled person in a wheelchair!"

Chen Jianxin’s face was stiff for a moment, but she was quickly concealed: “Wen Yue is also very good. He is the youngest of the Wen family, and Mr. Wen also protects him. If you marry, they will not treat you badly. of."

To say how happy Chen Yan was before, then how angry and embarrassed she is now, as well as being disappointed with Chen Jianxin.

Although Chen Yan wanted to marry a wealthy family, she never thought that one day she would marry a disabled person!

If this were to let her sisters know, they wouldn't know how they would laugh at her in private.

Moreover, even though Chen Yan was only seventeen years old, she had heard of some things between men and women even if she had not personally experienced it.

Just smell the waste in the wheelchair, I can't do anything at all!

She married, not only had to be ridiculed by everyone, but she had to stay a widow.

How could this make Chen Yan willing.

Chen Yan got more and more angry, got up directly from the sofa, lowered her head and yelled at Chen Jianxin: "I don't care, Dad, I won't agree to marry over! I think you just think about your company and only think about it. If you make money by yourself, you won't take my happiness in your heart at all!"

"You!" Chen Jianxin was irritated by Chen Yan's words, but Chen Yan did not wait for him to speak, turned and ran upstairs, ignoring Chen Jianxin's call.

Chen Jianxin was sitting on the sofa. How happy he was when he first walked in, how angry he is now.

Liu Ping sat on the side as an invisible person, and did not dare to step forward to touch the mold, for fear that the fire would burn herself.

However, Chen Jianxin sat on the sofa for a while and couldn't sit still after all.

But now it is not the time for Chen Yan to have a temper. When the Wen family finds someone else to marry, it is estimated that there will be nothing wrong with the Chen family for future cooperation with Wen Jia.

How could Chen Jianxin watch such a huge opportunity pass by himself?

Chen Jianxin sighed and stepped upstairs. Seeing him like that, he obviously intended to persuade Chen Yan again.

Although Liu Ping did not want the Chen family to miss this opportunity, she was quite self-aware and knew that Chen Yan would not wait to see her, so Liu Ping did not follow Chen Jianxin upstairs.

Sure enough, when Chen Jianxin went up, Liu Ping soon heard Chen Jianxin's good voice, letting Chen Yan open the door. Then, after a while, I heard the sound of Chen Yan and Chen Jianxin mixing together.

After all, it was upstairs and downstairs, separated by a staircase and a hall, Liu Ping could not fully understand what the two said. It was nothing more than Chen Jianxin's persuasion and Chen Yan's resistance.

It was not until after a while that the voice upstairs gradually became quieter, and Liu Ping got up and walked upstairs.

After all, she is also a member of the Chen family, and Chen Yan will be displeased if she catches up at first, but if she doesn't go up, it won't work.

When Liu Ping went up, the door of Chen Yan's room was ajar.

She walked in gently and saw Chen Yanzheng sitting down on the light pink carpet crying, and small sobbing sounds came from her mouth from time to time.

On the other hand, Chen Jianxin sat on the sofa with a sad expression, obviously he had not succeeded in persuading him.

Two father and daughter, no one compromised.

Perceiving someone coming in, Chen Yan immediately raised his head and looked in the direction of the door.

After seeing that the person who came in was Liu Ping, Chen Yan's crying eyes instantly filled with hatred, and she thought Liu Ping was here to watch her play.

However, after looking at Liu Ping, Chen Yan's brain did not turn around, but a word came out of her mouth: "Dad, why must I marry Wen Yue? Can't Bai Ning be faked?"

"...What are you talking about?" Chen Jianxin was stunned for a moment. Chen Yan had just spoken suddenly, and his speech was fast and loud, and he had finished talking before he could hear her clearly.

However, after Chen Yan said it, he felt that this method was quite good.

If Bai Ning Meng had been married, then she would not have to marry Wen Yue who was in a wheelchair.

Moreover, the Chen family is still relatives to the Wen family, and successfully sailed on the big ship of the Wen family.

Seeing that Chen Jianxin did not hear clearly, Chen Yan said slowly again: "I said, Bai Ningmeng is as old as me. She is even two months older than me. If you want to get married, she should get married first. It is better to let her marry and smell it. Home is done."

"How can this work!" Chen Jianxin denied Chen Yan's words.

When Chen Jianxin married Liu Ping, although he agreed that Bai Ningmeng lived in the Chen family, Chen Jianxin did not transfer Bai Ningmeng's residence for the property of the Chen family.

Otherwise, Bai Ningmeng's surname would have changed long ago if he was registered with the Chen family.

So strictly speaking, although Bai Ningmeng has lived in the Chen family for so many years, she is not Chen Jianxin's daughter.

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