God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 824: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs giants with disabilities 11

Seeing that Chen Jianxin disagreed, Chen Yan opened his mouth and cried: "Dad, why should I do it? She can't do it! She also grew up eating rice from the Chen family. She has been eating and drinking for so many years in our Chen family. Now we are in Chen family. What's wrong with needing her? I don't think you love your daughter at all. Otherwise, you are better to an outsider than me!"

Chen Yan suddenly turned his head and asked Liu Ping who was standing by the door: "Aunt Liu, how about letting Bai Ning Meng get married?"

Liu Ping never expected that Chen Yan would pull herself into the water.

However, Liu Ping didn't like Bai Ningmeng's daughter, even if she was her own.

Just now when Chen Yan said that she was going to marry Ningmeng to the Chen family, Liu Ping was also thinking.

In fact, compared to Chen Yan's marriage, Liu Ping hopes that Ning Meng will marry.

Chen Yan has always looked down on her. If Ningmeng can marry the Chen family, Chen Yan's disaster will be avoided. I believe that Chen Yan's attitude towards her will be better in the future.

And Chen Jianxin will feel guilty to her because of this incident, and will compensate her in other things.

Then her status in the Chen family is even higher.

Liu Ping had a lot of thoughts in her mind, but on the surface it didn't show the slightest.

"Since Chen Yan is unwilling to marry, let Ningmeng go. Chen Yan is right. She has been eating and drinking for so long at the Chen family, and it is time to give back to the Chen family." Liu Ping said softly, with a kindness. Satisfactory appearance.

Chen Yan looked happy upon hearing this, and it was the first time that Liu Ping was so pleasing to the eye.

But Chen Jianxin is not so optimistic.

"It's just this matter, if the Wen family knows about it, I'm afraid I will be angry." Chen Jianxin did not realize that he did not want to force Bai Ningmeng, but Chen Jianxin felt that since the Wen family said he wanted to marry his daughter, this It must be Chen Yan.

Chen Jianxin was a little afraid that after the incident was discovered by the Wen family, the Chen family could not bear the anger of the Wen family.

The fear and panic on Chen Jianxin's face were so obvious, whether it was Liu Ping or Chen Yan, both of them could see it.

Liu Ping immediately lowered her head and stopped talking.

But after all, Chen Yan is still a girl who hasn't entered the society. Although she knows that Wen's family has a grand status in City A, she doesn't know what it means, so naturally she is not as scared as Chen Jianxin.

Even for Chen Jianxin, who looked forward and backward like this, Chen Yan still looked down on it.

"Dad, Bai Ningmeng has been in our Chen family for so many years, even if she hasn't entered our Chen family's household registration book, she is also your stepdaughter. Anyway, the people at Wen's family don't have to say which one they want.

Big deal, you can take Bai Ningmeng to change your surname tomorrow.

Moreover, as long as the people on both sides agree, even if Wen Jia knows this, they will not regret their marriage. Now that the Internet is so developed, if this is spread out, it will definitely be treated as a joke by netizens. "Chen Yan was rare and clever, watching Chen Jianxin gradually being persuaded by herself, Chen Yan continued:

"Moreover, there hasn't been any news on the Internet for many years. If you hadn't just mentioned it, I don't remember that there is such a person in Wenjia.

Wen Jia's family has a big business, and he will certainly not be allowed to inherit the family business as a wheelchair. If this were in ancient times, he would be an abandoned son.

Now that Wen Jia wants him to get married, he probably wants to find a reason for him to stand on his own.

Otherwise, if he still needs Wen Jia to value, Wen Jia will definitely choose a woman who is right for him to marry. "

Chen Yan's remarks, to Chen Jianxin, can be said to be an initiation.

Chen Jianxin sat on the sofa, his previous gloom was swept away, and he laughed: "Yes, that's the reason. Yan Yan, you are still smart. Dad was stuck in a dead end before."

"Huh!" Chen Yan raised his chin, and couldn't wait to see the look on Ningmeng's face when she knew she was going to marry a crippled man.

Liu Ping was also a little happy seeing Chen Yan persuading Chen Jianxin. However, she did not show her joy. Instead, when she thought of Ningmeng who hadn't returned all night, she frowned and looked a little embarrassed: "There is one thing I haven't said yet. After Ningmeng ran out yesterday morning, there was nothing. I've been back. Her mobile phone has been turned off, and the teacher at the school said that she had taken time off and did not go to school."

Chen Jianxin frowned upon hearing it, and suddenly remembered the phone call Chen Yan called him yesterday.

Chen Jianxin never asked these things before, because he knew what his daughter's character was.

Even if Ningmeng really pinched Chen Yan yesterday, it must be Chen Yan's fault first.

However, now is obviously not the time to care about this.

Chen Jianxin looked up at Liu Ping: "When did you call the school? Ningmeng's personality has always been introverted. She shouldn't be able to run away from home. At most, she just slept with her friends for a few nights. "

"Called yesterday."

"Then call it again now." Chen Jianxin said.

Liu Ping took out her cellphone, and suddenly remembered in her mind that she had hung up the phone without waiting for the head teacher to finish yesterday, her expression was unnatural for a moment.

Liu Ping found the call history with the head teacher yesterday, and tapped her fingertips on the keyboard a few times.

The phone rang three times and the call went through.

"Teacher, hello, I am Bai Ningmeng's mother, did she go to school today?" Liu Ping's attitude towards inquiries was better than ever because of a guilty conscience.

However, the other party is not a grudge. After listening to Liu Ping's words, he replied: "Ningmeng only took one day off yesterday, and she has come to school for normal classes today.

"Okay, I see, thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Ping immediately told Chen Jianxin and Chen Yan that Ningmeng was already in class at school.

Chen Jianxin and Chen Yan suddenly relaxed after hearing this.

Chen Jianxin said: "Great, then I will call Wenjia now to see if they have this willingness. If so, then I will agree on behalf of Ningmeng."

"Yeah, dad, you should play it soon, it won't be good to be ahead of others." Chen Yan looked at Chen Jianxin very expectantly, and even Liu Ping looked at Chen Jianxin in his eyes with a bit of approval.

The three of them never thought of asking Ningmeng's opinion from beginning to end. I even forgot, this is a fire pit that Chen Yan just didn't want to step into.

Chen Jianxin took out his mobile phone, walked to the balcony, and dialed the call he received yesterday.

The phone beeps, and every sound is like hitting Chen Jianxin's heart, making him extremely nervous.

Finally, the phone rang.

Chen Jianxin said: "Hello? Is it Secretary Gong? This is Chen Jianxin. Regarding the thing Mr. Wen told me yesterday, I think..."

Ten minutes later, Chen Jianxin came in from the balcony, and at the expectant gazes of Liu Ping and Chen Yan, Chen Jianxin smiled and said, "They agreed."

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