God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 830: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs giants with disabilities 17

After Ningmeng cooked the food, Qi Yu said this to Ningmeng.

If it had been before, Ningmeng would definitely be very happy. But now, after so many mission worlds, Ningmeng was happy, and she couldn't help but have some other thoughts in her heart.

She and Qi Yu know each other, and their relationship is inseparable, so they are happy to see their lives together.

However, if this happened today, it wasn't her and Qi Yu.

The Chen family didn't know what Qi Yu was like, but just fell in love with the identity of Qi Yu, the eldest master of the Wen family. She didn't even care that she was still a seventeen-year-old girl, and without her consent, she passed her directly, called Wen's family, and even within a few words, she decided her right to return at night.

The 17-year-old girl stayed overnight in the 22-year-old man's house for a long time. This is a terrible thing.

But the Chen family didn't care.

Not only did Chen Jianxin and Liu Ping fail to regard Bai Ningmeng as a daughter, they even lacked the most basic conscience and kindness when they were humans.

But Ningmeng didn't care about these, anyway, she didn't really treat Liu Ping and Chen Jianxin as mothers and stepfathers. On the contrary, the more ruthless Liu Ping and Chen Jianxin do, when the Chen family goes bankrupt after a while, Ningmeng will not feel guilty at all.

After eating, Ningmeng took out the scissors and removed the bandage on Qi Yu's shoulder.

After taking this apart, Ningmeng found that Qi Yu's entire left shoulder was covered with a layer of skin. Although the doctor had applied medicine to Qi Yu to stop the bleeding, most of the day had passed, and it was still bloody.

In fact, Ning Meng had seen scenes more **** than this, and she even had a lot of lives in her hands.

But when this kind of thing happened to Qi Yu, she found that she couldn't bear it.

Even if he just suffered some skin injuries, she was distressed too much.

Ningmeng exchanged some pills from the system space, some were taken internally, and some were crushed and applied externally. With the two-pronged approach, Ningmeng didn't believe it was bad.

After treating the wound on Qi Yu's shoulder, Ningmeng began to apply needles to Qi Yu's legs.

"I feel it." Qi Yu lowered his head and stared at his thigh.

The thighs that hadn't been feeling these days, at this time, every stitch of Ningmeng dropped, he could feel a crisp and numb sensation.

"Yeah, I have read a medical book these past two days. There is a massage method on it that is also very helpful for your legs to recover. Tomorrow, let's try it." Ningmeng slowly pierced the silver needles. Into Qiyu's big and small legs.

After finishing the tie, Qi Yu sat still, while Ningmeng took the herbs exchanged from the system mall to cook in the kitchen and soaked her feet in a medicated bath for Qi Yu.

After everything was done, Ningmeng took out her phone to check the time, and it was eight o'clock in the evening. Moreover, Ningmeng just remembered it at this time, as if she still had no homework to do today.

Ning Meng opens the group chat.

Perhaps because there are other school leaders such as the head teacher and principal in the class group, the classmates generally don't chat in the group.

The latest news in the group is the job notification sent by the monitor.

Ningmeng took a look. She was anxious to go to the hospital to see Qiyu. When she came out of the school, she didn't bring anything, and all the books were left in the classroom.

Those topics that require books and workbooks can only be filled after I go to school tomorrow.

However, you can write about that composition.

Ningmeng talked to Qi Yu, took a pen and paper from Qi Yu's study, and went to write in the bedroom.

The composition is easy to write. Ningmeng spent about ten minutes conceiving, and then writing quickly.

After finishing writing, Ningmeng looked at the computer in the bedroom and felt her hands itchy inexplicably.

And she hasn't broadcast live these days. Ningmeng turned on the computer and turned on the live broadcast equipment.

As soon as the live broadcast room opened, those netizens who received system prompts squeezed in.

In seconds! the first!

Wow wow wow! The anchor hasn't started broadcasting for several days! I thought we were going to be forgotten!

Huh, eating chicken live again? Don’t you write questions today?

Last time the anchor broadcasted the chicken eating all morning, and this time I came back to live the chicken eating again. Inexplicably, the anchor felt a bit depraved.

It won’t be an exam if there is no live broadcast these days, so play a game and relax.

What's so good about the live broadcast? If you don't look at it, you like the anchor to eat chicken in 365 positions!

Holding the exercise book and crying at the door of the toilet, I wanted to watch the anchor write the questions. I thought about it for several days.


The barrage was brushed quickly, and the small gifts sent were wave after wave.

Ningmeng took a look and found that it was actually quite interesting, and seeing that many people asked about the question, Ningmeng said: "I just moved, and I didn’t bring the test papers and workbooks. I will broadcast it next time. question."

Ningmeng's words immediately soothed the hearts of those little netizens who wanted to see her writing questions. The countdown to the game page is over at this time, Ningmeng no longer cares about the content of the barrage, and devoted himself to the game.

Ningmeng was very serious when playing games, and even forgot the time.

Qi Yu dealt with the work that he did not finish today in the study, and did not see Ningmeng until he was finished.

Qi Yu glanced at the time. It was past ten o'clock. At this time, isn't it time to go to bed?

Qi Yu pushed the wheelchair, opened the bedroom door, and at a glance he saw someone sitting in front of the computer, playing games.

Qi Yu didn't know that Ningmeng was live broadcast. He pushed his wheelchair to stop behind Ningmeng and said softly: "Mengmeng, it's time to go to bed after this game."

"Um, okay." Ningmeng glanced at the time, and it was indeed late.

But Ningmeng's response was mediocre, but she didn't know that in the live broadcast room, after Qi Yu spoke, for a moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room was blank.

But in an instant, the full-screen barrage flew past like exploding fireworks.

Ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! What did I hear! !

There is a man in the anchor room!

Good boy Sue!

Surprised the subwoofer!

I go! This sound is too good to hear! So deep and gentle, it's a foul!

I heard the smell of petting from a voice... This voice is simply poisonous.

So the question is, why is there a man in the anchor’s room at night?





Ningmeng and Qi Yu didn't know that the netizens in the live broadcast room became noisy just because of Qi Yu's words.

After successfully eating chicken in one round, Ningmeng quickly greeted everyone and immediately went offline.

However, a voice-activated netizen edited the live video of Ningmeng, including the dialogue between Qi Yu and Ningmeng.

Voice-activated netizens shared this video on their Weibo, and also marked Ningmeng’s identity as the broadcaster.

Fans who follow this netizen are all self-advanced voice controllers. After hearing Qi Yu's voice, they immediately yelled with joy.

At the end of this video, there was a little fire, but that's all for later.

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