God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 831: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs giants with disabilities 18

At night, Qi Yu and Ningmeng slept on the same bed.

Qi Yu still wanted to reach out and hug Ningmeng, but because Ningmeng was worried about his shoulder injury and was afraid that she would be pressed against her, she didn't give him a hug, only gave him a hand.

In fact, the injury on Qi Yu's shoulder didn't hurt after Ningmeng gave him the medicine, but Qi Yu didn't tell Ningmeng because he didn't know how the wound healed later.

Qi Yu grasped the hand that Ningmeng handed him, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

It wasn't until Ningmeng's breathing became steady and long that Qi Yu opened his eyes, his eyes clear, and there was no sleepiness in his eyes.

He moved his body and gently took Ningmeng into his arms before closing his eyes again.

So, the next day, Ningmeng realized that she had woke up in Qi Yu's arms.

Ningmeng was startled. She didn't doubt Qi Yu, but thought she got into Qi Yu's arms after she fell asleep.

She immediately withdrew from Qi Yu's arms.

Without her tenderness and sweetness in his arms, Qi Yu suddenly opened his eyes, and his calm and calm appearance was not at all as if he had just woke up.

"Quickly, let me look at the injury on your shoulder, and see if I crush you." Ningmeng knelt and sat on the bed.

"It doesn't hurt at all if it's not pressed." Qi Yu also sat up, making it easy for Ningmeng to check.

Ningmeng took off Qi Yu's pajamas, then knelt down behind her, and removed the bandage she had put on after applying the medicine last night.

The facts once again refreshed Ningmeng's understanding of the things in the system mall.

The left shoulder was still **** yesterday, but after one night, it was scarred, even the scar has become shallow.

Qi Yu's skin was very white, and then a thin layer of pale white scar spread over his wound where he was injured.

Ningmeng couldn't help lowering her head and observed it closely: "Host, it recovers so fast, it's already scarred, do you still hurt?"

After a while, Qi Yu replied: "It doesn't hurt."

Qi Yu's Adam's apple slid up and down, two short words, almost squeezed out of his mouth, and his voice was a little dull.

Originally, for men in the morning, when they are particularly agitated, they can't have a little excitement.

But not only did she take off his clothes, she was even so close to him!

Especially when speaking, her warm breath sprayed on his wound.

The wound that didn't feel the slightest feeling seemed to itch instantly after her breath passed.

And this itch is not local, it will spread quickly on him, making him feel a little irritable all over his body.

However, he is not a young man who is really ignorant of love.

Qi Yu felt that this was simply challenging his endurance.

But Ningmeng behind him didn't notice the slightest strangeness in him.

At this moment, all of Ningmeng's attention was on the light scar on Qi Yu's shoulder.

Qiyu’s wounds healed very quickly. Looking at the color of the scar, I’m afraid it will fall off automatically tonight.

However, as an obsessive-compulsive disorder, Ningmeng opened her eyes and looked at the scar on Qi Yu's body, feeling that her hand was very itchy, and she wanted to reach out and lift the scar.

Ningmeng was fighting between heaven and man in her heart, and finally her rationality overcame the itching of her hands.

However, she still couldn't help but raised her hand and gently touched the light-colored scar.

After touching it, Ningmeng was immediately satisfied, and she withdrew her hand, planning to put her pajamas back on Qi Yu.

Now that it is scarred, the bandage is no longer needed.

However, Ningmeng didn't know that Qi Yu had been trying his best to restrain his mental and even physical restlessness.

And he could already wait for the restlessness to calm down, but he was completely broken by the touch of Ningmeng.

He said that restraint and patience were instantly forgotten by him.

Ningmeng walked around in front of him, and she was about to put on his pajamas, but Qi Yu just wanted to take it off and don't want to wear it.

"Mengmeng." Qi Yu lowered her head and called to Ningmeng. In her inexplicable eyes, she raised her hand and hugged her on her lap.

Ningmeng was still very suspicious, so Ningmeng was about to cry.

Who will tell her why the host doesn't feel the left and right legs...

Ningmeng wanted to escape, but Qi Yu pinched her waist to prevent her from running away.

"Mengmeng, will you kill the fire you lighted?" Qi Yu lowered his head and approached Ningmeng, and asked about the unique sweetness of her body. He was infatuated as if he was addicted.

"No, I didn't order it. You men will do this in the morning, just wait a minute." Ningmeng was pinched by Qi Yu and pushed by him again, so she didn't dare to move randomly.

But Qi Yu directly ignored her previous sentence and looked up at her with a gloomy look: "Why does Mengmeng know so much? There are other men besides me, Mengmeng? Huh?"

"...No, it says in the book." Moreover, this is all common sense, okay?

However, Qi Yu didn't listen to Ningmeng's excuse. Although he had just asked her when he asked her, he didn't give her a chance to refuse.

He said it was the fire she had lighted, so this was what she had lighted.

The fire she lighted was naturally to be put out by her.

Qi Yu originally pinched Ningmeng's waist manually, but instead encircled her entire waist. With a little effort, he pushed her into his arms, and the two immediately became intimate.

She accidentally touched him, Qi Yu took a breath, couldn't help it anymore, pressed the back of her head, bowed her head and kissed her.

He didn't idle his hands behind her waist, rubbing her back a little bit.

The pajamas in spring and summer are loose and thin, even if there is a layer of clothing material between them, they can still clearly feel the hot body temperature of each other.

Not to mention, after struggling for a while, he directly reached out and poke in through her wide hem.

When Ningmeng was wearing pajamas after taking a bath last night, because she thought about her current age and Qi Yu's current leg condition, she felt that he would not do anything, so she was as assured of him as a girlfriend.

In order to sleep comfortably, under the spacious pajamas, there is a vacuum inside her. Now, Qiyu is all cheaper.

After the big warm hand leaned in from the hem of his clothes.

Qi Yu's kiss to her was menacing, domineering and strong, so Ningmeng had no room for evasion and retreat.

Ningmeng's body is still developing now. How could his young, tender and sensitive body be played and played by him like this, but it's just beginning, and Ningmeng is about to be irritated to cry.


Jun Bao has something to say: Do you want to update the three chapters together in the future? Or two chapters during the day and one chapter at night?

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