God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 832: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs wealthy young masters with disabilitie

After a fierce kiss, when Qi Yu finally released her, Ningmeng was like a fish returning to the water, opening her mouth to breathe fresh air vigorously.

"I have kissed so many times, why can't I change my breath?" Qi Yu looked at her a little bit funny, couldn't help but lowered his head and rubbed her, the hand that was originally placed on her chest also changed slightly. fondle.

"Woo." Ningmeng's body was lying softly in Qi Yu's arms, with water in her eyes. Under Qi Yu's palm, the numb feeling ran away in her body, Ningmeng's body trembled uncontrollably. I want him to stop, and I want him to be happy.

Ningmeng choked like a little beast, and her feet sitting on Qi Yu's lap could not help but rub him secretly.

She thought she had done this action secretly, but she didn't know that he was almost disarmed by her and surrendered.

"More anxious than me? Huh?" Qi Yu's expression was slightly fierce, raising her hand to lift Ningmeng's chin, making her look up at herself, and then lowered her head again to seal her lips. But this time, he left Ningmeng's slightly swollen lips within a short time of kissing, and then kissed the corners of her lips and followed her chin all the way down to the delicate collarbone under her neck.

Qi Yu bowed her head and gnawed on her collarbone. His teeth gently rubbed her delicate skin. For a moment, Qi Yu really wanted to swallow her into her stomach.

Looking at the little girl who was limp like a chunshui, Qi Yu put his hand out of her clothes, then pinched her thigh and rubbed her body hard.

Ningmeng's body was so sensitive that she suddenly gasped and groaned softly, like a small brush gently scraping from the tip of Qi Yu's heart.

"What about the hands?"

Qi Yu grabbed Ningmeng's hand and pulled open his belt.


After half an hour, Qi Yu finally let go of Ningmeng's sore little hand.

Ningmeng left Qi Yu to clean up the mess on the bed, and quickly got out of bed and ran into the bathroom.

There is a large mirror in the bathroom. In the mirror, the girl in her pajamas and pajamas is wrinkled, her hair is messy, her lips are red, and her cheeks are flushed.

Ningmeng only glanced at it and then hurriedly looked away.

Ningmeng still has to go to school today. She took a hurried bath, and when she got dressed, she realized that she had just come in too fast and she didn't have any clothes.

"Mengmeng." As if he had a heart, Qi Yu knocked on the door outside: "Open the door and get your clothes."

Ningmeng opened the door to a small crack, hiding behind the door, raising his hand to grab the clothes in Qi Yu's hand, and then closing the door.

As vigilant as an anti-wolf.

Qi Yu, who was sitting in the wheelchair, smiled, he was relieved, so he didn't mind Ningmeng being so wary of him.

After Ningmeng was dressed and washed, Qi Yu went in to wash.

Although he is in a wheelchair, he still has the ability to take care of himself.

Ningmeng found the phone and looked at the time. Although the two had just been in bed for more than half an hour, because Ningmeng woke up early, there was still some time before class.

Ningmeng went out and turned the refrigerator. There were a lot of ingredients in the refrigerator, but when she saw the rows of eggs in the box, Ningmeng suddenly wanted to eat egg custard.

The egg custard is easy to make, and it does not take long. When Qi Yu is ready to wash and dress and come out of the room, Ningmeng just brings out two bowls of chive egg custard from the kitchen.

The two had breakfast, and the assistant came on time.

Ningmeng took a ride from Qi Yu to the school, and Qi Yu also watched Ningmeng enter the school in the car before letting the assistant drive away.

It’s less than two months before the college entrance examination. The students in the third year of high school are busy with their studies. Ningmeng did not come back to class after being called out yesterday afternoon. Everyone looked up when she entered the classroom, although she was curious. , But how many people have come to ask.

Ningmeng sat in her seat and drew out a test paper to slowly paint the questions.

At the beginning of the month, the teacher had already reviewed the knowledge learned in the past three years. Now the teachers in class are no longer giving lectures, just let everyone review independently, and give everyone some famous school materials and test papers.

The atmosphere in the classroom was tense. Even the male classmates in the back row who liked to play around were looking down and reading. On the contrary, Ning Meng became the most leisurely one.

Now Ningmeng lives in Qiyu, and the Chen family didn't even call her, as if she didn't remember her.

Ningmeng didn't return to Chen's house either. Qi Yu prepared a large wardrobe for her clothes, pants and shoes. Even if Ningmeng wears new clothes every day, it takes a long time to wear it out.

Moreover, because Ningmeng’s live broadcast of the question is well-known on the website. Therefore, every month, a stationery company will send her school supplies, hoping to take advantage of the popularity of Lemon Meng.

However, for the previous Bai Ningmeng, it is also a mutually beneficial thing. There are free learning tools and promotion fees.

In the past, when Bai Ningmeng broadcasted the live broadcast, all the paper, pen and stationery exercise books and test papers used were sent by the sponsoring company.

This time, the sponsoring company contacted Ningmeng again to send her a new batch of school supplies.

Ningmeng took all the orders and threw Qiyu's apartment address to the other party by the way.

The sponsoring company sent a lot of things. After the live broadcast, Ningmeng randomly selected some netizens during the live broadcast and gave out these endless stationery as rewards.

Ningmeng's live broadcast business is in full swing, and the treatment of Qi Yu's legs has not fallen behind.

After Qiyu's thighs also felt faintly, Ningmeng gave him a half-hour massage every day in addition to needles and medicinal baths.

In just one month, Qi Yu's legs got up from the wheelchair.

This recovery speed is faster than Ning Meng imagined.

However, when Qi Yu was able to get up from the wheelchair, the two did not let the third person know.

Qiyu still uses a wheelchair to go to work in the company during the day. Only after returning home from get off work in the evening, he does rehabilitation training in a small apartment.

After Qiyu stood up, Ningmeng's acupuncture and medicated baths did not stop.

After another half month, Qi Yu could walk on his own without relying on crutches.

Although the walking speed is a bit slow, as far as Qi Yu is concerned, a complete recovery is already in sight.

Just when Qiyu's legs were able to walk on their own, this year's college entrance examination also came as scheduled.

For other students, the college entrance examination is the first watershed in their lives and they have to be treated with caution.

But for Ningmeng, it was one of the many things she experienced in the mission world.

However, when Ningmeng sat in the examination room and faced the handed out test papers, Ningmeng's face looked extremely cautious.

This is the first time after she came to this world, she didn't have to hide her true strength when taking exams.

Bai Ning has been in hiding for many years and waited a long time for this day.

Now, Ningmeng will do his best to provide a satisfactory answer for Bai Ningmeng's future wings.

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