God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 833: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs giants with disabilities 20

The college entrance examination is three days, and the results will not be announced until half a month later.

After the college entrance examination is over, Ningmeng is also completely free. She can't help herself out of indulging in games every day. The only thing to do is to go to the company to deliver food to Qiyu.

This is what Ningmeng heard Qi Yu's assistant say by accident.

Qi Yu has a lot of things this month, and he also wants to handle everything during the day and go home with Ningmeng at night. Therefore, Qiyu often forgets to eat when he gets busy.

Ningmeng ate it at school at noon, and Qi Yu hadn't said it in front of her, so Ningmeng never knew about it.

But after knowing it, how could Ningmeng stand on the sidelines.

So Ningmeng went to the company to deliver meals to Qiyu at noon every day and supervised his meals.

Not to mention, in order to make Ningmeng travel more convenient, Qi Yu also assigned a personal driver to Ningmeng. So Ningmeng came more diligent.

Although she came to the company to deliver food to Qiyu, Ningmeng didn't leave after delivering the food.

While eating in Qiyu, Ningmeng looked at the files on Qiyu's desk as high as a hill, walked over and flipped through it, with a slightly curious look.

Seeing how interested she was, Qi Yu asked, "Want to learn?"

"Hmm, so I can help you." Ningmeng nodded obediently.

Although she has done so many tasks, Ningmeng really can't handle these official affairs.

It seems that in every world before, the person responsible for these things is Qi Yu.

Ningmeng suddenly wanted to learn.

"Then I will teach you." Qi Yu nodded, but it didn't hurt Ningmeng's interest.

Therefore, every afternoon, Qi Yu will guide Ning Meng while handling official duties.

Ningmeng's learning ability is very strong, and Qi Yu is also a good teacher.

Qi Yu has 10,000% trust in Ningmeng, and when teaching Ningmeng, he didn't hide any privacy.

But in just one week, Ningmeng was able to understand some simple contracts.

It wasn't until half a month later that Ningmeng could not only understand the contract, and more keenly grasp the loopholes in the contract, but also began to help Qiyu share some official duties.

Being able to help Qiyu makes Ningmeng very happy, and she runs more diligent in Qiyu company every day.

Even people in the company are familiar with the existence of Ningmeng. When everyone was okay, they wore a little vest in the group to anonymously guess the identity of Ningmeng and the relationship between Ningmeng and Qi Yu. There were all kinds of speculations.

At noon that day, Ningmeng brought the insulation box and came to deliver meals to Qiyu again.

The driver Xiao Wang had other things to do. After sending Ningmeng to the company downstairs, he drove away.

Ningmeng came to the company every day during this period, and everyone knows that she has an unusual relationship with Qi Yu.

Even if Ningmeng didn't have a work card, no one stopped her.

Qi Yu's office is on the 28th floor, and Ningmeng takes the elevator up.

In the middle of the journey, the elevator stopped for a while, and a tall young man in a navy blue suit walked in.

Ningmeng stood aside and didn't care.

But the other party is a little inexplicable.

He leaned on the other side of the elevator without concealing his actions. He looked at Ningmeng so carelessly. Although there was a slight smile on his handsome face, his gaze made Ningmeng dislike it. , Because he looked at Ningmeng with undisguised malice and contempt.

Ningmeng frowned and looked up at him.

Miansheng is someone who has never met before.

After confirming, Ningmeng lowered her head.

He and Ningmeng were going to different floors until the elevator reached the twenty-sixth floor, and the elevator door slowly opened with a tink.

The man finally withdrew the gaze that fell on Ningmeng, without saying a word from start to finish, and pulled his leg away cleanly.

Ningmeng glanced at his back, raised his hand and pressed the close button.

Arriving on the 28th floor, after entering Qiyu's office, Ningmeng sat on the sofa. While eating at Qiyu, she inevitably told him about the person she met in the elevator.

"Twenty-sixth floor." Qi Yu repeated the floor Ningmeng said, with a hint of coldness in his eyes. Qi Yu told Ningmeng: "When you see this person in the future, you don't need to be polite with him, and don't be afraid. It will cause me trouble."

"Okay!" Ning Meng's eyes lit up suddenly. In the elevator just now, Ningmeng watched the man dressed like a dog. She was afraid of causing trouble to Qi Yu, so she didn't say a word.


"Who is he?" Ningmeng was still a little curious.

Qi Yu: "Wen Jinsheng."

Ningmeng frowned, she was actually from the Wen family. If she remembers correctly, Qi Yu's stepmother now has two sons, the older one is Wen Chenyu, and the younger one is Wen Jinsheng.

Knowing that it was an enemy, Ningmeng had no good impression of Wen Jinsheng.

Ningmeng got up from the sofa and walked towards her desk.

Because she often stays here in Qiyu for all afternoons, for convenience, Qiyu specially asked people to add a small desk and chair to her office, and it was next to Qiyu's desk.

One big and one small, lined up and even harmonious.

On the small desk, there was a small pile of unprocessed documents.

"Are these the files I have to deal with this afternoon?" Ningmeng picked up one casually and looked at it.

Qi Yu nodded: "Well, take a look, just ask me if you don't understand."

"Okay." Ningmeng sat on the office chair, looking down and carefully reading the documents in her hand.

However, when sitting in the chair, Ningmeng always felt as if she had forgotten something important. However, when she thought about it carefully, she couldn't remember it again.

Ningmeng frowned, and when she couldn't remember it, she temporarily threw it aside, focusing on the things in front of her.

Until a long time later, the phone in the Ning Meng bag suddenly rang an incoming call ringtone.

Ningmeng glanced at the disturbed Qi Yu, and immediately took the phone out of her bag.

What was displayed on the phone screen was an unfamiliar phone number.

In this world, Ningmeng has no other contacts except Qi Yu.

Even the former classmates, after graduation, Ningmeng broke contact with them.

These days, apart from contacting Qi Yu, Ningmeng has no one else to contact, and no one can contact her.

Now, Ningmeng looked down at this strange city number, and suddenly had a strange intuition in her heart.

This is probably someone she knows.

Ningmeng slid her finger and answered.

"Bai Ningmeng, are you able to be longer? No wonder I couldn't get through your phone the morning Chen Yan was injured. It turns out that you blacked me out! Do you still have my mother in your eyes? Ah?! "

Almost after Ningmeng answered the call, the other party's angry roar came from the phone.

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