God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 834: Live broadcast of small internet celebrities vs giants with disabilities 22

However, thanks to the other party's roar, Ningmeng recognized her in an instant. It turned out that Liu Ping called her.

Ever since Ningmeng pinched Chen Yan's neck that morning, she lived in Qiyu's apartment to broadcast the game, but Liu Ping kept calling.

In order not to affect her mood, Ningmeng not only hung up her phone when she called, but also dragged her closer to the blacklist, which has not been released so far.

However, how long it has been, Liu Ping is actually reacting now, and one can imagine her neglect and indifference towards Ningmeng in her heart.

"You called, is there anything wrong?" Ningmeng said hard.

Liu Ping was stunned for a moment because of Ningmeng's cold tone, and she couldn't believe that Ningmeng would dare to speak to her in this tone one day.

During this time, with the help of Wen's family, the Chen family's career was flourishing. There were even many small groups rushing forward to cheat on the Chen family, and even more people came to invite Liu Ping out for afternoon tea.

During this period of time, Liu Ping was used to listening to comfortable words, and quickly adapted to this kind of life held by others.

Suddenly, hearing Ningmeng's unkind words, Liu Ping frowned immediately after reacting, and she wanted to teach Ningmeng a lesson. But after meeting Chen Yan's gloomy gaze next to him, Liu Ping finally woke up, and immediately remembered her purpose of calling Ningmeng.

Liu Ping gave a dry cough, trying to break the unpleasant atmosphere between herself and Ningmeng, and then said: "I want you to help me on something."

"What?" Ningmeng curled her lips, her eyes were cold, as if watching the excitement.

But Liu Ping at the end of the phone couldn't see the indifferent look on Ningmeng's face. Instead, she was pleased by her "obedient" answer.

Liu Ping said with a sense of self-confidence, "Today is the day for the college entrance examination results. I believe your scores should also come out. Chen Yan fell ill and caught a cold on the day of the college entrance examination. If you are sent to Kyoto University for class, why not let them send Chen Yan in too."

Ningmeng did not answer Liu Ping's words, but looked down at the date on the phone.

Indeed, today is the day for the college entrance examination report card, no wonder she has just felt that she has forgotten something important.

So that's it.

Seeing that Ningmeng did not speak, Liu Ping on the phone slightly raised her voice: "Bai Ningmeng, can you hear me talking to you?"

"I heard it." Ningmeng replied, "But Wenjia won't send it."

"Why?" Liu Ping looked astonished, isn't Wenjia so stingy.

"Because I don't agree." After Ningmeng finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Moreover, Ningmeng also easily pulled this unfamiliar number into the blacklist.

After being hung up over there, Liu Ping, after reacting, really redialed Ningmeng's number for the first time, but he was notified that the other party was on the phone.

What else does Liu Ping do not understand? Ningmeng has simply pulled her into the blacklist once again!

Liu Ping looked angry and threw the phone in her hand on the sofa.

"Aunt Liu." Chen Yan, who was sitting on the other sofa, held the phone in her hand with an unhappy expression: "This is my phone."

"...I'm sorry, Yan Yan, I was so angry just now." Liu Ping reacted immediately, the expression on her face changed from cloudy to clear, with a smile on her face: "But don't worry, I will go to Ningmeng myself tomorrow. She agreed to take you to Kyoto University to sign up, otherwise I would not recognize her as a daughter."

"Forget it." Chen Yan sneered: "I think she didn't put your mother in her eyes. I'll talk to my dad when I'm late and let him talk to Wen's family."

Chen Yan rushed upstairs, feeling that she was really crazy just now before agreeing to Liu Ping's proposal.

Now, maybe Bai Ningmeng is laughing at her!

Chen Yan's thoughts are a bit of a villain's heart to save the abdomen of a gentleman.

Ningmeng is not so boring to laugh at her.

After Ningmeng hung up the phone, although she laughed twice, she was laughing at Liu Ping's innocence.

Even if Ningmeng has only been in this world for a few months, she already knows from other classmates how difficult it is for students from China to get into Kyoto University.

Kyoto University is one of the most famous universities in China and one of the most difficult universities to enter.

Every year, Kyoto University's admission threshold scores are very high, and the number of new students enrolled every year is very small.

Ningmeng recalled Chen Yan's previous exam scores.

Although her grades are good, if she does not perform exceptionally during the college entrance examination, it is still very difficult to enter Kyoto University.

Moreover, for such a prestigious university, people who rush to invest in the school every day do not know the geometry.

Such universities are not tempted by money, nor are they afraid of oppression by power.

It is extremely difficult to enter this school through the back door.

Liu Ping actually asked Wen Jia to stuff Chen Yan in. It was a wishful thinking and a dream.

When Ningmeng had just spoken, she turned on the speakerphone, and Qi Yu, who was sitting at her desk, heard what Liu Ping had just said.

"It seems that the Chen family has been too comfortable during this period, and it is too bloated." Qi Yu said.

"Yes, yes, so, host, do you want to find something for Chen Jianxin to do?" Ningmeng held the phone, tilted her head and blinked at Qi Yu.

During this period, Qi Yu not only gave Ningmeng how to read and process files, but also taught Ningmeng a lot of insidious and cunning ways in business.

Ningmeng has been studying here in Qiyu for the past half month, and she has read several documents on cooperation between Qiyu sent and Chen Jianxin. On the surface, the treaties of these contracts are indeed beneficial to Chen Jianxin, and Chen Jianxin has also relied on Wen Jia to make a profit in the past few months.

If Ningmeng didn't see another instruction from Qiyu...

Although Ningmeng didn't say this directly, Qi Yu understood what she meant.

A faint smile appeared on Qi Yu's face: "Okay, it's all up to you."

Qi Yu called and began to give orders to the special assistant.

Ningmeng grunted happily, and sat on the sofa to check her college entrance examination results.

At this time, the mobile phone in her hand buzzed and vibrated suddenly, and it was Ningmeng who was at the same table in school before giving her a voice call.

Ning Meng's finger slipped and then took a second.

The excited voice of the same table suddenly came from the mobile phone: "Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng! Our college entrance examination results have come out! Have you seen it?"

"Yeah, I've already watched it." Ningmeng's tone was calm.

I probably know that Ningmeng usually does not perform well, and his scores on the college entrance examination this time will not be too high, so the same table did not ask how Ningmeng did in the exam, but laughed and said: "I'm telling you a good news. Liu Chengyun's score in the college entrance examination was 746! The head teacher was surprised by his score. Everyone is speculating that he is likely to become the number one scholar in the provincial college entrance examination this year!"

"Oh." Ningmeng replied casually. Her plain attitude probably made the tablemate a bit boring, and she ended the call without saying a few words.

However, after the call was over, on the screen of Ningmeng’s mobile phone, her college entrance examination scores had been queried. At the end of the row of subject scores, the total score was 749.

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